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Taras Martyniuk TarasMartynyuk

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group: Schedule
Lektor = {
Id:number, Name:string, WorkPlace:string, Phone:string, Sci:string
0, Usch, Nowhere, 0501110022, NoDegree
1, AnotherName, StillNowhere, 0501110044, YetAnotherNoDegree
2, Rock, Somewhere, 0501110033, SomeDegree
-- Pract1
group: Pract1
R1 = {
Name:string, course:string, mark:string
Me, db, A
Friend, cpp, F
Precision "точність": What fraction of the returned results are relevant to the information need?
tp / len(chosen) = tp / (tp + fp)
Recall - "повнота": What fraction of the relevant documents in the collection were returned by the system?
== sensitivity:
tp / (tp + fn)
accuracy - "правильність":
(tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)
function vb(n) {
var binary = n.toString(2);
var expectedLength = Math.ceil(binary.length / 7) * 7; // works
var sevenByteBlocks = binary.padStart(expectedLength, '0').match(/\d{7}/g);
var lastElemIdx = sevenByteBlocks.length - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < lastElemIdx; i++) {
sevenByteBlocks[i] = '0' + sevenByteBlocks[i];
sevenByteBlocks[lastElemIdx] = '1' + sevenByteBlocks[lastElemIdx];
return sevenByteBlocks.join('');