A collection of very nice JavaScript frameworks for developer.
Name | Description |
algorithms.js [S] | Classic algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript, you know... FOR SCIENCE. |
AngularJS [S] | HTML enhanced for web apps. |
Backbone.js [S] | Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by providing models key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing application over a RESTful JSON interface. |
beeplay.js [S][H] | Write A Song On JavaScript. |
BitcoinJS [S][H] | The clean, readable, proven library for Bitcoin JavaScript development. |
Bootstrap [S] | Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions. |
Bounce.js [S][H] | Lets you create tasty CSS3 powered animations in no time. |
C3.js [S] | A D3-based reusable chart library. |
Cal-heatmap [S] | Is a JavaScript module to create calendar heatmap to visualize time series data. |
CanJs [S] | Is an MIT-licensed, client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. |
Chartist [S][H] | Simple responsive charts. |
cdnjs.com [S] | The missing CDN for JavaScript and CSS. |
Chart.js [S] | Easy, object oriented client side graphs for designers and developers. |
Tweets on your website. | |
Clippy.Js [S] | Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia. |
convnetjs | Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser. |
csg.js [S] | Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. |
D3 [S] | Data-Driven Documents |
dc.js [S][H] | Dimensional Charting Javascript Library |
dimple [S] | An object-oriented API for business analytics. |
Dragdealer [S] | A drag-based JavaScript component that embraces endless front-end solutions. |
Ember.js [S] | Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications by eliminating boilerplate and providing a standard application architecture. |
Epoch [S][H] | A general purpose real-time charting library for building beautiful, smooth, and high performance visualizations. |
Famo.us [S] | Is a free, open source JavaScript framework that helps you create smooth, complex UIs for any screen. |
Fancybox [2][S] | Is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox" that floats overtop of web page. |
gmaps.js [S] | Google Maps API with less pain and more fun. |
gridster.js [S] | A drag&drop multi-column grid jQuery plugin. |
Hammer.js [S] | A javascript library for multi touch gestures. |
Headroom.js [S] | Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it. |
humane.js [S] | A simple, modern, framework-independent, well-tested, unobtrusive, notification system. |
Infinity.js [S] | Is a UITableView for the #web: it speeds up scrolling through long lists. |
jsPlumb [S] | Provides a way to "plumb" elements of a UI together. |
jSpy [H] | Automatically detect user's history. |
jQuery [S] | A new kind of JavaScript Library. |
jQuery File Upload [S] | File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. |
jQuery.fix.clone [S] | A compilation of fixes for the clone() method in jQuery. |
jQuery.timepicker [S] | A jQuery timepicker plugin inspired by Google Calendar. |
jQuery.transit [S] | Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery. |
juliusjs [S][H] | A speech recognition library for the web. |
Less.js [S] | The dynamic stylesheet language. |
Meny [S] | CSS 3D fold-in menu concept. |
Meteor [S][H] | An ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-Javascript web framework. |
Midnight.js [S] | A jQuery plugin to switch fixed headers on the fly. |
Modernizr [S] | An open-source JavaScript library that helps you build the next generation of HTML5 and CSS3-powered websites. |
NVD3 [S] | Re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you. |
Ocrad.js [S][H] | Optical Character Recognition in JS |
Paper.js [S] | The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. |
Random Color [S] | A color generator for JavaScript. |
React [S] | Is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
PerfMap | Front-end performance heatmap bookmarklet. |
Please.js [S][H] | The Polite Javascript Color Library. |
Purplecoat.js [S][H] | |
retina.js [S] | Retina graphics for your website. |
reveal.js [S] | HTML presentations made easy. |
require.js [S] | Is a JavaScript file and module loader. |
script.aculo.us | Provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly. |
SideComments.js [S] | A sweet ass commenting interface component. |
slick [S] | The last carousel you'll ever need. |
Spine JS [S] | Build Awesome JavaScript MVC Applications. |
sprintf [S] | Is a complete open source JavaScript sprintf implementation. |
Stellar.js [S] | Is a jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element. |
Strapdown.js [S] | Instant and elegant Markdown documents. |
stroll.js [S] | CSS3 scoll effects. |
Superhero.js [H] | JavaScript Documentation, Books, Videos. |
sweetalert [S] | A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert". |
TinyMCE [S] | JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor. |
Tracking.js [S][H] | The tracking.js library brings different computer vision algorithms and techniques into the browser environment. |
URI.js [S] | Is a JavaScript library for working with URLs. |
victor.js [S][H] | A JavaScript 2D vector maths library for Node.js and the browser. |
way.js [S][H] | Simple, persistent, framework-agnostic two-way databinding. |
webkit.js [S][H] | Pure JavaScript Port of WebKit. |
xCharts [S] | Is a library for building beautiful and custom data-driven chart visualizations for the web using D3.js. |
zoom.js [S] | A proof of concept JavaScript API for zooming in on DOM elements or points. |
- This is a newer version of my old blog post JavaScript Developer Framework Collection. I think a Gist makes more sense.
stands for source. Most GitHub pages.H
stands for HackerNews.
Thanks. Added React, Script.aculo.us and Meteor.