- is a program that keeps your docker images / layers safe
- metadata around images
- listen on port 5000 (usually)
- maintains an index and searches tags
- authorizes and authenticates connections
- there are a few choices
- official Python Docker registry
- Nexus
- docker makes installing network services reasonably easy, registry is a docker service
- allows you to save images locally and no longer depend on those in the cloud
- could be lost or changed
- must set up authentication prior to exposing it to any network
- example:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
if the container dies, will restart-p 5000:5000
the port exposed to the host machineregistry:2
use the image registry version 2
- then tag an image to push example:
docker tag ubuntu:14.04 localhost:5000/mycompany/my-ubuntu:99
use this image to taglocalhost:5000/mycompany/my-ubuntu:99
tagged with name of server running registry / name for organization / image name
- finally push it example:
docker push localhost:5000/mycompany/my-ubuntu:99
- storage options for preserving image
- locally
- docker trusted registry
- amazon elastic container registry
- google cloud container registry
- azure container registry saving and loading containers
docker save
- saving images locally is good for when traveling, making backups, or when shipping images to customers
docker save -o my-images.tar.gz image-1 image-2 image-3
docker load
- good for migrating between storage types
- good way to get images to other people
- kernals run directly on the hardware
- responds to messages from the hardware
- starts and schedules programs
- controls and organizes storage
- passes messages between programs
- allocates resources, memory, CPU, network, etc
- docker manages the kernel
- program written in Go
- manages kernel features
- uses "control groups" to contain processes
- uses "namespaces" to contain networks
- uses "copy-on-write" filesystems to build images
- used for years before docker
- makes scripting distributed systems "easy"
- give docker access to its own server socket:
docker run -ti --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker sh
- once inside, do
docker run -ti --rm ubuntu bash
- will create a new container from a client within a container, but is not a container within a container
- is a client within a docker container controlling a server that is outside that container
- flexibility on where you can control docker from!
- networking is divided into many layers
- ethernet: moves frames on a wire
- IP layer: moves packets on a local network
- Routing: forwards packets between networks
- Ports: address particular programs on a computer
- docker uses bridges to create virtual networks inside of computer
- when you create a private network in docker it creates a bridge
- function like software switches, used to control the ethernet layer
- example:
docker run -ti --rm --net=host ubuntu:16.04 bash
full access to hosts networking stack and turns off all protections- run
apt-get update && apt-get install bridge-utils
- run
brctl show
to display the network bridges within docker - in another terminal run
docker netowrk create new-netowrk
and look at the output id - run
brctl show
again and see the first part of that network string in a newbridge name
- docker doesnt magically moving packets, it creates bridges to move packets around system
- creates firewall rules to move packets between sockets
- uses built-in firewall features of the linux kernal
- called NAT (network address translation)
- change the source address on the way out
- change the destination address on the way back in
- can look at these for docker container with
sudo iptables -n -L -t -nat
- example:
docker run -ti --rm --net=host --privileged=true ubuntu bash
further turn off safetys, lets container have full privlege over container hosting it
- exposing ports in docker is actually just port forwarding at the networking layer
- allow processes to be attached to private network segments
- private networks are bridged into a shared network with the rest of the containers
- containers have virtual network "cards"
- containers get their own copy of the networking stack
- isolated to each container so they cannot reach in and reconfigure other containers
- processes come from other processes
- parent-child relationship
- when a child process exits, it returns an exit code to the parent
- Process Zero is special; called init, the process that starts the rest
- in docker, container starts with an init process and vanishes when that process exits
- it can start with that and divid into other processes that do any number of things
- will often start with a shell, and that shell splits off and runs other commands and processes
- you can check out the processes inside a container using:
docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' [container_name]
gives you the ability to look at any piece of information in a program, programatically- provides the jQuery-like syntax to drill down through the infrastructure of that container to extract information
resource limiting
- schedule CPU time, memory allocation limits, inherited limitations and quotas
- cannot escape process to consume more limits
- actual storage devices
- local storage devices
- layers to partition drives into groups, then partition groups
- docker uses this extensively
- file systems
- which bits on the drive are part of which part of what file
- FUSE filesystems and network filesystems
- programs that pretend to be file systems
Copy on Write
- secret to docker images
- can piece together separate pieces of an image to build a container that sees a whole image
- allows flexibility in using images that have / lack certain things until brought together in containers
- building blocks
- instead of writing directly to an image, write to new layer
- moving
- contents of layers are moved between containers in gzip files
- containers are independent of the storage engine
- any container can be loaded anywhere
- it is possible to run out of layers on some storage engines
volumes and bind mounting
- linux VFS (virtual file system)
- mounting devices on the VFS
- all start with
as the root - attach devices along the root of that tree
- all start with
- can mount directories as well
- this will temporarily cover up part of the FS
- use
mount -o bind [source-directory] [target-directory]
- will take the contents of source and place them over target
- can undo with
unmount [target-directory]
- mount order matters
- must do folder first, then file within the folder
- mounting volumes - always mounts the hosts filesystem over the guest
docker control socket
- docker is two programs: client and a server
- the server receives commands over a socket (either network or through a file)
- client can even run inside docker itself
running docker locally
- traditionally have a
docker client program
and adocker server program
with asocket
communicating between them - all inside of a linux docker host
- these client and server programs can create and delete containers
- can also have the
docker client program
run inside of a container, have the socket go into that container and out again for thedocker server program
- small program that describes how to build a docker image
- run them with
docker build -t [name] [location_of_dockerfile]
- when finishes building, result will be in local docker registry
- each line in this file takes the image from the previous line and makes another image
- previous image is unchanged
- state is not carried from line to line
- if you start a program in one line, will only run for the duration of that line
- dont want large files to span lines or your image will be huge
- careful with operations on large files spanning docker file lines
- each step is cached, will
use cache
if is available- saves huge amount of time
- place the parts of the code that are changed the most often at the end of the dockerfile
- dockerfiles are not shell scripts
- processes started on one line dont continue onto the next
command will preserve environment variables
- example: simple dockerfile
FROM busybox
RUN echo "building simple docker image."
CMD echo "hello container"
- running
docker build -t hello .
results in:
Step 1/3 : FROM busybox
latest: Pulling from library/busybox
61c5ed1cbdf8: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4f47c01fa91355af2865ac10fef5bf6ec9c7f42ad2321377c21e844427972977
Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest
---> 018c9d7b792b
Step 2/3 : RUN echo "building simple docker image."
---> Running in 8da204a982bb
building simple docker image.
Removing intermediate container 8da204a982bb
---> a962b3a3aeea
Step 3/3 : CMD echo "hello container"
---> Running in 417eb2dcefb5
Removing intermediate container 417eb2dcefb5
---> c09da6cf06c2
Successfully built c09da6cf06c2
Successfully tagged hello:latest
- install a program with docker build:
FROM debian:sid
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install nano
CMD "nano" "/tmp/notes"
- creates a image that will start you off inside of a nano editor
- which image to download and start from
- must be the first command in file
- who to contact if there are issues / bugs
- runs the command line, waits for it to finish, and saves result
- adds local files, contents of a tar archives, URLs
- sets env variables during build and when running the resulting image
- specifies start of command to run
- gets added to when people run containers from this image
- if you want container to act like a command-line program
- specifies the whole command to run
- It sets the program to run when the container starts.
- gets replaced when people run containers from this image
- if you have both
they get strung together - most times will want
- maps port into a container
- defines a shared or ephemeral volume
- avoid defining shared folders in dockerfiles
- changes the directory for both the rest of the Docker file, and in the finished image
- set the directory the container starts in
- its like typing
- set commands to be run as a particular user
- complete vs small
- multistage dockerfiles help with this
- example:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install curl
RUN curl https://google.com | wc -c > google
ENTRYPOINT echo google is this big; cat google-size
- then run in directory
docker build -t tooo-big .
followed bydocker run tooo-big
- the image size is 171MB, pretty large, can be helped with splitting up the build
- example:
FROM ubuntu:16.04 as builder
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install curl
RUN curl https://google.com | wc -c > google
// we actually dont need ubuntu in the end, so copy that work over in a minimal sized image base
FROM alpine
COPY --from=builder /google-size /google-size
ENTRYPOINT echo google is this big; cat google-size
- image size is now 5.57MB!
- golden image: It replaces a canonical build with a locally-modified revision.
- include installer for project
- have canonical build that builds everything from scratch
- tag build with git hash of code that built it
- use small base images, such as alpine
- build something from dockerfiles, always
- a self-contained unit of software
- has everything inside it to run code
- is not a virtual machine, is one machine (linux server)
- OS and batteries included
- code, configs, processes, networking, dependencies
- each container is its own world
- docker manages: sets up / tears down these containers
- is a client program used in the terminal
- a server program that manages linux system
- a service that distributes these containers
- docker flow: images -> containers
- run
docker image
to look at them - repository: where it came from
- tag: the version
- image ID: internal docker representation of the image
- fixed point can alway start from
running an image
- run
docker run -ti ubuntu:latest bash
= terminal interactiveubuntu:latest
latest ubuntu env imagebash
start with bash
- run
to leave the container - run
docker ps
to see the running containers id
shows the container idimage
is the image it came fromcommand
any command it was created with
- run
docker ps -a
to show all containers, including stopped ones - images and container ids are different, not interchangeable
- when a container is made from the image, the image is not changed
- can muck up the container without changing the image
- run
docker commit [containerId]
if want to save the container to a new image- will return a commit sha with an id of the new image
- can take that id from the sha and create a tag to name the image
docker tag [imageId] [tag-name]
- will then show up on
docker images
- will return a commit sha with an id of the new image
- a shortcut for above would be
docker commit [container-name] [new-image-name]
docker run
- containers have main processes
- container stops when that process stops
will remove the container after process exits- `docker run -ti ubuntu bash -c "sleep 3; echo all done"
a command to usesleep
hangs out for given seconds;
bash for when done with first command, move to next
can leave containers running in the backgrounddocker attach [container-name]
will go into a detached containercontrol + p, control + q
will detach from a running containerdocker exec [container-name]
- starts another process in an existing container
- good for debugging and DB admin
- cant add ports, volumes, etc
- when the original container stops, so does the exec'd process
docker logs [container-name]
- keeps output of containers
- dont let logs get too large
docker kill [container-name]
stops the container- will still exist unless removed
docker rm [container-name]
removes the container- resource constraint
docker run --memory maximum-alowed-memory [image-name] [command]
can place memory limitsdocker run --cpu-shares
relative to other containers cpu limitsdocker run --cpu-quota
cpu limit in general
general lessons
- dont let containers fetch dependencies when they start
- include dependencies inside the container!
- dont leave important things in unnamed stopped containers
- programs in containers are isolated from the internet by default
- can group containers into "private" networks
- can explicitly choose who can connect to whom
- exposed ports allow connections in
- private networks to connect between containers
- explicity specify the port inside and outside the container to listen on
- expose as many ports as desired
- requires coordination between containers
- makes it easy to find exposed ports
docker run --rm -ti -p 45678:45678 -p 45679:45679 --name echo-server ubuntu:14.04 bash
- will publish two ports
that link to the same inside and out --name
gives it a namenc -lp 45678 | nc -lp 45679
will usenetcat
to listen to the port 45678 and pipe the contents over to port 45679- can then use
nc localhost 45679
andnc localhost 45678
to begin passing around contents between terminal panes
- will publish two ports
- containers are not allowed to directly address another container by ip address
- given a special name to refer to one another
on mac OS nc host.docker.internal 45678
inside a docker container to listen to an exposed port on another container
- given a special name to refer to one another
dynamically exposing ports
- port inside a container is fixed
- port on the host is chosen from unused ports
- allows many containers running programs with fixed ports
- often used with a service discovery program: kubernetes
docker run --rm -ti -p 45678 -p 45679 --name echo-server ubuntu:14.04 bash
- exposed fixed port on inside, dynamic on outside
docker port [container-name]
shows the dynamically assigned ports
docker port echo-server
45678/tcp ->
45679/tcp ->
- can also use other protocols like udp
- when we expose a port in docker it creates a network path through the Docker host from the outside of that machine through the network layers back into the container
- there are more efficient ways of doing this
- other containers can connect by going out to the host, turning around, and going back along that path
- can connect directly between containers with virtual networking
docker network ls
e9123c871d78 bridge bridge local
322307a8309e host host local
e48bf2be1246 meue_default bridge local
a4fd9cdcdfe6 none null local
- used by containers that dont specify a preference to be put into any other networkhost
- dont want any network isloation at all, does have security concernsnone
- no networkingdocker network create [network-name]
- creates a network for containers to use
docker run --rm -ti --net learning --name catserver
- give a name to the server so its much easier for networker
to hit the server to see if it is runningdocker network connect [network-name] [docker-container-server-name]
- will connect a server container you created to a network you created
docker images
lists images already downloaded- the sizes shown may not add up to be the total space actually used
- docker images may share a lot of the same resources, space efficient
- tagging images gives them names
docker commit
will tag an image for you withlatest
, or you can give it a tag withdocker commit [container-id] [imagename]:[tag]
- example structure:
- images come from
docker pull
- run automatically by
docker run
- run automatically by
- images can build up quickly
docker rmi [imageName][tag]
and removes from system
- vitrual discs to store and share data between containers and hosts
- two varieties
- persistent
- ephemeral exist as long as a container is using
- not part of images, your local host data
sharing between host & container
- shared folders / single file with host
- a single file must exist before starting the container, or it will be assumed to be a directory
docker run -ti -v [path/to/shared/files]:[path/inside/container/to/file] ubuntu bash
- you can then add things into this folder while in the container and the same contents will appear in the shared location
- works with single file as well
sharing between containers
argument- shared discs only so long as they are being used, ephemeral
docker run -ti --volumes-from [container_name]
- manage and distribute images
- docker makes these free
- can run your own private company regristry
docker login
anddocker push
to get up theredocker search [phrase]
to search from the commandlinedocker push [image_name][version_tag]
is a way to share images in the registry- dont push images containing passwords
- clean images regularly