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Created July 23, 2020 05:04
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;; Database
(r/atom db {:dragging? false
:pos-x 0
:pod-y 0
{:draggable true
:index 0
:drag-start handle-drag-start
:drag-end handle-drag-end}]]
:elements []})
(def form-types ["text" "textarea" "select" "radio"])
(def drag-n-drop-area {:x 500 :y 500})
;; 10px gridlines that the elements snap to so they'll line up and shit
(def grid-lines 10)
(defn drag-area
"Area to drag element over, use CSS to set visual area"
^{:key reset}
[(:elements db)])
(defn find-x-pos []) ;; look up element prop to find position of drag area + mouse pos
(defn find-y-pos []) ;; look up element prop to find position of drag area + moust pos
(defn handle-drag-end
"figure out position, add to elements list, call fn to render the drag and drop area"
(let [x (find-x-pos)
y (find-y-pos)
element (nth (:index e) db)
positioned-element (into element {:x x :y y :style {:top y :left x})]
(swap! (-> e .target) db conj :elements)
(drag-area :reset)
(select-area :reset))
(defn select-area
"Pick out an element you want to use here"
^{:key reset}
(:select-area-templates db)])
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