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Last active January 28, 2025 13:25
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Minimal PCG32 Random Number Generator in C#
namespace PizzaDough
/// <summary>
/// Random Number Generator based on Permutation-Congruential-Generator (PCG), which is a fancy wording to
/// describe a family of RNG which are simple, fast, statistically excellent, and hardly predictable.
/// More interestingly, PCG allows to generate multiple sequences with the same seed, which is very handy
/// in game development to have a unique seed per game session while using different streams for each
/// RNG which requires an isolated context (e.g. generating a procedural level, but we don't want the loot
/// generation to affect subsequent level generations).
/// This code is derived from the minimal C implementation.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class MiniPCG32
// state
private ulong _state;
private readonly ulong _inc;
/// <summary>
/// Initiaze a random number generator.
/// </summary>
public MiniPCG32() : this((ulong)System.Environment.TickCount) { }
/// <summary>
/// Initiaze a random number generator. Specified in two parts, state initializer (a.k.a. seed) and a sequence selection constant (a.k.a. stream id).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state">State initializer (a.k.a. seed).</param>
/// <param name="streamID">Sequence selection constant (a.k.a. stream id). Defaults to 0.</param>
public MiniPCG32(ulong state, ulong streamID = 0)
_state = 0ul;
_inc = (streamID << 1) | 1ul;
_state += state;
/// <summary>
/// Generate a uniformly distributed number.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A uniformly distributed 32bit unsigned integer.</returns>
private uint PCG32()
ulong oldState = _state;
// Advance internal state
_state = unchecked(_state * 6364136223846793005ul + _inc);
// Calculate output function (XSH RR), uses old state for max ILP
uint xorshifted = (uint)(((oldState >> 18) ^ oldState) >> 27);
int rot = (int)(oldState >> 59);
return (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-rot) & 31));
/// <summary>
/// Generate a uniformly distributed number, r, where 0 <= r < <paramref name="bound"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bound">Exclusive upper bound of the number to generate.</param>
/// <returns>A uniformly distributed 32bit unsigned integer strictly less than <paramref name="bound"/>.</returns>
private uint PCG32(uint bound)
// To avoid bias, we need to make the range of the RNG a multiple of
// bound, which we do by dropping output less than a threshold.
uint threshold = ((uint)-bound) % bound;
// Uniformity guarantees that this loop will terminate. In practice, it
// should usually terminate quickly; on average (assuming all bounds are
// equally likely), 82.25% of the time, we can expect it to require just
// one iteration. In the worst case, someone passes a bound of 2^31 + 1
// (i.e., 2147483649), which invalidates almost 50% of the range. In
// practice, bounds are typically small and only a tiny amount of the range
// is eliminated.
while (true)
uint r = PCG32();
if (r >= threshold)
return r % bound;
/// <summary>
/// Generate a random positive number.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A random positive number.</returns>
public int Next()
return Next(int.MaxValue);
/// <summary>
/// Generate a random number with an exclusive <paramref name="maxValue"/> upperbound.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxValue">Exclusive upper bound.</param>
/// <returns>A random number with an exclusive <paramref name="maxValue"/> upperbound.</returns>
public int Next(int maxValue)
if (maxValue < 0)
maxValue = 0;
return (int)PCG32((uint)maxValue);
/// <summary>
/// Generate a random number ranging from <paramref name="minValue"/> to <paramref name="maxValue"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="minValue">Lower bound.</param>
/// <param name="maxValue">Upper bound.</param>
/// <returns>A random number ranging from <paramref name="minValue"/> to <paramref name="maxValue"/>.</returns>
public int Next(int minValue, int maxValue)
if (maxValue < minValue)
maxValue = minValue;
return (int)(minValue + PCG32((uint)((long)maxValue - minValue)));
/// <summary>
/// Generate a random float ranging from 0.0f to 1.0f.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A random float ranging from 0.0f to 1.0f.</returns>
public float NextFloat()
// This is quite hackish because we want to avoid BitConverter, but who cares?
int bound = int.MaxValue / 2 - 1;
return Next(bound) * 1.0f / bound;
/// <summary>
/// Generate a random float ranging from <paramref name="minValue"/> to <paramref name="maxValue"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="minValue">Lower bound.</param>
/// <param name="maxValue">Upper bound.</param>
/// <returns>A random float ranging from <paramref name="minValue"/> to <paramref name="maxValue"/>.</returns>
public float NextFloat(float minValue, float maxValue)
if (maxValue < minValue)
maxValue = minValue;
return minValue + (maxValue - minValue) * NextFloat();
/// <summary>
/// Generate a random bool.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A random bool.</returns>
public bool NextBool()
return NextFloat() <= 0.5f;
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