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Last active December 4, 2023 19:17
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Obsidian: Archive current file and then open next file in folder (Templater script)
Updated: 9/20/2022
Author: TfTHacker
Requirements: Templater Plugin for Obsidian
Description: This script performs the following actions:
1. Moves current file to the archive folder (defined in the variable archivePath)
if archivePath is null, a folders in the vault will be presented for selection
let archivePath = null;
let archivePath = '/test/path/;
2. Opens next file in current folder into the active window pane in Obsidian
- 9/20/2022: Small fix to make this script compatible with Templater 1.14.3
let archivePath = null;
// FUNCTION - saves the last destination folder to localStorage for list of Recent Folders
const setRecentFolderToLocalStorage = ( folderPath )=> {
const localStorage = window.localStorage.getItem('TfTHacker-RecentFolders');
let recentFilePathsInStorage = localStorage==null ? [] : localStorage.split(',');
if( !recentFilePathsInStorage.includes(folderPath) )
else {
recentFilePathsInStorage = recentFilePathsInStorage.filter( e=> e != folderPath ); //remove folder if already in list
recentFilePathsInStorage.unshift(folderPath); //add folder to top of the list
if(recentFilePathsInStorage.length>4) recentFilePathsInStorage = recentFilePathsInStorage.slice(0,5);
window.localStorage.setItem('TfTHacker-RecentFolders', recentFilePathsInStorage);
// FUNCTION - get the list of recent folders from localStorage
// folderList = array of existing folders.
const getRecentFoldersFromLocalStorage = (folderList)=>{
const localStorage = window.localStorage.getItem('TfTHacker-RecentFolders');
return localStorage!=null ? localStorage.split(',') : [];
// FUNCTION - create array of all folders at a given level
// searchFolderPath - start path for creating list (all children folders are processed recursively)
// folderListArray - pass in array that will be append to with folders found from this function
// ignorePath - array of paths that should not be included in the final array
getFolderListRecursively = async (searchFolderPath, folderListArray, ignorePath)=>{
let list = await;
for( f of list.folders ) {
if( !f.toString(0).startsWith('.') && f.toString() != ignorePath ) {
folderListArray.push(f + '/');
await getFolderListRecursively( f, folderListArray, ignorePath );
// if archivePath is not assigned a path, present the user with a list of folders
if(archivePath==null) {
let folderList = [];
let currentPath = tp.file.folder(true);
if( currentPath != '') folderList.push('/');
await getFolderListRecursively( '/', folderList, currentPath )
let addRecentFolders = [];
for(let f of getRecentFoldersFromLocalStorage())
folderList = folderList.filter( e=> !addRecentFolders.includes(e) );
folderList = addRecentFolders.concat(folderList);
archivePath = await tp.system.suggester( folderList, folderList ); //get destination folder from user
if(archivePath==null) return; //if user escapes out of suggester, stop script
if(await tp.file.exists(archivePath + tp.file.title + ".md"))
new Notice('A file with the same name exists in the target folder, so this file has not be moved', 10000)
else {
let currentFolderPath = tp.file.folder(true);
let currentFilePath = (currentFolderPath=='/' ? '' : currentFolderPath + '/') + tp.file.title + '.md';
let sortFileList = (await app.vault.adapter.list( currentFolderPath )).files.sort( (a, b)=> a.localeCompare(b) );
await tp.file.move( archivePath + tp.file.title ); // Archive current file
let currentFileIndexInCurrentFolder = sortFileList.findIndex( e=>e==currentFilePath );
if ( sortFileList.length>1) { // open next file in folder, if one exists
let nextFileToOpen = '';
if( currentFileIndexInCurrentFolder == sortFileList.length-1 )
nextFileToOpen = sortFileList[0];
nextFileToOpen = sortFileList[currentFileIndexInCurrentFolder+1];
app.workspace.activeLeaf.openFile( tp.file.find_tfile(nextFileToOpen) );
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