// A reusable scatter plot module. |
// Curran Kelleher March 2015 |
define(["d3", "model"], function (d3, Model) { |
// A representation for an optional Model property that is not specified. |
// This allows the "when" approach to support optional properties. |
// Inspired by Scala's Option type. |
// See http://alvinalexander.com/scala/using-scala-option-some-none-idiom-function-java-null |
var None = Model.None; |
// The constructor function, accepting default values. |
return function ScatterPlot(defaults) { |
// Create a Model instance for the visualization. |
// This will serve as its public API. |
var model = Model(); |
// Create an SVG element from the container DOM element. |
model.when("container", function (container) { |
model.svg = d3.select(container).append("svg") |
// Use CSS `position: absolute;` |
// so setting `left` and `top` later will |
// position the SVG relative to the container div. |
.style("position", "absolute"); |
}); |
// Adjust the size of the SVG based on the `box` property. |
model.when(["svg", "box"], function (svg, box) { |
// Set the CSS `left` and `top` properties |
// to move the SVG to `(box.x, box.y)` |
// relative to the container div. |
svg |
.style("left", box.x + "px") |
.style("top", box.y + "px") |
.attr("width", box.width) |
.attr("height", box.height); |
}); |
// Create an SVG group that will contain the visualization. |
model.when("svg", function (svg) { |
model.g = svg.append("g"); |
}); |
// Adjust the SVG group translation based on the margin. |
model.when(["g", "margin"], function (g, margin) { |
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); |
}); |
// Create the title text element. |
model.when("g", function (g){ |
model.titleText = g.append("text").attr("class", "title-text"); |
}); |
// Center the title text when width changes. |
model.when(["titleText", "width"], function (titleText, width) { |
titleText.attr("x", width / 2); |
}); |
// Update the title text based on the `title` property. |
model.when(["titleText", "title"], function (titleText, title){ |
titleText.text(title); |
}); |
// Update the title text offset. |
model.when(["titleText", "titleOffset"], function (titleText, titleOffset){ |
titleText.attr("dy", titleOffset + "em"); |
}); |
// Compute the inner box from the outer box and margin. |
// See Margin Convention http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3019563 |
model.when(["box", "margin"], function (box, margin) { |
model.width = box.width - margin.left - margin.right; |
model.height = box.height - margin.top - margin.bottom; |
}); |
// Generate a function for getting the X value. |
model.when(["data", "xColumn"], function (data, xColumn) { |
model.getX = function (d) { return d[xColumn]; }; |
}); |
// Compute the domain of the X attribute. |
// Allow the API client to optionally specify fixed min and max values. |
model.xDomainMin = None; |
model.xDomainMax = None; |
model.when(["data", "getX", "xDomainMin", "xDomainMax"], |
function (data, getX, xDomainMin, xDomainMax) { |
if(xDomainMin === None && xDomainMax === None){ |
model.xDomain = d3.extent(data, getX); |
} else { |
if(xDomainMin === None){ |
xDomainMin = d3.min(data, getX); |
} |
if(xDomainMax === None){ |
xDomainMax = d3.max(data, getX); |
} |
model.xDomain = [xDomainMin, xDomainMax] |
} |
}); |
// Compute the X scale. |
model.when(["xDomain", "width"], function (xDomain, width) { |
model.xScale = d3.scale.linear().domain(xDomain).range([0, width]); |
}); |
// Generate a function for getting the scaled X value. |
model.when(["data", "xScale", "getX"], function (data, xScale, getX) { |
model.getXScaled = function (d) { return xScale(getX(d)); }; |
}); |
// Set up the X axis. |
model.when("g", function (g) { |
model.xAxisG = g.append("g").attr("class", "x axis"); |
model.xAxisText = model.xAxisG.append("text").style("text-anchor", "middle"); |
}); |
// Move the X axis label based on its specified offset. |
model.when(["xAxisText", "xAxisLabelOffset"], function (xAxisText, xAxisLabelOffset){ |
xAxisText.attr("dy", xAxisLabelOffset + "em"); |
}); |
// Update the X axis transform when height changes. |
model.when(["xAxisG", "height"], function (xAxisG, height) { |
xAxisG.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")"); |
}); |
// Center the X axis label when width changes. |
model.when(["xAxisText", "width"], function (xAxisText, width) { |
xAxisText.attr("x", width / 2); |
}); |
// Update the X axis based on the X scale. |
model.when(["xAxisG", "xScale"], function (xAxisG, xScale) { |
xAxisG.call(d3.svg.axis().orient("bottom").scale(xScale)); |
}); |
// Update X axis label. |
model.when(["xAxisText", "xAxisLabel"], function (xAxisText, xAxisLabel) { |
xAxisText.text(xAxisLabel); |
}); |
// Generate a function for getting the Y value. |
model.when(["data", "yColumn"], function (data, yColumn) { |
model.getY = function (d) { return d[yColumn]; }; |
}); |
// Compute the domain of the Y attribute. |
// Allow the API client to optionally specify fixed min and max values. |
model.yDomainMin = None; |
model.yDomainMax = None; |
model.when(["data", "getY", "yDomainMin", "yDomainMax"], |
function (data, getY, yDomainMin, yDomainMax) { |
if(yDomainMin === None && yDomainMax === None){ |
model.yDomain = d3.extent(data, getY); |
} else { |
if(yDomainMin === None){ |
yDomainMin = d3.min(data, getY); |
} |
if(yDomainMax === None){ |
yDomainMax = d3.max(data, getY); |
} |
model.yDomain = [yDomainMin, yDomainMax] |
} |
}); |
// Compute the Y scale. |
model.when(["data", "yDomain", "height"], function (data, yDomain, height) { |
model.yScale = d3.scale.linear().domain(yDomain).range([height, 0]); |
}); |
// Generate a function for getting the scaled Y value. |
model.when(["data", "yScale", "getY"], function (data, yScale, getY) { |
model.getYScaled = function (d) { return yScale(getY(d)); }; |
}); |
// Set up the Y axis. |
model.when("g", function (g) { |
model.yAxisG = g.append("g").attr("class", "y axis"); |
model.yAxisText = model.yAxisG.append("text") |
.style("text-anchor", "middle") |
.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)") |
.attr("y", 0); |
}); |
// Move the Y axis label based on its specified offset. |
model.when(["yAxisText", "yAxisLabelOffset"], function (yAxisText, yAxisLabelOffset){ |
yAxisText.attr("dy", "-" + yAxisLabelOffset + "em") |
}); |
// Center the Y axis label when height changes. |
model.when(["yAxisText", "height"], function (yAxisText, height) { |
yAxisText.attr("x", -height / 2); |
}); |
// Update Y axis label. |
model.when(["yAxisText", "yAxisLabel"], function (yAxisText, yAxisLabel) { |
yAxisText.text(yAxisLabel); |
}); |
// Update the Y axis based on the Y scale. |
model.when(["yAxisG", "yScale"], function (yAxisG, yScale) { |
yAxisG.call(d3.svg.axis().orient("left").scale(yScale)); |
}); |
// Allow the API client to optionally specify a size column. |
model.sizeColumn = None; |
// The default radius of circles in pixels. |
model.sizeDefault = 2; |
// The min and max circle radius in pixels. |
model.sizeMin = 0.5; |
model.sizeMax = 6; |
// Set up the size scale. |
model.when(["sizeColumn", "data", "sizeDefault", "sizeMin", "sizeMax"], |
function (sizeColumn, data, sizeDefault, sizeMin, sizeMax){ |
if(sizeColumn !== None){ |
var getSize = function (d){ return d[sizeColumn] }, |
sizeScale = d3.scale.linear() |
.domain(d3.extent(data, getSize)) |
.range([sizeMin, sizeMax]); |
model.getSizeScaled = function (d){ return sizeScale(getSize(d)); }; |
} else { |
model.getSizeScaled = function (d){ return sizeDefault; }; |
} |
}); |
// Allow the API client to optionally specify a color column. |
model.colorColumn = None; |
model.colorRange = None; |
// The default color of circles (CSS color string). |
model.colorDefault = "black"; |
// Set up the color scale. |
model.when(["colorColumn", "data", "colorDefault", "colorRange"], |
function (colorColumn, data, colorDefault, colorRange){ |
if(colorColumn !== None && colorRange !== None){ |
var getColor = function (d){ return d[colorColumn] }, |
colorScale = d3.scale.ordinal() |
.domain(data.map(getColor)) |
.range(colorRange); |
model.getColorScaled = function (d){ return colorScale(getColor(d)); }; |
} else { |
model.getColorScaled = function (d){ return colorDefault; }; |
} |
}); |
// Add an SVG group to contain the marks. |
model.when("g", function (g) { |
model.circlesG = g.append("g"); |
}); |
// Draw the circles of the scatter plot. |
model.when(["data", "circlesG", "getXScaled", "getYScaled", "getSizeScaled", "getColorScaled"], |
function (data, circlesG, getXScaled, getYScaled, getSizeScaled, getColorScaled){ |
var circles = circlesG.selectAll("circle").data(data); |
circles.enter().append("circle"); |
circles |
.attr("cx", getXScaled) |
.attr("cy", getYScaled) |
.attr("r", getSizeScaled) |
.attr("fill", getColorScaled); |
circles.exit().remove(); |
}); |
// Set defaults at the end so they override optional properties set to None. |
model.set(defaults); |
return model; |
}; |
}); |