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Last active July 25, 2023 19:19
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Data Test IDs

A data-testid attribute should be included for every testable element. Testable elements are defined as elements which the user interacts with or which has dynamically changing content.


  • <MyComp data-testid={...}>


{namespace}.{nav item}.{page component}.[distinguisher]

  • Namespace

    • active product from the ProductMenu image image

    • mg for Mailgun, ir for InboxReady, portal for settings/shared components

  • Navigation item

    • What the user clicked to arrive at the tested content

    • In most cases, refers to the left side menu, potentially with child option: - dashboard - sendingDomains - inboxPlacementSeedLists image

    • May also refer to ProfileMenu options: - profileMenuAccountSettingsPlan&Billing - profileMenuEmailSettingsDomainMonitoring image

  • Page component

    • Prefixed with the feature name plus a container type suffix

    • Type of containers content exists within:

      • Card - non-interactive display element
      • Panel - Like a card, but with a header and interactive UX elements
      • Tab - if the content requires clicking on a tab to reveal
      • Table/TableRow - content displayed within a table or the specific row of a table
      • Details - Typically, when a table row shows expanded content
    • image

  • Distinguisher

    • Optional when only the page component needs to be selected

    • Uniquely identifies the selectable content within the feature group

    • When interactable, identifies control type: select, button, input, etc.

    • Graph When refering to infographics: lineGraph, barGraph, or pieGraph

  • Examples

    • mg.dashboard.deliveredStatCard.percentage
    • mg.dashboard.deliveredStatCard.count
    • mg.sendingIps.ipAddressesTableRow.address
    • mg.receiving.testYourRoutePanel.testButton
    • ir.verificationsVerify.verifyAddressesInBulkTab.remaining
    • ir.verificationsVerify.verifyAddressesInBulkTab.slider
    • ir.verificationsVerify.verifyAddressesInBulkTab.estimationInput
    • ir.verificationsVerify.verifiedListsTable.actionsButton
    • ir.verificationsVerify.verifiedListsDetails.summaryPieGraph
    • ir.verificationsVerify.verifiedListsDetails.riskHigh
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Thinking even further, we might not even need featurePart since we really shouldn't have multiple components named the same within the same lib.

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