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Last active January 31, 2025 23:53
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  • Save Thomascountz/5ae98a738abb9246b9f7749f53cdddcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Thomascountz/5ae98a738abb9246b9f7749f53cdddcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(Yet another) interactive jq, but it's a bash script using fzf
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
if [ "${1:-}" = "--help" ]; then
cat << EOF
Usage: ijq [filename]
A wrapper around jq that uses fzf to interactively build jq filters.
ijq [filename]
cat file.json | ijq
curl -s | ijq
exit 0
# Create a temporary file
# Export the tempfile variable so it can be accessed within the fzf context
export tempfile
# Always clean up the temp file on exit, even if script is interrupted
trap 'rm -f "$tempfile"' EXIT
# Read JSON input into the temp file. If a filename is provided as an
# argument, read from the file. Otherwise, read from stdin.
if [ -n "${1:-}" ]; then
cat "$1" > "$tempfile"
cat > "$tempfile"
# Set the commands to be bound enter, ctrl-y, and ctrl-f.
fzf_enter_bind_command='enter:become(jq {q} $tempfile)'
fzf_ctrl_y_bind_command='ctrl-y:execute-silent(jq {q} $tempfile | pbcopy)'
fzf_ctrl_f_bind_command='ctrl-f:execute-silent(echo {q} | pbcopy)'
# Start fzf with an empty candidate list, and reference the temp file in preview
# window so you can type jq filters and see the live preview. Press Enter to output
# the filtered JSON to STDOUT, or use ctrl-y and ctrl-f to copy to your clipboard.
echo '' | fzf --print-query \
--query '.' \
--prompt 'jq filter: ' \
--bind "$fzf_enter_bind_command" \
--bind "$fzf_ctrl_y_bind_command" \
--bind "$fzf_ctrl_f_bind_command" \
--preview "jq {q} \"$tempfile\"" \
--preview-window=top:90%:wrap \
--header=$'ctrl+y : copy JSON\nctrl+f : copy filter\nenter : output\nesc : exit' \
--header-border \
--header-label="INSTRUCTIONS" \
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