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Brian Hulette TheNeuralBit

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TheNeuralBit /
Created December 10, 2021 21:06
ArgumentSelectionDefectChecker errors
> Task :sdks:java:io:hadoop-file-system:compileJava
/beam/sdks/java/io/hadoop-file-system/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/hdfs/ error: An unhandled exception was thrown by the Error Prone static analysis plugin.
Please report this at and include the following:
error-prone version: 2.10.0
BugPattern: ArgumentSelectionDefectChecker
Stack Trace:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ''
Linkage Check difference on beam-sdks-java-extensions-sql between master(00ed8a87) and datacatalog-client(9bd21c3a):
Lines starting with '<' mean the branch remedies the errors (good)
Lines starting with '>' mean the branch introduces new errors (bad)
> Class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.TSFBuilder is not found;
> referenced by 1 class file
> com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvFactoryBuilder (jackson-dataformat-csv-2.10.0.jar)
> Class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperBuilder is not found;
> referenced by 1 class file
> com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvMapper (jackson-dataformat-csv-2.10.0.jar)
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/java_mobile_gaming_topic
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/testpipeline-jenkins-0208193512-b2c6d3ca
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/testpipeline-jenkins-0208192737-e75f3cf5
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/testpipeline-jenkins-0210041931-7dbd3392
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/testpipeline-jenkins-0210041202-e68aa32b
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/wc_topic_input1f7fc593-1fb1-4590-b806-c373d1f4d9fa
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/wc_topic_output1f7fc593-1fb1-4590-b806-c373d1f4d9fa
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/game_stats_it_input_topic3f311c11-e954-4628-8889-f8dac2c855e7
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/game_stats_it_input_topiccb2205dd-2d68-4b55-a0dd-e8e72df6182f
name: projects/apache-beam-testing/topics/testpipeline-ajamato-0220012558-66bf781b
❯ cat /tmp/topics | grep PubsubJsonIT | cut -d'-' -f7-9 | sort | uniq -c
14 2019-10-03
32 2019-10-04
12 2019-10-05
8 2019-10-06
28 2019-10-07
16 2019-10-08
22 2019-10-09
20 2019-10-10
20 2019-10-11
from timeit import timeit
N = int(1E6)
def bench_conversion(int_size):
np_to_int = timeit('int(i)', setup='import numpy as np;' % int_size, number=N)
int_to_np = timeit('' % int_size, setup='import numpy as np; i=int(4528)', number=N)
np_to_np = timeit('' % int_size, setup='import numpy as np;' % int_size, number=N)
print(" to int:\t%.3f ns/op" % (int_size, np_to_int*1E9/N))
print("int to\t%.3f ns/op" % (int_size, np_to_int*1E9/N))
> [email protected] perf /home/hulettbh/working_dir/arrow/js
> node ./perf/index.js
Running apache-arrow performance tests...
Parse "tracks":
x 6,199 ops/sec ±2.83% (81 runs sampled)
avg: 0.16ms
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
TheNeuralBit /
Last active November 27, 2022 06:04
Scrabble Arrow

Scrabble Data in an Arrow file

538's data on 45 years of Scrabble games turned into an Arrow file


$ python scrabble.arrow
Label image regions
This example shows how to segment an image with image labelling. The following
steps are applied:
1. Thresholding with automatic Otsu method
2. Close small holes with binary closing