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A webserver… written as a shell script. This is a terrible idea. MIT license
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#!/bin/bash | |
# Let's write a webserver in Bash because haha why not | |
# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 TerrorBite <[email protected]> | |
# | |
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy | |
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal | |
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights | |
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell | |
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is | |
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
# | |
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all | |
# copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
# | |
# - Can handle multiple simultaneous connections | |
# - Can run both HTTP and HTTPS | |
# - Directory listing if directory is requested | |
# - Supports Connection: keep-alive | |
# - Supports gzip compression if requested by the browser | |
# - Supports redirect to HTTPS if requested by the browser | |
# - Supports If-None-Match/If-Modified-Since (sends Last-Modified and ETag) | |
# - Any request that is not a GET request (no support for POST, HEAD, ...) | |
# - being run under any shell other than bash | |
if [ -z ${BASH_VERSION+bash} ]; then | |
echo "It appears this script is not being run in the Bash shell." | |
echo "This script relies upon Bash features, and is NOT portable." | |
echo "It probably isn't possible to make a POSIX version of this script." | |
exit | |
fi | |
# Settings (readonly) | |
: SETTINGS; { | |
# What ports shall we listen on? | |
declare -r bashttpd_listen_port=8080 bashttpd_listen_port_ssl=8443 # Listening ports | |
# What is our canonical hostname? | |
declare -r | |
#What directory is our webroot in? (Default is the current directory where we were launched) | |
declare -r bashttpd_webroot=$(pwd) | |
# Where is our access log? (Default is in /tmp for no particular reason) | |
declare -r bashttpd_access_log='/tmp/bashttpd.access.log' | |
# Should HTTP requests be redirected to HTTPS? | |
# No: Don't ever redirect HTTP to HTTPS | |
# Yes: Redirect to HTTPS if the client asks via Upgrade-Insecure-Requests | |
# Force: Always redirect any HTTP request to HTTPS | |
declare -r bashttpd_redirect_to_https=No | |
# Where are our HTTPS certificate and key files located? | |
declare -r certfile=/tmp/$bashttpd_hostname.bashttpd.crt.pem keyfile=/tmp/$bashttpd_hostname.bashttpd.key.pem | |
} | |
# Declare arrays | |
declare -A request_headers response_headers | |
declare -a status | |
declare -A settings | |
# HTTP status text | |
status[100]="Continue" | |
status[101]="Switching Protocols" | |
status[200]="OK" | |
status[201]="Created" | |
status[202]="Accepted" | |
status[203]="Non-Authoritative Information" | |
status[204]="No Content" | |
status[205]="Reset Content" | |
status[206]="Partial Content" # Used in reply to Range header | |
status[300]="Multiple Choices" | |
status[301]="Moved Permanently" | |
status[302]="Found" | |
status[303]="See Other" | |
status[304]="Not Modified" # Used with If-Modified-Since, If-Match | |
status[305]="Use Proxy" | |
status[307]="Temporary Redirect" # Used for redirecting HTTP to HTTPS, etc | |
status[400]="Bad Request" | |
status[402]="Payment Required" | |
status[403]="Forbidden" | |
status[404]="Not Found" | |
status[405]="Method Not Allowed" | |
status[406]="Not Acceptable" | |
status[408]="Request Timeout" | |
status[409]="Conflict" | |
status[410]="Gone" | |
status[416]="Range Not Satisfiable" # Used in reply to invalid Range header | |
status[418]="I'm a teapot" # Easter egg | |
status[500]="Internal Server Error" | |
status[501]="Not Implemented" # Used for POST, etc | |
status[502]="Bad Gateway" | |
status[503]="Service Unavailable" | |
status[504]="Gateway Timeout" | |
status[505]="HTTP Version Not Supported" # Used when someone requests HTTP2 | |
urlencode() { | |
# I don't really understand how this works, but it does so hey | |
local LC_ALL=C str="$1" safe='' | |
while [[ -n "$str" ]]; do | |
safe="${str%%[!a-zA-Z0-9/:_\.\-\!\'\(\)~]*}" | |
printf "%s" "$safe" | |
str="${str#"$safe"}" | |
if [[ -n "$str" ]]; then | |
printf "%%%02X" "'$str" | |
str="${str#?}" | |
fi | |
done | |
} | |
urldecode() { | |
local str="${1//+/%20}" | |
str="${1//\\/%5C}" | |
printf '%b' "${str//%/\\x}" | |
} | |
set_header() { | |
response_headers["$1"]="$2" | |
} | |
filesize() { | |
stat --printf="%s" "$1" | |
} | |
set_content_length() { | |
set_header Content-Length $(stat --printf='%s' "$1") | |
} | |
stderr() { | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: $@" >&2 | |
} | |
write_access_log() { | |
local -i responsecode="$1" bytes="${response_headers[Content-Length]}" | |
local referrer="${request_headers[referer]:+\"${request_headers[referer]}\"}" | |
referrer="${referrer:--}" | |
local useragent="${request_headers[user-agent]:+\"${request_headers[user-agent]}\"}" | |
useragent="${useragent:--}" | |
local cookie='-' #lazy | |
# NCSA Combined log format | |
local logline="${remote%:*} - - $(date +'[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]') \"${request}\" $responsecode $bytes $referrer $useragent $cookie" | |
# File locking to prevent workers overwriting each other | |
exec 7<> "$bashttpd_access_log" | |
flock --exclusive 7 | |
echo "$logline" >> "$bashttpd_access_log" | |
flock --unlock 7 | |
exec 7>&- | |
} | |
get_mime_type() { | |
local file_mime="$(file -ib "$1")" | |
local charset="${file_mime#*; }" | |
case "${1##*.}" in | |
html|htm) | |
echo "text/html; $charset" ;; | |
css) | |
echo "text/css; $charset" ;; | |
js) | |
echo "application/javascript; $charset" ;; | |
json) | |
echo "application/json; $charset" ;; | |
*) | |
# use file utility to determine mime type | |
file -ib "$1" ;; | |
esac | |
} | |
respond() { | |
# Sends an HTTP response header. Doesn't send body. | |
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 $1 ${status[$1]-Unknown Status}\r" | |
for header in "${!response_headers[@]}"; do | |
echo -e "$header: ${response_headers[$header]}\r" | |
done | |
echo -e "\r" | |
[[ -f "$2" ]] && cat "$2" | |
write_access_log $1 | |
} | |
send_error() { | |
local text="$2"$'\r\n' | |
set_header Content-Length ${#text} | |
set_header Content-Type "text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" | |
respond $1 | |
echo -n "$text" | |
} | |
serve_file() { | |
local filename="$1" | |
local etag | |
# try crc32 etag method, fall back to slower md5 method | |
printf -v etag "\"%x-%x\"" $(cksum < "$filename") | |
[[ ${#etag} -lt 8 ]] && printf -v etag "\"md5:%s\"" "$(md5sum "$filename" | cut -d' ' -f1)" | |
# alternate methods, don't need these | |
#local etag="\"$(echo -ne $(md5sum < | sed -e 's/..$//;s/../\\x&/g') | base64 | tr -d =)\"" | |
#local etag="\"$(openssl dgst -sha1 -binary | base64 | tr -d =)\"" | |
local -i should_serve=1 should_range=1 | |
if [[ -n ${request_headers['if-modified-since']} ]]; then | |
local -i mydate="$(stat --format="%Y" "$filename")" | |
local -i yourdate="$(date --date="${request_headers['if-modified-since']}" +%s)" | |
if [[ $mydate -le $yourdate ]]; then should_serve=0; fi | |
fi | |
if [[ -n ${request_headers['if-none-match']} ]]; then | |
if [[ "$etag" == "${request_headers['if-none-match']}" ]]; then should_serve=0; fi | |
fi | |
local -i response=200 | |
if [[ $should_serve -eq 1 ]]; then | |
if [[ -n ${request_headers['if-range']} ]]; then | |
local validator="${request_headers['if-range']}" | |
if [[ "$validator" == *\" ]]; then | |
# it's an ETag | |
if [[ "$etag" == "$validator" ]]; then should_range=0; fi | |
else | |
# it's a date | |
local -i mydate="$(stat --format="%Y" "$filename")" | |
local -i yourdate="$(date --date="$validator" +%s)" | |
if [[ $mydate -le $yourdate ]]; then should_range=0; fi | |
fi | |
fi | |
set_header Accept-Ranges bytes # Advertise that we support byte ranges | |
if [[ -n ${request_headers['range']} && $should_range -eq 1 ]]; then | |
if [[ ${request_headers['range']} == bytes=* ]]; then | |
local bytes="${request_headers['range']#bytes=}" | |
if [[ "$bytes" == *,* ]]; then | |
send_error 416 "Sorry, I don't know how to send multiple ranges at once" | |
return | |
fi | |
bytes="${bytes//[^0-9-]}" # sanitize | |
local -i begin end len filelen | |
filelen="$(filesize "$filename")" | |
bytes="${bytes/%-/-$filelen}" # if no end supplied, use filesize | |
begin="${bytes%%-*}" end="${bytes#*-}" | |
let len=$end+1-$begin | |
stderr "Range requested: bytes $begin-$end (len $len) for: $filename" | |
# Verify that the range is valid | |
if [[ $begin -le 0 || $begin -gt $end || $end -gt $filelen ]]; then | |
# Invalid range requested | |
send_error 416 "Range you requested is invalid" | |
return | |
fi | |
local tmpfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp "http${BASHPID}_XXXXX.tmp") | |
tail -c +$begin "$filename" | head -c $len > "$tmpfile" | |
set_header Content-Range "bytes ${begin}-${end}/$(filesize "$filename")" | |
filename="$tmpfile" | |
response=206 #Partial Content | |
else | |
# Got Range request that wasn't bytes as unit | |
send_error 416 "I don't understand the range units you're asking for" | |
return | |
fi | |
fi | |
# Set headers, ready for sending | |
set_header Content-Type "$(get_mime_type "$filename")" | |
set_header ETag "$etag" | |
local mdate="$(date --date="$(stat --format="%y" "$filename")" --rfc-2822)" | |
set_header Last-Modified "$mdate" | |
if [[ ${request_headers['accept-encoding']} == *'gzip'* && $(filesize "$filename") -gt 128 ]]; then | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Serving file (gzipped): $filename" >&2 | |
local gztmpfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp "http${BASHPID}_XXXXX.gz") | |
gzip -c "$filename" > "$gztmpfile" | |
set_header Content-Encoding gzip | |
filename="$gztmpfile" | |
else | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Serving file: $filename" >&2 | |
fi | |
set_content_length "$filename" | |
respond $response "$filename" | |
cat "$filename" | |
# remove tempfile if it exists | |
local pattern="/tmp/http${BASHPID}_?????.*" | |
if [[ -f $pattern ]]; then rm $pattern; fi | |
else | |
set_header Content-Length 0 | |
respond 304 | |
fi | |
} | |
serve_directory() { | |
echo "Listing directory: $1" >&2 | |
local uponelevel="" | |
local parent="${2%/*/}/" | |
if [[ "$2" != "/" ]]; then uponelevel="<a href=\"..\">Up one level</a>"; fi | |
local html="<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html> | |
<head><title>Directory listing for $2</title></head> | |
<body> | |
<h1>Directory listing for $2</h1> | |
$uponelevel | |
<ul> | |
$(ls -p "$1" | sed -r 's/^(.*$)$/ <li><a href="\1">\1<\/a><\/li>/') | |
</ul> | |
<hr> | |
<em>bashttpd server - HTTP(S) server written entirely in bash script</em> | |
</body> | |
</html>" | |
set_header Content_Type "text/html; charset=US-ASCII" | |
if [[ ${request_headers['accept-encoding']} == *'gzip'* ]]; then | |
# Browser accepts gzip. Send gzipped data | |
local tmpfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp http_XXXXX.gz) | |
echo "$html" | gzip -c > "$tmpfile" | |
set_header Content-Encoding gzip | |
set_header Content-Length $(stat --printf="%s" "$tmpfile") | |
respond 200 | |
cat "$tmpfile" | |
rm "$tmpfile" | |
else | |
set_header Content-Length ${#html} | |
respond 200 | |
echo -n "$html" | |
fi | |
} | |
serve_file_gzip() { | |
#echo "Serving file (gzipped): $1" >&2 | |
# This function isn't used: see serve_file() | |
: | |
} | |
process_request() { | |
local remote="$1" | |
local proto="${2-http}" | |
local method path version query | |
# Read start of HTTP request, timeout after 5 minutes | |
read -r -t $timeout method path version || { | |
if [[ $! > 127 ]]; then | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Read timed out: $remote" >&2 | |
else | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Remote closed the connection: $remote" >&2 | |
fi | |
return 1 | |
} | |
if [[ -z $method ]]; then | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: $remote sent empty line, hanging up" >&2 | |
return 1 | |
else | |
# save request for logging purposes | |
request="$method $path ${version%%$'\r'}" | |
local origpath="$path" | |
# split at first question mark, into path and query string | |
path="${origpath%%'?'*}" query="${origpath#*'?'}" | |
# NOTE: we don't actually use the query string | |
fi | |
# Clear any existing headers | |
request_headers=() response_headers=() | |
while true; do | |
IFS='' read -r -t 5 header | |
header=${header%%$'\r'} | |
if [[ ${#header} -eq 0 ]]; then break; fi | |
#echo "${#header} $header" >&2 | |
local -l headername="${header%%: *}" | |
request_headers[$headername]="${header#*: }" | |
done | |
set_header Connection close | |
set_header Server "bashttpd/1.0 ($(uname -o); bash $BASH_VERSION)" | |
set_header Date "$(date --rfc-2822)" | |
# Check that this is HTTP 1.x | |
if [[ ${version:0:7} != 'HTTP/1.' ]]; then | |
respond 505 #HTTP Version Not Supported | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: 505: Got unsupported HTTP version from $remote" >&2 | |
return 1 # close connection | |
fi | |
# Check that Host header is set | |
if [[ -z ${request_headers['host']} ]]; then | |
send_error 400 "You didn't send a Host: header" | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: 400: missing Host header from $remote" >&2 | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
# ok, we've successfully read a valid HTTP header. Future timeouts will be longer | |
timeout=300 | |
# If on HTTP, check Upgrade-Insecure-Requests header | |
if [[ $proto == 'http' ]]; then | |
if [[ ${bashttpd_redirect_to_https,,} == 'force' || \ | |
( ${bashttpd_redirect_to_https,,} == 'yes' && ${request_headers['upgrade-insecure-requests']} -eq 1 ) ]]; then | |
# We are on HTTP, but the client wants to use HTTPS | |
local host=${request_headers['host']%:*} # Get host header and strip off port | |
set_header Content-Length 0 | |
if [[ $bashttpd_listen_port_ssl -ne 443 ]]; then | |
# our HTTPS isn't on the default port 443, so include the port | |
set_header Location "https://$host:$bashttpd_listen_port_ssl$path" | |
else | |
set_header Location "https://$host$path" | |
fi | |
respond 307 # temp redirect | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: 307: redirecting $remote to HTTPS" >&2 | |
return 1 # close connection because we are switching protocols | |
fi | |
fi | |
set_header Connection "${request_headers['connection']-close}" | |
case "$method" in | |
GET) | |
if [[ "$path" != /* ]]; then | |
set_header Content-Length 0 | |
set_header Connection close | |
respond 400 | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
# Resolve requested filename | |
local filename="$(realpath -m "./$(urldecode "${path:1}")")" | |
if [[ $filename != $(pwd)* ]]; then | |
# Attempted directory traversal attack, deny it | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Denying 'GET $path' (file $filename)" >&2 | |
send_error 403 "Forbidden: Requested file is not in webroot" | |
elif [[ -d "$filename" ]]; then | |
# Requested path is a directory | |
if [[ "$path" != */ ]]; then | |
# If path doesn't end in a slash then redirect to the right address | |
set_header Location "$path/" | |
set_header Content-Length 0 | |
respond 307 | |
return 0 # keepalive | |
fi | |
# Look for an index file | |
if [[ -f "$filename/index.html" ]]; then | |
serve_file "$filename/index.html" | |
else | |
#TODO: Setting to switch between allowing and denying dir listings | |
#send_error 403 "Forbidden: Directory listings are not allowed" | |
serve_directory "$filename" "$(urldecode "$path")" | |
fi | |
#echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: DEBUG: Finished serving index file or directory to $remote" >&2 | |
elif [[ -f "$filename" ]]; then | |
if [[ -r "$filename" ]]; then | |
# Serve file | |
serve_file "$filename" | |
else | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: File not readable: $filename" >&2 | |
send_error 403 "Forbidden: The requested file is not readable" | |
fi | |
#echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: DEBUG: Finished serving requested file to $remote" >&2 | |
else | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: No such file: $filename" >&2 | |
send_error 404 "Not found: $http_path" | |
fi | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Finished GET request for $remote" >&2 | |
;; | |
BREW) | |
send_error 418 "Cannot brew coffee: this is a teapot" | |
;; | |
*) | |
if [[ "$method" =~ [[:upper:]][[:upper:]]+ ]]; then | |
# Sounds like an HTTP method we don't support | |
set_header Allow GET | |
send_error 501 "This server only supports HTTP GET requests." | |
else | |
# Received something that doesn't look like an HTTP method | |
# Client is probably not sending HTTP, so just hang up | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Got garbage from $remote - hanging up on them" >&2 | |
return 1 | |
fi;; | |
esac | |
#echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: DEBUG: Finished processing request from $remote" >&2 | |
if [[ ${request_headers['connection']} == 'keep-alive' ]]; then | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Keeping connection with $remote" >&2 | |
return 0 | |
fi | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Closing connection with $remote" >&2 | |
return 1 | |
} | |
accept() { | |
#echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: DEBUG: Worker $BASHPID started" >&2 | |
# Accepts incoming connections. Stdin and stdout go to the network. | |
cd "$bashttpd_webroot" | |
# use lsof on our parent to get the remote address | |
local remote="$(lsof -nP -p$PPID -a -i | tail -n1 | sed -r 's/^.*->(\S+).*$/\1/')" | |
if [[ -z $remote ]]; then | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Connection from unknown remote, aborting (worker exiting)" | |
return | |
fi | |
echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: Accepted $1 connection from $remote" >&2 | |
declare -gi timeout=5 # Set initial accept timeout to 5 seconds | |
# Process incoming HTTP requests until connection closed | |
while process_request "$remote" "$1"; do : ; done | |
#echo "$(date) [$BASHPID]: DEBUG: Worker $BASHPID exiting" >&2 | |
} | |
# --accept means the script is being executed as a worker thread. | |
# Stdin and stdout are connected to remote host | |
if [[ $1 == '--accept' ]]; then | |
accept http; exit | |
elif [[ $1 == '--accept-ssl' ]]; then | |
accept https; exit | |
fi | |
#coproc ncpipe { ncat -k -l $bashttpd_listen_port --exec "bash $1 --accept"; } | |
cleanup() { | |
echo -e "\rCaught Ctrl-C, shutting down listeners..." >&2 | |
kill -HUP $(jobs -p) | |
} | |
if [[ -f "$keyfile" && -f "$certfile" ]]; then | |
echo "Using existing cert/key files for SSL" | |
else | |
echo "Generating new self-signed cert/key files for SSL" | |
openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -sha256 -keyout $keyfile -out $certfile -subj "/C=AU/O=bashttpd/CN=$bashttpd_hostname" | |
fi | |
read -r common_name < <( | |
# this is disgustingly hacky | |
eval $(openssl x509 -in $certfile -subject -noout | tr / $'\n') | |
echo "$CN" | |
) | |
echo -n "Using HTTPS certificate issued to ‘$common_name’ with serial number " | |
openssl x509 -in "$certfile" -serial -noout | cut -d= -f2 | |
echo 'Certificate fingerprints:' | |
echo -n " SHA-256 " | |
openssl x509 -in "$certfile" -sha256 -fingerprint -noout | cut -d= -f2 | |
echo -n " SHA1 " | |
openssl x509 -in "$certfile" -sha1 -fingerprint -noout | cut -d= -f2 | |
# Launch socat or ncat as listener process. | |
# The listener will fork a worker for each accepted connection | |
# This works a lot like a usermode inetd | |
if command -v socat >/dev/null; then | |
socat TCP4-LISTEN:$bashttpd_listen_port,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"$SHELL -- $0 --accept" & | |
socat OPENSSL-LISTEN:$bashttpd_listen_port_ssl,reuseaddr,fork,verify=0,certificate="$certfile",key="$keyfile" EXEC:"$SHELL -- $0 --accept-ssl" & | |
echo "Now listening using socat listeners" >&2 | |
elif command -v ncat >/dev/null; then | |
echo "socat is not available, falling back to ncat" >&2 | |
ncat --keep-open --listen $bashttpd_listen_port --exec "$SHELL -- $0 --accept" & | |
ncat --keep-open --listen $bashttpd_listen_port_ssl --ssl --ssl-cert "$certfile" --ssl-key "$keyfile" --exec "$SHELL -- $0 --accept-ssl" & | |
echo "Now listening using ncat listeners" >&2 | |
else | |
echo "No listener available (tried socat, ncat)" >&2 | |
echo "Recommend installing socat" >&2 | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
trap cleanup SIGINT | |
echo "http://$bashttpd_hostname:$bashttpd_listen_port/" | |
echo "https://$bashttpd_hostname:$bashttpd_listen_port_ssl/" | |
wait | |
# Clean up stray temp files | |
#rm /tmp/http[0-9]*[0-9]_?????.* | |
exit | |
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