A couple of times when I had to write an application on laravel 5 and I have to send a mail, almost every single time I run into issues passing data to my mail views, and I have to go back to my old codes to find out How I passed data previously, after doing this again a couple of days I decided to document it, might help someone too.
The way to go about this is to inject an instance of a model while instantiating the send mail class. like so:
public static function clientSendUserMail($Request, $id){
$Email =Email::findOrFail($id);
$reciever = User::where("id", $Request->id)->firstOrfail()->Profile->email;
Mail::to($reciever)->Send(new ClientSendUserMail($Email));
return true;
Here I have the mail I want to send to the user stored in a table called email, I fetch the row from the database then pass it as parameter to my mail class called ClientSendUserMail(),
Then in theClientSendUserMail() class:
use Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $Email;
public function __construct(Email $Email)
$this->Email = $Email;
public function build()
return $this->from("[email protected]","Request for interaction")
You create a public variable, then assign the parameter you passed into the class to the public variable in the construct method $this->Email = $Email; (Dependency injection).
This then becomes automatically available to your view like so:
<br><br>Company name : {{$Email->company_name}}
<br><br>Email: {{$Email->company_email}}
<br><br>Mail body: {{$Email->content}}
You can read up on dependency injection in PHP here: http://fabien.potencier.org/what-is-dependency-injection.html