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TheSunCat / adapta-nokto.theme.css
Created May 29, 2022 20:44
Adapta Nokto Discord Theme
* @name Adapta Nokto
* @author TheSunCat
* @version 1.0
* @description A theme to match the Adapta Nokto GTK theme.
/* Thanks to for syntax! */
/* Set base variables */
TheSunCat /
Last active August 14, 2022 14:24
USB Sounds on Linux using udev!

This is an overview of how I configured my system to play a sound when a USB device (such as a flash drive) is plugged in.


  • Linux install with udev and systemd.
  • Root access.
  • A utility to play sounds (I used aplay).
  • Sounds to play.

Playing a sound

Using the tool aplay (found in the Arch package alsa-utils), it is easy to play an audio file: aplay insert.wav

TheSunCat / DisblockOrigin.theme.css
Last active October 30, 2024 05:38
Hide all Nitro & Boost upsells in Discord!
* @name Adblock for Discord
* @author TheSunCat and contributors
* @version 1.0.0
* @description We have moved to Codeberg! Follow the link below:
* @source
#app-mount::before {
content: "The Disblock Origin theme has moved to Codeberg! Please check";