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Created August 13, 2024 14:10
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Wavetable script for M8 (not authour)
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
import os
# Define the folder path containing the .wav files
folder_path = "/path/to/folder"
# Iterate over all .wav files in the folder and subfolders
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
for file_name in files:
if file_name.endswith(".wav"):
# Load the audio file
audio_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
audio, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr=None)
# Change the length of the audio file to N samples by padding the end with silence (N = 256 * the number of samples per wave). e.g. if 2048-samples per wave, then N = 524288
target_length = 524288 # SET THIS ACCORDING TO THE FORMULA!
if len(audio) < target_length:
# If the audio file is shorter than 524288 samples, pad it with silence
audio = librosa.util.fix_length(audio, size=target_length)
# Save the modified audio file using soundfile
sf.write(audio_path, audio, sr)
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