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Forked from frankyxhl/
Last active July 10, 2023 02:35
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Python script to send email by's mail service
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.header import Header
from email.utils import formataddr
sender_email = ''
sender_password = ''
def init(email, password):
global sender_email, sender_password
sender_email = email
sender_password = password
print("Sender email and password initialized.")
def send_email(sender_title, recipient, subject, message):
if not sender_email or not sender_password:
print("Error: Sender email and password not initialized.")
# Create message
msg = MIMEText(message, 'plain', 'utf-8')
msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
msg['From'] = formataddr((str(Header(sender_title, 'utf-8')), sender_email))
msg['To'] = recipient
# Create server object with SSL option
# Change below, corresponds to your location in the world.
# For instance if you are in Europe or if you are in India.
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465)
# Perform operations via server
server.login(sender_email, sender_password)
server.sendmail(sender_email, [recipient], msg.as_string())
print("Email sent successfully!")
except Exception as e:
print('Error sending email:', str(e))
# Example usage
import emailSender
emailSender.init('[email protected]', 'WnugAra5xgyA')
sender_title = "Divyessh Sivakumar"
recipient_email = '[email protected]'
email_subject = "Meeting Time"
email_message = "Hey, what time is the meeting later? Sincerely, Divyessh"
emailSender.send(sender_title, recipient_email, email_subject, email_message)
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