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Jano Garcia janogarcia

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janogarcia / index.html
Created February 27, 2024 20:24 — forked from lostintangent/index.html
ZzFX Sound Board - Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth
<body bgcolor=#223><center>
<div style=font-size:45px><b>ℤ𝕫𝔽𝕏 - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth</b></div>
<div style=font-size:20px><i>A tiny tool for creating and playing sound effects with JavaScript</i></div>
<div style=max-width:799px>
<div style=font-size:20px>
<input id=volume type=range min=0 max=1 step=.01 oninput='zzfxV=volume.value;volumeText.innerHTML=volume.value*100|0'></input>
Volume <span id=volumeText>30</span> %
<button onClick=zzfx(...[,,1675,,.06,.24,1,1.82,,,837,.06])>💰</button>
<button onClick=zzfx(...[,,925,.04,.3,.6,1,.3,,6.27,-184,.09,.17])>🥊</button>
janogarcia /
Last active April 3, 2024 17:46 · Why white looks bigger than black — The irradiation illusion

Markdown backup of ‟Why white looks bigger than black — The irradiation illusion” article by Gonçalo Dias, originally published in UX Collective.

Why white looks bigger than black — The irradiation illusion

The unknown optical illusion every designer should know

Reverse Manifesto

A list of company-related stuff—mission, core values, and culture—that I research before considering applying to a job.

Sure, it’s nearly impossible to find a company that will satisfy every single point, but it helps me at least in finding better matches against my personal preferences and values.

The list doesn’t follow any specific order.

  • Smart and inspiring leaders (CEO, founders), over megalomaniacs and tyrants
  • Driven by a good and meaningful mission/cause, over greed (betting/casinos, scammy cryptos...)
janogarcia / mailtoui_modal.pug
Created August 23, 2020 11:45
MailtoUI — Custom modal template
include ../mixins/util
#mailtoui-modal.mailtoui-modal(style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true")
#mailtoui-modal-title.mailtoui-modal-title Send email to…
a#mailtoui-modal-close.mailtoui-modal-close(title="Close" aria-label="Close" href="#")
janogarcia /
Last active November 30, 2016 11:24
WordPress - Basic Security
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
<!-- utf-8 works for most cases -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Forcing initial-scale shouldn't be necessary -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
janogarcia / space.less
Last active November 12, 2018 03:12
Less CSS spacing classes generator
// Live demo: paste this gist's code on
@start: left;
@end: right;
@base-space-0: 0;
@base-space-1: 1rem;
@base-space-2: 2rem;
@base-space-3: 3rem;
janogarcia /
Last active July 13, 2018 07:17
CoffeeScript Vs ES6 reading list
janogarcia /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
CSS Class Groups Combinations

Colors = {red, yellow, green, ..., n1}
Sizes = {small, medium, big, ..., n2}
Shapes = {round, soft, square, ..., n3}
Fills = {hollow, solid, gradient, ..., n4}

Cómo obtener todas las posibles combinaciones para las siguientes condiciones:

  • El tamaño mínimo de las combinaciones es 1 y el tamaño máximo n es igual al número total de grupos: mínimo 1 {red}, máximo 4 {red, small, round, hollow}
  • No se pueden repetir los elementos: {red, red} no es una combinación válida
  • Sólo puede haber un elemento de cada grupo: {red, yellow} no sería una combinación válida
janogarcia /
Last active November 26, 2024 15:35
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