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Created August 19, 2019 15:11
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A Chocolatey PowerShell script to install programs to a newly paved Windows 8 machine, including development tools. Based on a gist from @amogram (
# ==========================================================================
# Script Name: Install-Programs.ps1
# Author: Andy Parkhill
# Date Created: 27/03/2014
# Description: A simple environment setup script for my personal laptop.
# =========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Imported Modules
# ==========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Constants
# ==========================================================================
Set-Variable ScriptName -option Constant -value "Install-Programs.ps1"
# ==========================================================================
# Functions
# ==========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Main Script Body
# ==========================================================================
Write-Host "Opening $ScriptName Script."
# ==========================================================================
# Start of Script Body
# ==========================================================================
# Install Chocolatey
# See
iex ((new-object net.webClient).DownloadString(''))
# Install Utilities
cinst notepadplusplus
cinst greenshot
cinst launchy
cinst ccleaner
cinst 7zip
cinst windirstat
cinst wincdemu
cinst keepass
cinst ChocolateyGUI
cinst TeraCopy
cinst Revo.Uninstaller
cinst dropbox
cinst PureTextPlus
cinst tomighty
cinst utorrent
cinst sumo
cinst f.lux
cinst Recuva
cinst sumatrapdf
cinst cdburnerxp
cinst windirstat
cinst jing
# Install Browsers
cinst Firefox
cinst GoogleChrome
cinst safari
# Install Browser Add-ons
cinst adblockplusfirefox
cinst adblockpluschrome
# Media
cinst libreoffice
cinst vlc
cinst skype
# Install DEV tools
cinst fiddler
cinst linqpad
cinst winmerge
cinst sysinternals
# Team Foundation Server 2013 Express
cinst VisualStudioTeamFoundationServerExpress2013
# Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
cinst VisualStudioExpress2013WindowsDesktop
# Express 2013 for Windows (Windows 8 Apps)
cinst VisualStudioExpress2013Windows
# Express 2013 for Web
cinst VisualStudio2013ExpressWeb
# SQL Server
cinst MsSqlServer2012Express
cinst wepi # Web Platform installer
cinst git
cinst poshgit
cinst gitextensions
cinst instanteyedropper
cinst wget
cinst ilspy
# Blogging
cinst WindowsLiveWriter
# Tools to evaluate
# cinst rdcman
# cinst grepwin
# cinst roundhouse
# cinst NimbleText
# cinst papercut # Local SMTP server
# cinst dotPeek
# cinst FastCopy
# cinst RegShot
# cinst RegScanner
# cinst nodejs.install
# cinst ruby
# cinst python
# cinst PhantomJS
# cinst ScriptCs
# cinst curl
# cinst Wget
# cinst hg
# cinst Compass
# cinst Yeoman
# cinst teamviewer
# cinst vagrant
# cinst typescript.vs
# ==========================================================================
# End of Script Body
# ==========================================================================
Write-Host "Closing $ScriptName Script."
# Wait for input before closing.
# Write-Host "Press any key to continue..."
# $x = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
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