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Last active December 16, 2021 22:21

Rules: The Inflation Game

The inflation game consists of multiple rounds. Each Inflation round is started with a new inflatable Asset which functions as the primary medium of exchange. Known as a Currency. In the first round the rate of inflation is agreed upon by all the players and fixed for the duration of the round.

Everything is an asset and can be split into one of:

  • The Currency
  • Passive Assets
    • Bitcoin
    • Gold
    • Art
    • Property
    • Land
    • ...
  • Active Assets
    • Companies, Organisations or Groups which function to acquire Currency.

Companies provide other players with one of: Goods, Services or Information which may or may not help them acquire additional Currency with which to buy Passive Assets. These Goods, Services or Information may be designed to be a hindrance to acquiring additional Currency.

The inflation round is ended when the Currency is inflated to levels which prohibit the majority of players without Assets to purchase any Goods, Services or Information from Companies. Players with any Passive Assets can keep them into the next round. Players with any Active Assets get to keep a third into the next round.

The winning player has the largest number of Passive Assets.

The winning player will:

  • Choose the Currency’s rate of inflation for the next round of “The Inflation Game”
  • Be able to modify the Currency’s rate of inflation at any point.
  • Choose the name of the new Currency.

Any player aims to:

  • Create or purchase an Asset that appreciates at the same rate as or faster than the rate of inflation of the cycle’s Currency.
  • Sell an Asset for another asset which will appreciate at a faster rate than the first asset and so on.
  • Use the inflatable currency as a medium of exchange (although undesirable if held for too long).
  • Transition to the next round of “The Inflation Game” with as many passive assets as possible.

A neutral player will generally:

  • Create organisations which regulate the behaviour of all Players and Companies.

A good player will generally:

  • //TODO

An evil player will generally:

  • Obfuscate the Currency’s rate of inflation as much as possible
  • Make market processes as inefficient as possible so as to extract as much Currency as possible from other Players and exchange them for Passive Assets.
  • Destroy or restrict supply of goods, services or information so as to artificially inflate their price thereby increasing the value of the Asset supplying the goods, services or information.
  • Use their ownership over Active Assets (companies) to manipulate the price of Passive Assets to their advantage.
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