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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Login Sample
Feature: Login
Login can be performed with validated email
User stays on login page with wrong username/pass
Scenario: Correct Email Pass Combo
Given User Exists
And User has <email>
And User has <password>
When User attempts to login
Then they are given access to the service
| email | password |
| [email protected] | goodpass |
Scenario: Incorrect Username Pass Combo
Given User Exists
And User has <email>
And User has <password>
When User attempts to login
Then they are informed that they have a bad username or password
| email | password |
| | goodpass |
| badmail@com | goodpass |
| !@£$% | goodpass |
| [email protected] | badpass |
| [email protected] | !@£$%%^ |
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