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Last active August 14, 2019 20:14
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  • Save Taytay/3cc046043f49d13c0a02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Taytay/3cc046043f49d13c0a02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Part of our Hubot script that responds to commands in Github Pull Requests - use in conjunction with
# Description:
# Helper commands for YNAB Pull Requests
# Commands:
# hubot rebuild - Rebuilds this branch.
# hubot ketchup|catchup|catch_up|upbase|reverse integrate|reverse_integrate|backmerge|back_merge - Merges the target branch back into this pull request branch.
TextMessage = require('hubot').TextMessage
GitHubApi = require("github"); #
module.exports = (robot) ->
# Respond requires it to start with the name of the robot
githubClient = new GitHubApi(version: "3.0.0", debug:false)
type: "oauth",
token: process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN
robot.on "github-repo-event", (repoEvent) =>
# Note that this assumes you are using the Hubot Github adapter, because it tries to comment on a github issue like
# user/repo/issueNumber
# And that's only valid if you are using the github adapter.
switch repoEvent.eventType
when "pull_request"
payload = repoEvent.payload
if (payload.action == "opened")
robot.send room: getRoomFromRepositoryAndIssue(payload), "I'm your friendly neighborhood Github robot, and I can help you with your pull requests. For a list of the things I can do, just write:\n@#{} help"
when "status"
payload = repoEvent.payload
switch payload.state
when "failure", "error" #success, failure, error
# We can just comment on this failed commit:
repoOwner = payload.repository.owner.login
repoName =
# Merge commits have one extra commit inside the first one
commitAuthor = || payload.commit.commit?.author.login
githubClient.repos.createCommitComment {
user: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
sha: payload.commit.sha,
commit_id: payload.commit.sha,
body: "@#{commitAuthor}: It looks like the last build failed for this commit: [#{payload.description}](#{payload.target_url})"
}, (err, success) ->
if (err)
robot.logger.error err
# TODO: Should preface these commands with "pr" to separate them from others
robot.respond /ketchup|catchup|catch_up|upbase|reverse integrate|reverse_integrate|backmerge|back_merge/i, (response) ->
githubPayload = response.envelope.message.githubPayload
if (githubPayload)
getPullRequest githubPayload,
(err, pull_request) ->
if (err)
replyMessage = err.toString()
branch_name = pull_request.head.ref
base_branch = pull_request.base.ref
pr_branch = pull_request.head.ref
if (!pull_request.mergeable)
response.send "Unfortunately, there would be merge conflicts, so you'll have to do that merge manually."
else if (pull_request.merged)
response.send "It looks like this PR has already been merged into #{base_branch}, so what would be the point?"
githubClient.repos.merge {
user: githubPayload.repository.owner.login,
base: pr_branch, # The branch we're merging INTO
head: base_branch # The branch we're merging FROM
}, (mergeError, result) ->
if (mergeError)
response.send("I tried merging #{base_branch} into #{pr_branch}, but ran into an error: \n"+mergeError.toString())
else if (result.meta.status == '204 No Content')
response.send("Nothing to do. It looks like #{base_branch} is already merged into #{pr_branch}")
response.send("Done! I merged #{base_branch} into this PR (#{pr_branch})...\n")
# This is very specific to YNAB's process: Assumes use of Jenkins, etc
robot.respond /rebuild/i, (response) ->
githubPayload = response.envelope.message.githubPayload
if (githubPayload)
# Now, let's rebuild
# This is the Github command that we need to run:
# `jenkins build YNAB_Branch_Builder, branch_to_build=feature/flag_popover`
# But of course, we need to know the name of our branch
# So first, let's find out if we're in a pull request or not
getPullRequest githubPayload,
(err, pull_request) ->
if (err)
replyMessage = err.toString()
branch_name = pull_request.head.ref
console.log("You want to rebuild: #{branch_name}")
# user = robot.brain.userForId 'broadcast'
robot.receive(new TextMessage(response.envelope.message.user, "#{} jenkins build YNAB_Branch_Builder, branch_to_build=#{branch_name}"))
replyMessage = "No problem. I've queued up a Jenkins build for branch '#{branch_name}'."
# Multiline echo - Echos back whatever you type after 'echo'. Useful for testing
# robot.respond /echo ([\s\S]*)/mi, (response) ->
# console.log(response)
# response.send(response.match[1])
# Helper methods:
getPullRequest = (githubPayload, callback) ->
if (githubPayload.issue.pull_request?)
issueNumber = getIssueNumberFromPayload(githubPayload)
githubClient.pullRequests.get {
user: githubPayload.repository.owner.login,
number: issueNumber,
}, callback
callback(new Error("This issue isn't a pull request"), null)
getPullRequestForBranch = (owner, repo, branchName, callback) ->
githubClient.pullRequests.getAll {
user: owner,
repo: repo,
head: "#{owner}:#{branchName}"
}, callback
getRoomFromRepositoryAndIssue = (payload) ->
issueNumber = getIssueNumberFromPayload(payload)
return "#{payload.repository.owner.login}/#{}/#{issueNumber}"
getRoomString = (owner, repo, issueNumber) ->
return "#{owner}/#{repo}/#{issueNumber}"
getIssueNumberFromPayload = (payload) ->
issueNumber = payload.issue?.number
issueNumber ||= payload.pull_request?.number
return issueNumber
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