Remember, we're editing files currently in active use by the system
killall Dock
Allows you to additionally "pin" the dock to the left, center, or right of the screen which may work vertically too if you like your dock on the left or right side of the screen instead. YMMV
String options:
left/top: start
center: middle [OS X default]
right/bottom: end
defaults write pinning -string start
Visual indication of a hidden application
A useful feature of OS X’s window management is the ability to hide apps (Command-H). This leaves the app’s icon open in the Dock, but completely hides all of the app’s windows. By default, however, there is no indication via the Dock as to which apps are actually hidden compared to those with closed windows or windows that are buried underneath other applications.
defaults write showhidden -bool true
Hidden window-minimize animation
This animation also distorts the window, like the Genie effect, but appears to pull primarily from the bottom-right corner of the window. This results in a more interesting distortion of the window as it shrinks to the Dock, as if the window were indeed being “sucked” down from the bottom-right corner.
defaults write mineffect suck
The OS X Dock by default contains a single non-modifiable spacer between the applications portion on the left and the file, folder, and Trash portion on the right. Using the Terminal command below, however, users can add additional spacers to the Dock to help further organize and separate Dock items.
Once enabled, you’ll see a blank space appear on the right side of your Dock. Clicking on this space does nothing, but it can be dragged around the Dock like any other item. Users can add multiple spaces by entering the Terminal command repeatedly.
defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'
It is possible to use your touchpad or mouse scroll wheel to interact with dock items. When enabled, this command allows you to use an upward scrolling gesture to open stacks, or use the same gesture on applications that are already running to show all windows associated with that application (aka Exposé).
defaults write scroll-to-open -bool TRUE
Made too many changes and can’t remember what they were? Fortunately you can reset your dock to the default offering with this simple command, which deletes your user's active dock preferences file:
defaults delete
brew install --cask qlstephen
Ensure MacOS can verify the plugin:
xattr -cr ~/Library/QuickLok/QLStephen.qlgenerator
qlmanage -r
qlmanage -r cache
killall Finder
SIP may need to be disabled for this to actually work
defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool true
killall Finder
Show hidden files
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
Finder will need to be relaunched after executing the above command. Opt + right-click Finder in the Dock and select "relaunch."