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Created July 20, 2011 09:52
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Save TauPan/1094692 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
extremely dirty first shell version of xmms2continue
searchterm=$(echo $(curl|grep -A1 item|grep title|head -1|sed -e 's/<title>\(.*\)<\/title>/\1/'|tr -dc \ A-z0-9))
artist=$(echo $(xmms2 search $searchterm -l artist|tail -2|head -1))
album=$(echo $(xmms2 search $searchterm -l album|tail -2|head -1))
title=$(echo $(xmms2 search $searchterm -l title|tail -2|head -1))
xmms2 stop
xmms2 clear
xmms2 add artist:"$artist" album:"$album" -o "artist date tracknr"
xmms2 jump $title
xmms2 play
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