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Last active August 11, 2017 09:54
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This is a model for the Titanic Kaggle tutorial. Score was 0.79426.
titanic <- read.csv("train.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = "");
test <- read.csv("test.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = "");
test$Survived <- NA;
titanic <- rbind(titanic, test);
rm(test); # Unload the test set.
# Convert some of the features into known factors.
titanic$Survived <- factor(titanic$Survived);
titanic$Pclass <- factor(titanic$Pclass);
titanic$Sex <- factor(titanic$Sex);
# Fill in the blank fare records.
for (i in 1:3) { # Passenger class
for (j in c("S", "Q", "C")) { # Embarked
titanic$Fare[$Fare) != FALSE & titanic$Pclass == i & titanic$Embarked == j] <- median(titanic$Fare[$Fare) == FALSE & titanic$Pclass == i & titanic$Embarked == j]);
g0 <- ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Embarked, y = Fare, fill = factor(Pclass))) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_discrete(name = "Class", breaks = 1:3, labels = c("Class 1", "Class 2", "Class 3")) +
labs(title = "Fare analysis at embarked port", x = "Embarked", y = "Fare");
# Manually assign the most common embarkment ignoring the above plot (hinting at embarkment C) to the missing ports.
titanic$Embarked[$Embarked)] <- "S";
titanic$Embarked <- factor(titanic$Embarked);
# titanic$Age[titanic$Age < 1] <- 0;
# Round down all of the less than 1 ages (and the estimate ages).
# All the less than 1 ages survived in the training dataset.
titanic$Age <- as.integer(titanic$Age);
#Engineer a new feature.
titanic$Deck <- factor(ifelse($Cabin), "U", substr(titanic$Cabin, 1, 1)));
# New feature regarding the number persons using the ticket.
titanic$TicketSize <- 1;
for (i in 1:nrow(titanic)) {
titanic$TicketSize[i] <- length(titanic$Ticket[titanic$Ticket == titanic$Ticket[i]]);
# Individual fare feature.
titanic$IndividualFare <- titanic$Fare / titanic$TicketSize;
# Find the salutation of the person.
titanic$Name <- gsub(" [A-Z]\\. ", " ", titanic$Name);
titanic$Title <- gsub("^.+, (.+)\\..*$", "\\1", titanic$Name);
titanic$Title[titanic$Title %in% c("Jonkheer", "Don", "Dona", "the Countess", "Sir", "Lady")] <- "Royalty";
titanic$Title[titanic$Title %in% c("Capt", "Col", "Major", "Rev", "Dr")] <- "Rank";
titanic$Title[titanic$Title == "Ms"] <- "Mrs"; # There is only one "Ms".
titanic$Title[titanic$Title == "Mlle"] <- "Miss";
titanic$Title[titanic$Title == "Mme"] <- "Mrs";
titanic$Title <- factor(titanic$Title);
# Fill in the blank age records.
for (i in 1:3) { # Passenger class
for (j in levels(titanic$Title)) { # Titles
titanic$Age[$Age) != FALSE & titanic$Pclass == i & titanic$Title == j] <- median(titanic$Age[$Age) == FALSE & titanic$Pclass == i & titanic$Title == j]);
# Engineer more new featrures.
titanic$FamilySize <- titanic$Parch + titanic$SibSp + 1;
titanic$Mother <- 0;
titanic$Mother[titanic$Sex == "female" & titanic$Parch > 0 & titanic$Age > 18] <- 1;
titanic$Mother <- factor(titanic$Mother);
titanic$Wife <- 0;
titanic$Wife[titanic$Sex == "female" & titanic$SibSp > 0 & titanic$Age > 18 & titanic$Title != "Miss"] <- 1;
titanic$Wife <- factor(titanic$Wife);
titanic$FemaleAlone <- 0;
titanic$FemaleAlone[titanic$Sex == "female" & titanic$SibSp == 0 & titanic$Parch == 0] <- 1;
titanic$FemaleAlone <- factor(titanic$FemaleAlone);
titanic$ChildWithSiblings <- 0;
titanic$ChildWithSiblings[titanic$Age < 18 & titanic$SibSp > 0] <- 1;
titanic$ChildWithSiblings <- factor(titanic$ChildWithSiblings);
sapply(titanic, function(x) sum(;
titanic_train <- titanic[$Survived) == FALSE, ];
titanic_test <- titanic[$Survived) != FALSE, ];
g1 <- ggplot(titanic_train, aes(x = Survived)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", fill = "#56B4E9", color = "#56B4E9") +
labs(title = "Overall survivual", x = "Survived", y = "Count");
g2 <- ggplot(titanic_train, aes(x = Sex)) +
facet_grid(. ~ Survived, labeller = as_labeller(setNames(c("Not survived", "Survived"), sort(levels(titanic$Survived))))) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", fill = "#56B4E9", color = "#56B4E9") +
labs(title = "Gender survivual", x = "Gender", y = "Count");
g3 <- ggplot(titanic_train, aes(x = Age)) +
facet_grid(. ~ Survived, labeller = as_labeller(setNames(c("Not survived", "Survived"), sort(levels(titanic$Survived))))) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", fill = "#56B4E9", color = "#56B4E9") +
labs(title = "Age survivual", x = "Age", y = "Count");
g4 <- ggplot(titanic_train, aes(x = Age)) +
facet_grid(. ~ Survived + Sex, labeller = as_labeller(setNames(c("Not survived", "Survived", "Female", "Male"), sort(c(levels(titanic$Survived), levels(titanic$Sex)))))) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", fill = "#56B4E9", color = "#56B4E9") +
labs(title = "Age and gender survivual", x = "Age", y = "Count");
grid.arrange(g1, g2, g3, g4, ncol = 2, nrow = 2);
g5 <- ggplot(titanic_train, aes(x = Survived)) +
facet_grid(. ~ Pclass, labeller = label_context) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", fill = "#56B4E9", color = "#56B4E9") +
labs(title = "Class survivual", x = "Survived", y = "Count");
g6 <- ggplot(titanic_train, aes(x = Sex)) +
facet_grid(. ~ Pclass + Survived, labeller = label_context) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", fill = "#56B4E9", color = "#56B4E9") +
labs(title = "Class and gender survivual", x = "Gender", y = "Count");
grid.arrange(g5, g6, ncol = 1, nrow = 2);
# Split our training data into a sub training (80%) and test (20%) set.
training_split <- createDataPartition(y = titanic_train$Survived, p = 0.80, list = FALSE);
training_set <- titanic_train[training_split, ];
testing_set <- titanic_train[-training_split, ];
model_fit <- train(Survived ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked + Title + FamilySize + TicketSize + FemaleAlone + Wife + Mother, method = "rf", data = training_set, tuneGrid = expand.grid(.mtry = c(1:15)), trControl = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 3, number = 10, search = "grid"));
testing_set_predict <- predict(model_fit, newdata = testing_set);
testing_set$Correct <- (testing_set_predict == testing_set$Survived);
accuracy <- length(testing_set$Correct[testing_set$Correct == TRUE]) / length(testing_set$Correct);
paste("Training accuracy (rf):", accuracy);
model_fit <- train(Survived ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked + Title + FamilySize + TicketSize + FemaleAlone + Wife + Mother, method = "cforest", data = training_set, tuneGrid = expand.grid(.mtry = c(1:15)), trControl = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 3, number = 10, search = "grid"));
testing_set_predict <- predict(model_fit, newdata = testing_set);
testing_set$Correct <- (testing_set_predict == testing_set$Survived);
accuracy <- length(testing_set$Correct[testing_set$Correct == TRUE]) / length(testing_set$Correct);
paste("Training accuracy (cf):", accuracy);
# Train using all of our training dataset.
model_fit <- train(Survived ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked + Title + FamilySize + TicketSize + FemaleAlone + Wife + Mother, method = "rf", data = titanic_train, tuneGrid = expand.grid(.mtry = c(1:15)), trControl = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 3, number = 10, search = "grid"));
# Predict results.
titanic_test$Survived <- predict(model_fit, newdata = titanic_test);
# Output results.
write.csv(titanic_test[ , c(1, 2)], "results.csv", row.names = FALSE);
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