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Last active January 30, 2021 18:44
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Reverse engineering the pfizer vaccine:

COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 / Novel Coronavirus

The virus named 'Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2' (SARS-CoV-2), previously known by the provisional name '2019 Novel Coronavirus' (2019-nCoV), causes COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019).

Be watchful of bad COVID-19 related 'studies' and advice... There's a lot of very questionable stuff making it to the outlets because of the rush put on the investigations into the virus at the moment [0].

I've put this together because it's the most trustworthy information and the sources you can trust. Ignore the memes and run everything you hear past the WHO FAQ[3] and before believing or sharing.

Remember that it remains infectious for up to (and maybe beyond) 3 days on most surfaces. That means don't vacuum or shake out possibly contaminated surfaces or clothes. It seems to remain viable in the air for Up to 3 hours so in some situations 6 feet/2 meters is just not enough.

I really recommend reading every source cited here except maybe for the scientific publications ([1]a and [4]). Especially:

Incubation period[1]

The period during which you may not show ANY symptoms, BUT STILL BE INFECTIOUS:
Mean: 5.1 Days
Max: ~11.5 Days


Some may have COVID-19 and be asymptomatic or the common symptoms may not be severe, but for some of us and our loved ones they will escalate to permanent lung damage and death. So please be take it seriously.

Common Symptoms[2]:

  • a cough
  • a high temperature
  • shortness of breath

Less Common Symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat

Can progress to[3]:

  • pneumonia
  • multi-organ failure
  • death

What to do

If you suspect you are ill

Call your healthcare provider before you do anything or go anywhere.

Follow the steps here to prevent spreading:

Self-isolation; is it paranoia?

No. Isolate now.. we're already further up the spread in the west than Chinese territories and those areas with SARS experience[5] except for Korea, which is evidence to why you'll want to isolate to avoid superspreaders[6]

If you're in the UK, consider signing this petition:

How to protect yourself

  1. Keep your distance from people
  2. Don't touch your face or public surfaces (SARS-CoV-2 survives on surfaces for up to and maybe beyond 2-3 days[4]
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water as if they are coated in molasses
  4. Wash your hands frequently, especially when you get home


Indications are that you have to breathe it in, so don't freak out or get paranoid, but don't take chances either. If we prevent spread now, we can kill the virus before it kills our loved ones.

Official sources


Situation Reports:




[0] Fake News stats and data:
[1] Incubation period:
a) Scientific publication:
b) Easy to understand article:
[2] Symptoms:
[3] Who FAQ:
[4] Preprint study on how long SARS-CoV-2 will survive on different surfaces:
[5] An article everyone should read on the effects of isolation on the spread of the infection: [6] Patient 31 infected thousands without knowing it:

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