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Created March 4, 2012 10:50
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Save Thorium/1972372 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
csproj-file parsing with Linq2Xml, two examples
//#r "System.Xml.dll" //for scripts or interactive
//#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System
open System.Xml.Linq
open System.IO
let getFiles = Directory.GetFiles("c:\\projects\\", "*.csproj", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
|> Array.toSeq
let getProjectInfo (fname:string) =
let xn ns s = XName.Get(s,ns)
let xml = XDocument.Load fname
let xns = xn (xml.Root.Attribute(XName.Get("xmlns")).Value)
let isSilverligthAssembly = xml.Descendants(xns "TargetFrameworkIdentifier")
|> (Seq.filter (fun p -> p.Value = "Silverlight")
>> Seq.isEmpty >> not)
let outputPaths = xml.Descendants(xns "OutputPath") |> x -> x.Value)
(fname, isSilverligthAssembly, outputPaths)
let showInfo projInfo =
let name,sl,(outs:string seq) = projInfo
match sl with
| false -> Console.WriteLine("Assembly " + name + " outputs:")
| true -> Console.WriteLine("SL-assembly " + name + " outputs:")
outs |> Seq.iter(Console.WriteLine)
let test = getFiles |> (getProjectInfo) |> Seq.iter(showInfo)
//#r "System.Xml.dll" //for scripts or interactive
//#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll" //add reference if using F# as library
open System
open System.Xml.Linq
open System.IO
open System.Linq
///Fetch all *.csproj fiels
let getFiles = Directory.GetFiles("c:\\projects\\", "*.csproj", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
|> Array.toSeq
///Tags of TreatWarningsAsErrors (true/false)
let myTag = "TreatWarningsAsErrors"
///Linq-to-xml parsing
let parse (filename:string) =
let xn ns s = XName.Get(s,ns)
let xml = XDocument.Load filename
let xns = xn (xml.Root.Attribute(XName.Get("xmlns")).Value)
let elem = xml.Descendants(xns myTag)
let values = elem |> x -> x.Value)
(elem, values, xml, xns)
///Show file state: if active or deactive
let getProjectInfo (filename:string) =
let _, values, _, _ = parse filename
match values.Any() with
| true ->
match values.Any(fun e -> e = "true") with
| true -> "Active: " + filename //or just: ""
| false -> "Disabled: " + filename //or just: ""
| false ->
"Not set: " + filename //or just: ""
///Manipulate file state
let modifyState (trueOrfalse:string) (filename:string) =
let elem, values, xml, xns = parse filename
match values.Any() with
| true ->
//modify existing states
let toModify = elem |> Seq.filter (fun el -> el.Value <> trueOrfalse)
match toModify.Any() with
| true ->
toModify |> Seq.iter (fun el -> el.Value <- trueOrfalse)
//Maybe: version control checkout filename
//Or hijack, remove readonly: File.SetAttributes(filename, FileAttributes.Normal)
xml.Save filename
"Modified to " + trueOrfalse + ": " + filename
| false ->
"Was already " + trueOrfalse + ": " + filename
| false ->
//Add new element next to ProjectGuid
let scc = xml.Element(xns "Project").Element(xns "PropertyGroup").Element(xns "ProjectGuid")
let newXElement = new XElement(xns myTag, trueOrfalse)
try //try: assume that ProjectGuid found
//Maybe: version control checkout filename
//Or hijack, remove readonly: File.SetAttributes(filename, FileAttributes.Normal)
xml.Save filename
"Added: " + filename
| _ -> "Failed: " + filename
//To show:
let showAllProjects = getFiles |> (getProjectInfo) |> Seq.filter(fun f->f<>"") |> Seq.iter Console.WriteLine
//To modify:
//let setAllToFalse = getFiles |> (modifyState "false") |> Seq.iter Console.WriteLine
//let setAllToTrue = getFiles |> (modifyState "true") |> Seq.iter Console.WriteLine
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