- Cotton
- Aluminium Foil
- Honey
- Tweezers
- Mushrooms (the ones you want to reproduce. From supermarket only)
- Preserving Jar (like this one: https://shop.gruene-smoothies.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/produktbilder-bormioli-einmachglas-2.jpg)
- Lighter
- Adhesive Tape
- Pressure Cooker
- Syringues
- Screwdriver
Take your preserving jar and make a hole in the middle of its lid with a screwdriver.
Close the jar and place aluminium foil over the lid, encapsulate it tightly
Add the jar to the pressure cooker.
Heat the pressure cooker to at least 110° to kill all bacterias
Take the jar out and let it cool over night
Remove the cotton from the jar, close the hole with adhesive tape
Burn the Tweezers with your lighter to sterilize it.
Split a mushroom in two with your hands (make sure to sterilize your hands first and try to not touch the inner of the mushroom)
Rub parts from the inner of the mushroom out with the tweezers and place them into the jar in the water.
Close it tightly, give it a shake, let it stay for about 1 week (does not need light)
It can be kept like that for about 2 years, you can use the syringes to rationize it.
If the water in the jar gets dark you made something wrong and the pors are contaminated, you can throw it away and begin from scratch. If the whater turns white it’s perfect and everything worked fine.
- Grains (rye, wheat or barley)
- Cotton
- Pressure Cooker
- Aluminium Foil
- A Pot
- Preserving Jar (like this one: https://shop.gruene-smoothies.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/produktbilder-bormioli-einmachglas-2.jpg)
- Add grains to the jar (3/4).
- Let grains rest in water for about 1 day
- Fill the jar with new water if needed (3/4) and place cotton in the jars hole, add aluminium on top like before.
- Cook it in the pressure cooker exactly like before.
- This time do not remove the cotton, just leave it there.
- Let it cool over night
- Use 1 syringe filled with pors water (from #1)
- Shake the jar well
- Add another syringe of pors water (from #1)
- Leave it somewhere shady and cool for 2-4 weeks (does not need light)
- Big Zip Bag (I use 30x40cm ~12L)
- Straw Litter/Pellets
- Plaster
- Mikropore
- Fill zip bag with straw litter/pellets
- Add +20g of plaster per KG straw
- Knead and shake the zip bag very well
- Add a hole in the middle of the zip bag
- Close the hole with 1 mikropore stipe
- Pur in boiling water
- Let it cool until it has ~20°
- Add the grain brood (from #2)
- Shake the zip bag try to get the grain brood to the bottom
- Let it rest for 3-4 weeks in a shady and cool place (does not need sun) until you see the first mushrooms appearing
- For mushrooms that grow vertically: remove the zipper bag, place it on a plate and water it every day (it needs a lot of water)
- For mushrooms that grow horizontally: make small holes (just cut in X shape) into the zipper bag where you see the mushrooms