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Created May 31, 2020 19:50
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// Here is the link to the playground for the following code:
class Dog {
animalHasFourLegs = true;
public dogName: string = "";
public init(params: DogParams) {
console.log('I am a dog, and I got these params: ' + params.dogValue);
class Cat {
animalHasFourLegs = true;
public catName: string = "";
public init(params: CatParams) {
console.log('I am a cat, and I got these params: ' + params.catValue);
class DogParams {
public dogValue: number = 0;
animalHasFourLegs = true
class CatParams {
public catValue: number = 0;
animalHasFourLegs = true
enum Kind {
DogKind = 'DogKind',
CatKind = 'CatKind',
const kindMap = {
[Kind.DogKind]: Dog,
[Kind.CatKind]: Cat,
type KindMap = typeof kindMap;
type Tuples<K = Kind> = K extends Kind ? [
InstanceType<(typeof kindMap)[K]> extends
{ init: (a: infer P) => any } ? P : never
] : never;
// const paramsMap = {
// [Kind.DogKind]: DogParams,
// [Kind.CatKind]: CatParams,
// };
// type ParamsMap = typeof paramsMap;
// Here it is just using the ParamsMap
// type Tuples<K = Kind> = K extends Kind ? [
// K,
// InstanceType<KindMap[K]>,
// InstanceType<ParamsMap[K]>
// ] : never;
type ClassType<K extends Kind> = Extract<Tuples, [K, any, any]>[1];
type ParamsType<K extends Kind> = Extract<Tuples, [K, any, any]>[2];
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never
type Fnc<T = Tuples> = UnionToIntersection<
T extends Tuples ? (key: T[0], p: T[2]) => T[1] : never
const getAnimalInstance: Fnc = function <K extends Kind>(key: K, params: ParamsType<K>): ClassType<K> {
const animalKlass = kindMap[key];
const animalInstance = new animalKlass();
return animalInstance;
// works, AND has good intellisense!
const cat = getAnimalInstance(Kind.CatKind, new CatParams());
// The trouble is, our ParamsType<K> and ClassType<K> look good from the _outside_ of the function, but they actually allow for dangerous
// things INSIDE of the function, because types types resolve to any.
// Proof:
function getAnimalInstance2<K extends Kind>(key: K, params: ParamsType<K>): ClassType<K> {
const animalKlass = kindMap[key];
const animalInstance = new animalKlass();
// This should be an error:
const num : number = params;
// This is an error, and it reveals what `params` are here: any
// Type 'Extract<[Kind.DogKind, Dog, DogParams], [K, any, any]>[2] | Extract<[Kind.CatKind, Cat, CatParams], [K, any, any]>[2]' is not assignable to type 'never'.
// Type 'Extract<[Kind.DogKind, Dog, DogParams], [K, any, any]>[2]' is not assignable to type 'never'.
// Type 'any' is not assignable to type 'never'.
const proof : never = params;
// This should be an error:
return 5;
// So, how do we fix this?
type SaferClassType<K extends Kind> = Extract<Tuples, [K, Dog | Cat, DogParams | CatParams]>[1];
type SaferParamsType<K extends Kind> = Extract<Tuples, [K, Dog | Cat, DogParams | CatParams]>[2];
// Well, we can do this, but we're back to where we started:
function getAnimalInstance25<A extends Kind>(key: A, params: SaferParamsType<A>): SaferClassType<A> {
const animalKlass = kindMap[key as any as Kind];
const animalInstance = new animalKlass();
// It just knows that params is TypeFromTuple8<A>. It doesn't realize it's a number in here, even though there are only two possible values of A
// But now this is an error:
// Type 'DogParams | (CatParams & DogParams)' is not assignable to type 'CatParams'.
// Property 'catValue' is missing in type 'DogParams' but required in type 'CatParams'.
// And so is this:
// Type 'Dog' is not assignable to type 'Cat | (Dog & Cat)'.
// Type 'Dog' is not assignable to type 'Dog & Cat'.
// Property 'catName' is missing in type 'Dog' but required in type 'Cat'.
return animalInstance;
// Conclusion: The Extract trick gave us a way to have correct looking function signatures outside of the function, while resolving the types to `any` and allowing anything to happen inside of the function. That actually is kinda cool, but sadly not as safe as we would have liked.
// I still don't know a way to make this safer.
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