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Attestation for MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm TheFrozenFire-948014 and I have contributed to the MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (processmessages_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 16
Contribution Hash:
e8b646db 502f27b9 fe439a5a 8c6e28a1
3a694a97 f75a7e28 99b257dc 49d0e5b6
4f0698b2 5bd4e8ff 81de0bef 0fdff9a1
3f7022c3 7c50fb4d 74774626 69553abd
Circuit # 2 (processmessagesnonqv_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 16
Contribution Hash:
a4600243 b1cfd25a 5ee54239 a4c940f9
3acaa5c0 4eae9773 f7f4e595 c6271ec1
934e52c6 52f821a8 a779c05d 8c0b13c5
78914d4b fbc2cc5b 92a657aa 5f4f0a3b
Circuit # 3 (tallyvotes_14-5-3)
Contributor # 15
Contribution Hash:
30fbea07 9972cadb a3ee94a8 5dbce466
6c42bdc3 6b1b53bc 32b81fca 7fb456d1
3d8e1fc9 b6112811 5a07fe09 0b994394
ee65e89c 3f3498a2 6aa19807 c1955ba6
Circuit # 4 (tallyvotesnonqv_14-5-3)
Contributor # 12
Contribution Hash:
3cbada22 5eba417f 265a7c21 a4b42db6
9f268b1d 440cb5ba ae78c0c1 2b76205b
547990fc f673a61a 65909cd3 925551ce
1de6d1b1 bc8e2085 40c758a2 4c544074
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