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Created July 11, 2024 03:11
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OOP Design Patterns
// Adapter pattern example for integrating different payment gateways
class PayPal {
makePayment(amount) {
console.log(`Paying ${amount} via PayPal`);
class Stripe {
pay(amount) {
console.log(`Paying ${amount} via Stripe`);
// Adapter for Stripe to conform to PayPal interface
class StripeAdapter {
constructor(stripe) {
this.stripe = stripe;
makePayment(amount) {;
// Usage
const paypal = new PayPal();
const stripe = new Stripe();
const stripeAdapter = new StripeAdapter(stripe);
paypal.makePayment(100); // Paying 100 via PayPal
stripeAdapter.makePayment(200); // Paying 200 via Stripe
// Builder pattern example for creating a complex object step by step
// This example may seem like a toy (it is)
// but a real-life example (which I use in FRC) of a Builder pattern API
// can be found here (note that it's in Java):
// (for the above example, take note of the `with*` methods such as `.withKV`)
class Product {
constructor() { = [];
addPart(part) {;
showParts() {
console.log('Product parts:',', '));
class ProductBuilder {
constructor() {
this.product = new Product();
buildPartA() {
this.product.addPart('Part A');
return this;
buildPartB() {
this.product.addPart('Part B');
return this;
getProduct() {
return this.product;
// Usage
const builder = new ProductBuilder();
const product = builder.buildPartA().buildPartB().getProduct();
product.showParts(); // Product parts: Part A, Part B
// Decorator pattern example for adding toppings to a pizza
class Pizza {
getDescription() {
return 'Plain pizza';
cost() {
return 10;
class TomatoSauceDecorator {
constructor(pizza) { = pizza;
getDescription() {
return + ' with tomato sauce';
cost() {
return + 2;
class CheeseDecorator {
constructor(pizza) { = pizza;
getDescription() {
return + ' with cheese';
cost() {
return + 3;
// Usage
let pizza = new Pizza();
console.log(pizza.getDescription(), 'Cost:', pizza.cost());
pizza = new TomatoSauceDecorator(pizza);
console.log(pizza.getDescription(), 'Cost:', pizza.cost());
pizza = new CheeseDecorator(pizza);
console.log(pizza.getDescription(), 'Cost:', pizza.cost());
// Output:
// Plain pizza Cost: 10
// Plain pizza with tomato sauce Cost: 12
// Plain pizza with tomato sauce with cheese Cost: 15
// Factory pattern example for creating different shapes
class ShapeFactory {
createShape(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'circle':
return new Circle();
case 'rectangle':
return new Rectangle();
throw new Error('Invalid shape type');
class Circle {
draw() {
console.log('Drawing a circle');
class Rectangle {
draw() {
console.log('Drawing a rectangle');
// Usage
const factory = new ShapeFactory();
const circle = factory.createShape('circle');
const rectangle = factory.createShape('rectangle');
circle.draw(); // Drawing a circle
rectangle.draw(); // Drawing a rectangle
// Proxy pattern example for controlling access to a sensitive object
class SensitiveObject {
constructor(data) { = data
access() {
console.log('Accessing sensitive object');
class ProxyObject {
constructor(sensitiveObject) {
this.sensitiveObject = sensitiveObject;
access() {
if (this.checkAccess()) {
return this.sensitiveObject.access();
} else {
console.log('Access denied');
checkAccess() {
// Perform validation or checks here
return false; // Simulating access denial for demonstration
// Usage
const sensitiveObject = new SensitiveObject('sensitive data');
const proxy = new ProxyObject(sensitiveObject);
proxy.access(); // Access denied
// Proxy pattern example for controlling access to a sensitive object
// but taking advantage of JavaScript's Proxy class
// Exact same class as before
class SensitiveObject {
constructor(data) { = data;
access() {
console.log('Accessing sensitive object');
// Proxy handler for access control
const handler = {
get(target, property) {
if (property === 'data' && !this.checkAccess()) {
console.log('Access denied');
return undefined;
if (property === 'access') {
if (this.checkAccess()) {
return target[property].bind(target);
} else {
return () => console.log('Access denied');
console.log(`Accessing property '${property}'`);
return target[property];
checkAccess() {
// Perform validation or checks here
return false; // Simulating access denial for demonstration
// Creating a proxy object
const sensitiveObject = new SensitiveObject('sensitive data');
const proxy = new Proxy(sensitiveObject, handler);
// Using the proxy object
console.log(; // Access denied, undefined
proxy.access(); // Access denied
// Modifying the checkAccess method to grant access
handler.checkAccess = function() {
return true; // Granting access for demonstration
console.log(; // Accessing property 'data', Sensitive data
proxy.access(); // Accessing sensitive object
// Singleton example for a Configuration Manager
class ConfigurationManager {
constructor() {
if (ConfigurationManager.instance) {
return ConfigurationManager.instance;
// Initialize configuration here
this.config = {
language: 'en',
theme: 'light'
ConfigurationManager.instance = this;
return this;
getConfig() {
return this.config;
setConfig(config) {
this.config = config;
// Usage
const configManager1 = new ConfigurationManager();
const configManager2 = new ConfigurationManager();
console.log(configManager1 === configManager2); // true (same instance)
configManager1.setConfig({ language: 'fr', theme: 'dark' });
console.log(configManager2.getConfig()); // { language: 'fr', theme: 'dark' }
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