In your command-line run the following commands:
brew doctor
brew update
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y | |
sudo yum install stress -y |
node: Platform built on V8 to build network applications | |
git: Distributed revision control system | |
wget: Internet file retriever | |
yarn: JavaScript package manager | |
python3: Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language | |
coreutils: GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities | |
pkg-config: Manage compile and link flags for libraries | |
chromedriver: Tool for automated testing of webapps across many browsers | |
awscli: Official Amazon AWS command-line interface | |
automake: Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles |
In your command-line run the following commands:
brew doctor
brew update
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Table of contents
This is an extension of DJ Adams' excellent SheetAsJSON Google Apps Script, which provides a way to GET a published Google Spreadsheet as a JSON feed. This version allows generic filtering for terms, more specific control over which rows to parse, and correct MIME type for JSONP output.
The following parameters are required for the script to work.
+ id=<spreadsheet key>
+ sheet=<sheet name on spreadsheet>
mix3d asked for some help using this guide with windows so here we go. This was tested with Windows 10. Run all commands in Git Bash once it's installed.
Github will be the main account and bitbucket the secondary.
create different ssh key according the article Mac Set-Up Git
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"