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Last active August 3, 2017 23:09
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Quasi-Full expression of Entity Component System in Elm
import Color (Color, rgb)
import Graphics.Collage (..)
import Graphics.Element (Element)
import List ((::), map)
import Signal (Signal, foldp, (<~), sampleOn)
import Keyboard (arrows)
import Time (millisecond, every)
filterJusts : List (Maybe a) -> List a
filterJusts list =
case list of
[] -> []
first :: rest ->
case first of
Just x -> x :: filterJusts rest
Nothing -> filterJusts rest
type alias Vector = {
x : Float,
y : Float
-- Entity type
-- An entity is an object with a bunch of components
type alias Entity = {
position : Maybe Vector,
velocity : Maybe Vector,
scale : Maybe Float,
color : Maybe Color
-- Here, the type component tries to capture
-- the fact that the goal of a component is to modify
-- or update an entity
-- As such, it is modeled as a function from Entity to Entity
type alias Component = Entity -> Entity
-- The world is modeled simply as a list of entities
type alias World = List Entity
-- An action is a function that modifies an entity
-- given some input and the current state of the world
type alias Action = Input -> World -> Entity -> Entity
-- A renderer is a function that turns the world into an element
-- This could be a canvas (collage) renderer,
-- or a WebGL renderer or even a CSS or SVG renderer
-- In this example, we use a canvas (collage) renderer
type alias Renderer = World -> Element
-- An updater is a function that updates the world given
-- some input. This function usually just calls all the
-- defined actions in the system
type alias Updater = Input -> World -> World
-- Default entity : No Components
entity : Entity
entity = {
position = Nothing,
velocity = Nothing,
scale = Nothing,
color = Nothing }
-- The following are shorthands to make it easier
-- to create or update components
position : Float -> Float -> Component
position x y entity =
{ entity | position <- Just (Vector x y) }
velocity : Float -> Float -> Component
velocity x y entity =
{ entity | velocity <- Just (Vector x y) }
scale : Float -> Component
scale s entity =
{ entity | scale <- Just s }
color : Int -> Int -> Int -> Component
color r g b entity =
{ entity | color <- Just (rgb r g b) }
-- This function seems weird but in fact it
-- helps make the creation of entities real easy
(<>) : Entity -> List Component -> Entity
(<>) entity components =
case components of
[] -> entity
f :: fs -> (<>) (f entity) fs
-- A blue entity
player : Entity
player =
entity <> [
position 0 0,
velocity 0 0,
scale 10,
color 0 0 255
-- A red entity
enemy : Entity
enemy =
entity <> [
position 30 30,
scale 10,
color 255 0 0
-- The world: the list of all entities in the system
world : World
world = [player, enemy]
-- Function to render an entity
-- Depends on:
-- - position component
-- - scale component
-- - color component
renderEntity : Entity -> Maybe Form
renderEntity entity =
case (entity.position, entity.scale, entity.color) of
(Just pos, Just scl, Just col) -> Just <|
move (pos.x, pos.y) <|
filled col <|
square scl
_ -> Nothing
-- Function to render world
renderWorld : World -> List Form
renderWorld = filterJusts << map renderEntity
-- Renders the world onto the canvas by calling collage
collageRenderer : Renderer
collageRenderer = collage 400 400 << renderWorld
-- The Input type. Exactly the Keyboard arrows.
type alias Input = { x : Int, y : Int }
-- Function to accumulate all past inputs into one
accumulateInput : Signal Input -> Signal Input
accumulateInput =
let add p q = Input (p.x + q.x) (p.y + q.y)
origin = Input 0 0
in foldp add origin
-- helper function to map a function on ints to an input
mapInput : (Int -> Int) -> Input -> Input
mapInput f input =
Input (f input.x) (f input.y)
-- The input. Gets the keyboard arrows.
-- Clamps all values between -2 and 2.
input : Signal Input
input =
sampleOn (every ((1000/60) * millisecond))
(mapInput (clamp -2 2) <~ accumulateInput arrows)
-- Action to move an entity
-- Depends on:
-- - position component
-- - velocity component
moveEntity : Action
moveEntity input world entity =
case (entity.position, entity.velocity) of
(Just pos, Just vel) ->
entity <> [
position (pos.x + vel.x) (pos.y + vel.y)
_ -> entity
-- Action to apply the keyboard input
-- onto an entity
-- Depends on :
-- - velocity component
applyInput : Action
applyInput input world entity =
case entity.velocity of
Just vel ->
entity <> [
velocity (clamp -2 2 (toFloat input.x))
(clamp -2 2 (toFloat input.y))
_ -> entity
-- Function to update an entity given:
-- - A list of actions
-- - Input
-- - World state
updateEntity : List Action -> Input -> World -> Entity -> Entity
updateEntity actions input world entity =
case actions of
[] -> entity
f :: fs -> updateEntity fs input world (f input world entity)
-- Function to update a world given :
-- - A list of actions
-- - Input
updateWorld : List Action -> Input -> World -> World
updateWorld actions input world =
map (updateEntity actions input world) world
-- It just updates the world with the given actions
updater : Updater
updater = updateWorld [applyInput, moveEntity]
-- The Game Loop!
-- Gets the input, updates the world, then renders the world
gameLoop : Renderer -> Updater -> Signal Input -> World -> Signal Element
gameLoop renderer updater input world =
renderer <~ foldp updater world input
main : Signal Element
main = gameLoop collageRenderer updater input world
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