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Last active October 7, 2021 16:47
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require 'karaskel'
-- A magic table that is interested in every style.
all_styles = {}
setmetatable all_styles,
__index: -> true
__newindex: ->
-- The shared global scope for all template code.
class template_env
:_G, :math, :table, :string, :unicode, :tostring, :tonumber, :aegisub, :error, :karaskel
printf: aegisub.log
print: (...) ->
args = {...}
aegisub.log table.concat(args, '\t')
aegisub.log '\n'
-- Given a self object, returns an actual retime function, which cannot require a self parameter
_retime: => (mode, start_offset, end_offset) ->
start_base, end_base = switch mode
when 'syl' then @syl.start_time, @syl.end_time
when 'presyl' then @syl.start_time, @syl.start_time
when 'postsyl' then @syl.end_time, @syl.end_time
when 'line' then 0, @line.duration
when 'preline' then 0, 0
when 'postline' then @line.duration, @line.duration
when 'start2syl' then 0, @syl.start_time
when 'syl2end' then @syl.end_time, @line.duration
when 'set', 'abs'
@line.start_time = start_offset
@line.end_time = end_offset
@line.duration = end_offset - start_offset
else error "Unknown retime mode: #{mode}", 2
orig_start = @line.start_time
@line.start_time = orig_start + start_base + start_offset
@line.end_time = orig_start + end_base + end_offset
@line.duration = @line.end_time - @line.start_time
new: (subs, meta, styles) =>
@_ENV = @
@tenv = @
@meta = meta
@styles = styles
@subs = subs
@subtitles = subs
@retime = @_retime!
-- Iterate over all sub lines, collecting those that are code chunks, templates, or mixins.
parse_templates = (subs, tenv) ->
components =
code: {once: {}, line: {}, word: {}, syl: {}, char: {}}
template: {line: {}, word: {}, syl: {}, char: {}}
mixin: {line: {}, word: {}, syl: {}, char: {}}
interested_styles = {}
aegisub.progress.set 0
for i, line in ipairs subs
error = error -- TODO: define local wrapper function that gives context
continue unless line.class == 'dialogue' and line.comment
effect = line.effect\gsub('^ *', '')\gsub(' *$', '')
first_word = effect\gsub(' .*', '')
continue unless components[first_word] != nil
modifiers = [word for word in effect\gmatch '[^ ]+']
line_type, classifier = modifiers[1], modifiers[2]
if classifier == 'once' and line_type != 'code'
error 'The `once` classifier is only valid on `code` lines.'
interested_styles[] = true unless classifier == 'once'
component =
interested_styles: {[]: true}
interested_layers: nil
interested_actors: nil
interested_template_actors: nil
repetitions: {}
repetition_order: {}
condition: nil
keep_tags: false
multi: false
noblank: false
notext: false
layer: line.layer
func: nil -- present on `code` lines
text: nil -- present on `template` and `mixin` lines
if line_type == 'code'
func, err = load line.text, 'code line', 't', tenv
error err if err != nil
component.func = func
component.text = line.text
j = 3
while j <= #modifiers
modifier = modifiers[j]
j += 1
switch modifier
when 'conditional'
if component.condition != nil
error 'Encountered multiple `cond` modifiers on a single component.'
path = modifiers[j]
j += 1
for pattern in *{'[^A-Za-z0-9_.]', '%.%.', '^[0-9.]', '%.$'}
if path\match pattern
error "Invalid condition path: #{path}"
component.condition = path
when 'loop', 'repeat'
loop_var, loop_count = modifiers[j], tonumber modifiers[j + 1]
j += 2
if component.repetitions[loop_var] != nil
error "Encountered multiple `#{loop_var}` repetitions on a single component."
component.repetitions[loop_var] = loop_count
table.insert component.repetition_order, loop_var
when 'style'
style_name = modifiers[j]
j += 1
interested_styles[style_name] = true
component.interested_styles[style_name] = true
when 'anystyle'
interested_styles = all_styles
component.interested_styles = all_styles
when 'noblank'
if classifier == 'once'
error 'The `noblank` modifier is invalid for `once` components.'
component.noblank = true
when 'keeptags', 'multi'
unless classifier == 'syl'
error "The `#{modifier}` modifier is only valid for `syl` components."
component[modifier] = true
when 'notext'
unless line_type == 'template'
error 'The `notext` modifier is only valid for templates.'
component.notext = true
when 'layer'
unless line_type == 'mixin'
error 'The `layer` modifier is only valid for mixins.'
layer = tonumber modifiers[j]
if layer == nil
error "Invalid layer number: `#{modifiers[j]}`"
j += 1
component.interested_layers or= {}
component.interested_layers[layer] = true
when 'actor'
if classifier == 'once'
error 'The `actor` modifier is invalid for `once` components.'
actor = modifiers[j]
j += 1
component.interested_actors or= {}
component.interested_actors[actor] = true
when 't_actor'
unless line_type == 'mixin'
error 'The `t_actor` modifier is only valid for mixins.'
actor = modifiers[j]
j += 1
component.interested_template_actors or= {}
component.interested_template_actors[actor] = true
error "Unhandled modifier: `#{modifier}`"
category = components[line_type]
if category == nil
error "Unhandled line type: `#{line_type}`"
group = category[classifier]
if group == nil
error "Unhandled classifier: `#{line_type} #{classifier}`"
table.insert group, component
aegisub.progress.set 100 * i / #subs
components, interested_styles
-- Delete subtitle lines generated by previous templater invocations.
remove_old_output = (subs) ->
is_fx = (line) ->
return false unless line.class == 'dialogue'
return false unless line.effect == 'fx'
return false if line.comment
subs.delete [i for i, line in ipairs subs when is_fx line]
-- Collect all lyrics that are fed into templates.
collect_template_input = (subs, interested_styles) ->
is_kara = (line) ->
return false unless line.class == 'dialogue'
return false unless line.effect == 'karaoke' or line.effect == 'kara'
return false unless interested_styles[]
[line for line in *subs when is_kara line]
-- Add additional data to the syls generated by karaskel.
preproc_syls = (line) ->
assert line.syls == nil, 'karaskel populated line.syls (this is unexpected)'
line.syls = line.kara
for syl in *line.syls
with syl
.is_blank = (#.text_stripped == 0)
.is_space = (#.text_spacestripped == 0 and not .is_blank)
-- Generate word objects resembling the syl objects karaskel makes.
preproc_words = (line) ->
line.words = {}
current_word = {syls: {}}
local seen_space
seen_space = false
for syl in *line.syls
if #syl.prespace > 0 and #line.words > 0
seen_space = true
if seen_space and not syl.is_space
table.insert line.words, current_word
current_word = {syls: {}}
seen_space = false
syl.word = current_word
table.insert current_word.syls, syl
if syl.is_space or #syl.postspace > 0
seen_space = true
if #line.syls > 0
assert #current_word.syls > 0, 'there should always be a word left over when the loop ends'
table.insert line.words, current_word
for i, word in ipairs line.words
with word
first_syl = .syls[1]
last_syl = .syls[#.syls]
.text = table.concat [syl.text for syl in *.syls]
.text_stripped = table.concat [syl.text_stripped for syl in *.syls]
.kdur = 0
.line = line
.i = i
.prespace = first_syl.prespace
.postspace = last_syl.postspace
.text_spacestripped = .text_stripped\gsub('^[ \t]*', '')\gsub('[ \t]*$', '')
.width = 0
.height = 0
.prespacewidth = first_syl.prespacewidth
.postspacewidth = last_syl.postspacewidth
.left = first_syl.left
.right = last_syl.right
.center = (.left + .right) / 2
for syl in *.syls
.kdur += syl.kdur
.width += syl.width
.height = math.max .height, syl.height
.is_blank = (#.text_stripped == 0)
.is_space = (#.text_spacestripped == 0 and not .is_blank)
-- Generate char objects resembling the syl objects karaskel creates.
preproc_chars = (line) ->
line.chars = {}
i = 1
for word in *line.words
word.chars = {}
for syl in *word.syls
syl.chars = {}
for ch in unicode.chars syl.text_stripped
char = {:syl, :word, :line, :i}
char.text = ch
char.is_space = (ch == ' ' or ch == '\t') -- matches karaskel behavior
char.chars = {char}
table.insert syl.chars, char
table.insert word.chars, char
table.insert line.chars, char
i += 1
-- TODO: karaskel-esque info for char objects
-- Give all objects within a line information about their position in terms of words, syls, and chars.
populate_indices = (line) ->
line.wi = 1 = 1 = 1
for word in *line.words
word.wi = word.i = word.syls[1].i = word.chars[1].i
for syl in *word.syls
syl.wi = word.i = syl.i = syl.chars[1].i
for char in *syl.chars
char.wi = word.i = syl.i = char.i
-- Populate lines with extra information necessary for template evaluation.
-- Includes both karaskel preprocessing and some additional custom data.
preproc_lines = (subs, meta, styles, lines) ->
aegisub.progress.set 0
for i, line in ipairs lines
karaskel.preproc_line subs, meta, styles, line
line.is_blank = (#line.text_stripped == 0)
line.is_space = (line.text_stripped\find('[^ \t]') == nil)
preproc_syls line
preproc_words line
preproc_chars line
populate_indices line
aegisub.progress.set 100 * i / #lines
-- Traverse a path such as within a table.
traverse_path = (path, root) ->
node = root
for segment in path\gmatch '[^.]+'
node = node[segment]
break if node == nil
-- If a component has a `cond` predicate, determine whether that predicate is satisfied.
eval_cond = (path, tenv) ->
return true if path == nil
cond = traverse_path(path, tenv)
switch cond
when nil then error "Condition not found: #{path}", 2
when true, false then cond
else not (not cond!)
-- Determine whether a component should be executed at all.
-- If using `loop`, runs on every iteration.
should_eval = (component, tenv, obj, base_component) ->
if tenv.orgline != nil
-- `orgline` is nil iff the component is a `once` component.
-- Style filtering is irrelevant for `once` components.
return false unless component.interested_styles[]
-- man this syntax looks like a mistake compared to rust's `if let Some(...) = ... {`
if layers = component.interested_layers
-- Only mixins can have a `layer` modifier.
return false unless layers[base_component.layer]
if actors = component.interested_actors
-- Actor filtering is irrelevant for `once` components.
return false unless actors[]
if actors = component.interested_template_actors
-- Only mixins can have a `t_actor` modifier.
return false unless actors[base_component.template_actor]
if component.noblank
-- `obj` is nil iff the component is a `once` component.
-- No-blank filtering is irrelevant for `once` components.
return false if obj.is_blank or obj.is_space
return false unless eval_cond component.condition, tenv
-- Evaluate a dollar-variable.
eval_inline_var = (tenv) -> (var) ->
val = switch var
when '$sstart' then tenv.syl.start_time
when '$send' then tenv.syl.end_time
when '$sdur' then tenv.syl.duration
if var\sub(1, 6) == '$loop_'
loop_var = var\sub 7
elseif var\sub(1, 9) == '$maxloop_'
loop_var = var\sub 10
error "Unrecognized inline variable: #{var}"
tostring val
-- Evaluate an inline Lua expression.
eval_inline_expr = (tenv) -> (expr) ->
expr = expr\sub 2, -2 -- remove the `!`s
func_body = "return (#{expr});"
func, err = load func_body, 'inline expression', t, tenv
error err if err != nil
val = func!
if val == nil then '' else tostring(val)
-- Expand dollar-variables and inline Lua expressions within a template or mixin.
eval_body = (text, tenv) ->
text\gsub('%$[a-z_]+', eval_inline_var tenv)\gsub('!.-!', eval_inline_expr tenv)
-- A collection of variables to iterate over in a particular order.
class loopctx
new: (component) =>
@vars = component.repetition_order
@state = {var, 1 for var in *@vars}
@max = component.repetitions
@done = false
incr: =>
if #@vars == 0
@done = true
@state[@vars[1]] += 1
for i, var in ipairs @vars
next_var = @vars[i + 1]
if @state[var] > @max[var]
if next_var != nil
@state[var] = 1
@state[next_var] += 1
@done = true
-- Given a map of char indices to prepended text, evaluate the each mixin's body and insert its text at the appropriate index.
apply_mixins = (template, mixins, objs, tenv, tags) ->
for obj in *objs
for mixin in *mixins
if should_eval mixin, tenv, obj, template
tags[] or= {}
tag = eval_body mixin.text, tenv
table.insert tags[], tag
-- Combine the prefix generated from the `template` with the results of `apply_mixins` and the line's text itself.
build_text = (prefix, chars, tags, template) ->
segments = {prefix}
for char in *chars
if tags[char.i] != nil
table.insert segments, tag for tag in *tags[char.i]
unless template.notext
table.insert segments, char.text
table.concat segments
-- Where the magic happens. Run code, run templates, run components.
apply_templates = (subs, lines, components, tenv) ->
run_code = (cls) ->
for code in *components.code[cls]
tenv.loopctx = loopctx code
while not tenv.loopctx.done
if should_eval code, tenv
tenv.loopctx = nil
run_mixins = (classes, template) ->
tags = {}
for cls in *classes
mixins = components.mixin[cls]
objs = if cls == 'line' then {tenv.line} else tenv.line[cls .. 's']
apply_mixins template, mixins, objs, tenv, tags
run_templates = (cls, orgobj) ->
for template in *components.template[cls]
tenv.loopctx = loopctx template
while not tenv.loopctx.done
if should_eval template, tenv, orgobj
with tenv.line = table.copy tenv.orgline
.comment = false
.effect = 'fx'
.layer = template.layer
-- TODO: all this mutable access to the original is super sketchy. do something about it?
.chars = orgobj.chars
.words, .syls = switch cls
when 'line' then .words, .syls
when 'word' then {orgobj}, orgobj.syls
when 'syl' then nil, {orgobj}
when 'char' then nil, nil
ci_offset = .chars[1].ci - 1
char.i -= ci_offset for char in *.chars
if .syls
si_offset = .syls[1].si - 1
syl.i -= si_offset for syl in *.syls
if .words
wi_offset = .words[1].wi - 1
word.i -= wi_offset for word in *.words
prefix = eval_body template.text, tenv
mixin_classes = switch cls
when 'line', 'word' then {'line', 'word', 'syl', 'char'}
when 'syl' then {'line', 'syl', 'char'}
when 'char' then {'line', 'char'}
tags = run_mixins mixin_classes, template
tenv.line.text = build_text prefix, tenv.line.chars, tags, template
subs.append tenv.line
tenv.line = nil
tenv.loopctx = nil
run_code 'once'
for orgline in *lines
tenv.orgline = orgline
run_code 'line'
run_templates 'line', orgline
for orgword in *orgline.words
tenv.orgword = orgword
run_code 'word'
run_templates 'word', orgword
tenv.orgword = nil
for orgsyl in *orgline.syls
-- TODO: `multi` support
tenv.orgsyl = orgsyl
run_code 'syl'
run_templates 'syl', orgsyl
tenv.orgsyl = nil
for orgchar in *orgline.chars
tenv.orgchar = orgchar
run_code 'char'
run_templates 'char', orgchar
tenv.orgchar = nil
tenv.orgline = nil
-- Entry point
main = (subs, sel, active) ->
task = aegisub.progress.task
task 'Collecting header data...'
meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head subs, false
tenv = template_env meta, styles, subs
task 'Parsing templates...'
components, interested_styles = parse_templates subs, tenv
task 'Removing old template output...'
remove_old_output subs
task 'Collecting template input...'
lines = collect_template_input subs, interested_styles
task 'Preprocessing template input...'
preproc_lines subs, meta, styles, lines
task 'Applying templates...'
apply_templates subs, lines, components, tenv
aegisub.set_undo_point 'apply karaoke template'
aegisub.register_macro '0x539\'s Templater', 'no description', main
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