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Thespikedballofdoom / Logitech G3 as F21 only on M3.lua
Last active August 10, 2024 10:22 — forked from forivall/LogitechGkeysToF13to18.lua
Lua script for logitech gaming software to emulate F21 exclusively on the M3 profile
--Purpose: Rebind Logitech g3 on the M3 keyboard profile (of the current LGS profile) to F21.
--I use this key to toggle shadowplay recording without leaving triggers prone somewhere on my regular keyboard keys.
--Shadowplay is stupid and normally demands modifier keys but not for F keys.
--To use it, go in Logitech Gaming Software and right click your keyboard profile (the gear at the top) and edit script.
--Paste this in, save it and close.
--This executes in addition to whatever you bind on that key, so I reccommend leaving G3 on M3 blank!
--Read all about it at: C:/Program Files/Logitech Gaming Software/Resources/doc/G-seriesLuaAPI.pdf
Thespikedballofdoom / TF2 LINES FILEMATCH DEMOMAN
Last active March 23, 2023 22:41
Thanks to for transcription
Keep it up lads! Demoman_autocappedcontrolpoint01
Guts and glory lads! Demoman_autocappedcontrolpoint02
Now it's our flippin' point hehah! Demoman_autocappedcontrolpoint03
Aye that's the way ye do it! Hehah! Demoman_autocappedintelligence01
Time to get bluttered! Demoman_autocappedintelligence02
That'll teach 'em! Demoman_autocappedintelligence03
That wasn't su
//-enablefakeip -no_texture_stream -novid -precachefontchars -nojoy -nosteamcontroller. Don't use -reuse (doesn't do much and can cause crashes), -particles 1(Limits beams to 512)
//useful command: differences shows every command that isn't at default. The only reason we leave some things which match the defaults here is so no config can FUCK US UP.
alias + "gamemenucommand openserverbrowser"
alias burner "ent_create trigger_ignite model *10 damage 1 burn_duration 40 spawnflags 1"
alias dimmer_clicked ""
alias exb "prop_physics_create props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl"
alias ddmao prec_delete_demo
alias hudr "hud_reloadscheme; toggle mat_antialias 0 1"
alias ittt "connect 9xkr; disconnect; map itemtest"
alias mariokart "connect" //for use with gamemenu.res, plz dont remove
Thespikedballofdoom / FLAGS
Created October 30, 2022 00:06
Spikes edit of yt patch collection
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Patch Collection
// @version 2.0.0
// @description Allows for changing of yt.config_ values -- visit my members at yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS in the console
// @author Aubrey Pankow ([email protected])
// @author Taniko Yamamoto ([email protected])
// @author Thespikedballofdoom ([email protected])
// @downloadURL
Thespikedballofdoom / YouTube Config Editor.user.js
Created October 26, 2022 23:08
YouTube Config Editor [Deal with youtube's new stupid experiments]
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Config Editor
// @namespace
// @version 0.3.5
// @description Edits yt.config_
// @author GoodTube/Thespikedballofdoom
// @match *://**
// @exclude **
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none