#Singe Command
- script = record and replay a terminal session
- tig = git gui
- yum-builddep programname
- akmod
- localmodconfig
- toast arm paketname
- /dev/urandom
- bc = calculator
- ping -b broadcastadresse
- aria2c downloadadress
- virsh net-start default
- arandr = xserver configurieren
- dnsmap facebook.com
- mitmproxy = An interactive console program that allows traffic flows to be inspected and edited on the fly.
- sshuttle
- netcat
- ngrep -d wlan0
- time command = Misst Zeit für dauer der ausführung
- ifup
- ifdown
- sudo cryptsetup luksopen
- lxpanel
- lxapperance = set gtk theme
- pm-suspend
- lperf tests network throughput
- ls -d list subdiretorys
- tree -N3
- dstat iostat iotop
- gnome-session-properties
- sysctl -a
- look finderl
- lsof +D /mnt/windows = shows which processes usses the harddrive
- man -k login = search for man pages with login
- ls -lsrh .mp list biggest files with mp ending
- ntpdate time.apple.com
- startx-- :1 = multiple xserver
- reset = fresh terminal
- export
- nmon = performance monitor
- nmap
- systemd-analyze blame
- systemd-analyze dot
- auditctl = see who changed a file
###compile kernel
- dpkg -i packagename
- fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=custom.1.0 Kernel image -j32
- make-kpkg clean