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Created July 10, 2018 21:24
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
CPP #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Array.IO.Internal
-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001-2012
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (uses Data.Array.Base)
-- Mutable boxed and unboxed arrays in the IO monad.
module Data.Array.IO.Internals (
IOArray(..), -- instance of: Eq, Typeable
IOUArray(..), -- instance of: Eq, Typeable
castIOUArray, -- :: IOUArray ix a -> IO (IOUArray ix b)
) where
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad.ST ( RealWorld, stToIO )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, FunPtr )
import Foreign.StablePtr ( StablePtr )
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 711
import Data.Ix
import Data.Array.Base
import GHC.IOArray (IOArray(..))
-- Flat unboxed mutable arrays (IO monad)
-- | Mutable, unboxed, strict arrays in the 'IO' monad. The type
-- arguments are as follows:
-- * @i@: the index type of the array (should be an instance of 'Ix')
-- * @e@: the element type of the array. Only certain element types
-- are supported: see "Data.Array.MArray" for a list of instances.
newtype IOUArray i e = IOUArray (STUArray RealWorld i e)
deriving Typeable
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
-- Both parameters have class-based invariants. See also #9220.
type role IOUArray nominal nominal
instance Eq (IOUArray i e) where
IOUArray s1 == IOUArray s2 = s1 == s2
instance MArray IOUArray Bool IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Char IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Int IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Word IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray (Ptr a) IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray (FunPtr a) IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Float IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Double IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray (StablePtr a) IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Int8 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Int16 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Int32 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Int64 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Word8 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Word16 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Word32 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
instance MArray IOUArray Word64 IO where
{-# INLINE getBounds #-}
getBounds (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getBounds arr
{-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
getNumElements (IOUArray arr) = stToIO $ getNumElements arr
{-# INLINE newArray #-}
newArray lu initialValue = stToIO $ do
marr <- newArray lu initialValue; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
unsafeNewArray_ lu = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeNewArray_ lu; return (IOUArray marr)
{-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
unsafeRead (IOUArray marr) i = stToIO (unsafeRead marr i)
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
unsafeWrite (IOUArray marr) i e = stToIO (unsafeWrite marr i e)
-- | Casts an 'IOUArray' with one element type into one with a
-- different element type. All the elements of the resulting array
-- are undefined (unless you know what you\'re doing...).
castIOUArray :: IOUArray ix a -> IO (IOUArray ix b)
castIOUArray (IOUArray marr) = stToIO $ do
marr' <- castSTUArray marr
return (IOUArray marr')
{-# INLINE unsafeThawIOUArray #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
unsafeThawIOUArray :: UArray ix e -> IO (IOUArray ix e)
unsafeThawIOUArray :: Ix ix => UArray ix e -> IO (IOUArray ix e)
unsafeThawIOUArray arr = stToIO $ do
marr <- unsafeThawSTUArray arr
return (IOUArray marr)
"unsafeThaw/IOUArray" unsafeThaw = unsafeThawIOUArray
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
thawIOUArray :: UArray ix e -> IO (IOUArray ix e)
thawIOUArray#else:: UArray ix e -> IO (IOUArray ix e)
thawIOUArray :: Ix ix => UArray ix e -> IO (IOUArray ix e)
thawIOUArray arr = stToIO $ do
thawIOUArraymarr <- thawSTUArray = stToIOarr do
marrreturn<-(thawSTUArrayIOUArray marrarr)
return (IOUArray marr)
{-# RULES"thaw/IOUArray" thaw = thawIOUArray
"thaw/IOUArray"#-} thaw = thawIOUArray
{-# INLINE unsafeFreezeIOUArray #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
{-# INLINEunsafeFreezeIOUArray:: IOUArray#-}ix e -> IO (UArray ix e)
unsafeFreezeIOUArray :: IOUArrayIx ix => ixIOUArray -> IOix(UArraye -> IOix(UArray) ix e)
unsafeFreezeIOUArray (IOUArray marr) = stToIO (unsafeFreezeSTUArray marr)
unsafeFreezeIOUArray{-# RULES (IOUArray marr) = stToIO (unsafeFreezeSTUArray marr)
"unsafeFreeze/IOUArray" unsafeFreeze = unsafeFreezeIOUArray
{-# RULES#-}
"unsafeFreeze/IOUArray" unsafeFreeze = unsafeFreezeIOUArray
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711#-}
freezeIOUArray :: IOUArray ix e -> IO (UArray ix e)
freezeIOUArray :: Ix ix => IOUArray ix e -> IO (UArray ix e)
freezeIOUArray#endif:: IOUArray ix e -> IO (UArray ix e)
freezeIOUArray (IOUArray marr) = stToIO (freezeSTUArray marr)
freezeIOUArray"freeze/IOUArray"IOUArrayfreeze marr= freezeIOUArray) = stToIO (freezeSTUArray marr)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:1:1 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,\n CPP #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(1,1)-(2,20) Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:3:1-29 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:4:1-32 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:5:1-5 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:7:1-28 Nothing)),DP (2,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:8:1-77 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- |" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:9:1-4 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- Module : Data.Array.IO.Internal" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:10:1-40 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001-2012" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:11:1-57 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:12:1-65 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "--" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:13:1-2 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- Maintainer : [email protected]" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:14:1-39 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- Stability : experimental" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:15:1-30 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- Portability : non-portable (uses Data.Array.Base)" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:16:1-53 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "--" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:17:1-2 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- Mutable boxed and unboxed arrays in the IO monad." tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:18:1-52 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "--" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:19:1-2 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:20:1-77 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((G AnnModule),DP (21,0)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1)),((G AnnEofPos),DP (2,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:22:8-30 }
Nothing{ModuleName: Data.Array.IO.Internals}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(22,32)-(27,3) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (1,2))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:23:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:23:5-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:23:5-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:24:5-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- instance of: Eq, Typeable" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:23:26-53 Nothing),DP (0,9))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:24:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:24:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:25:5-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- instance of: Eq, Typeable" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:24:26-53 Nothing),DP (0,8))] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:25:5-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:25:5-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castIOUArray (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:26:5-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- :: IOUArray ix a -> IO (IOUArray ix b)" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:25:26-66 Nothing),DP (0,8))] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:26:5-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:26:5-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:29:1-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:29:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Data.Int})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:30:1-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:30:8-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Data.Word})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:31:1-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:31:8-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Data.Typeable})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:1-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:8-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Control.Monad.ST})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:33-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,9)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: RealWorld (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:46-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:46-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:33:46-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:1-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Ptr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:33-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,14)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:35-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:35-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:35-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Ptr (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:34:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: FunPtr (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:35:1-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:35:8-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.StablePtr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:35:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,8)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:35:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:35:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:35:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: StablePtr (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:40:1-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 711" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:37:1-28 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:38:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Data.Ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:38:8-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:39:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:40:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Data.Array.Base})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:42:1-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:42:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.IOArray})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:42:20-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:42:21-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:42:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:42:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOArray (tc, Tc )}))))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(55,1)-(56,40) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:44:1-77 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- Flat unboxed mutable arrays (IO monad)" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:45:1-41 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- | Mutable, unboxed, strict arrays in the 'IO' monad. The type" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:47:1-65 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- arguments are as follows:" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:48:1-28 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "--" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:49:1-2 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- * @i@: the index type of the array (should be an instance of 'Ix')" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:50:1-70 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "--" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:51:1-2 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- * @e@: the element type of the array. Only certain element types" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:52:1-69 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- are supported: see \"Data.Array.MArray\" for a list of instances." tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:53:1-69 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "--" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:54:1-2 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnNewtype),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:9-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (tv, Tv )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))]
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:24-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:24-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:33-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:34-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:34-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:34-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:34-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: STUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:43-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:43-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:43-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: RealWorld (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:55:55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))))])
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:56:24-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,23)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:56:24-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDeriving),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:56:24-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,23)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:56:33-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:56:33-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Typeable (tc, Tc )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:59:1-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:57:1-29 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- Both parameters have class-based invariants. See also #9220." tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:58:1-63 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnType),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRole),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:59:11-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:59:20-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:59:28-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(62,1)-(63,43) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:60:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:5-43] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:10-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Eq (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:13-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:13-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:14-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:14-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:14-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:14-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:62:25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:5-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:5-43 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:5-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,2))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: s1 (v, Var Val )}))))]))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:20-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:20-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:29-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: s2 (v, Var Val )}))))])))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:36-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s1 (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:39-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:39-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:63:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s2 (v, Var Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(65,1)-(81,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:66:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:10-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Bool (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:65:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:67:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:69:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(71,5)-(72,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(71,5)-(72,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(71,5)-(72,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(71,30)-(72,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(71,32)-(72,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:71:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(71,41)-(72,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:72:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(74,5)-(75,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(74,5)-(75,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(74,5)-(75,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(74,24)-(75,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(74,26)-(75,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:74:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(74,35)-(75,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:75:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:77:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:79:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:81:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:66:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:66:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:68:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:68:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:70:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:70:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:73:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:73:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:76:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:76:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:78:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:78:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:80:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:80:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(83,1)-(99,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:84:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:10-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Char (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:83:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:85:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:87:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(89,5)-(90,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(89,5)-(90,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(89,5)-(90,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(89,30)-(90,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(89,32)-(90,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:89:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(89,41)-(90,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:90:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(92,5)-(93,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(92,5)-(93,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(92,5)-(93,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(92,24)-(93,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(92,26)-(93,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:92:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(92,35)-(93,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:93:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:95:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:97:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:99:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:84:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:84:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:86:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:86:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:88:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:88:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:91:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:91:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:94:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:94:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:96:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:96:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:98:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:98:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(101,1)-(117,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:102:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:10-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:26-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:26-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:26-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Int (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:101:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:103:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:105:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(107,5)-(108,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(107,5)-(108,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(107,5)-(108,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(107,30)-(108,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(107,32)-(108,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:107:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(107,41)-(108,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:108:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(110,5)-(111,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(110,5)-(111,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(110,5)-(111,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(110,24)-(111,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(110,26)-(111,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:110:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(110,35)-(111,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:111:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:113:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:115:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:117:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:102:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:102:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:104:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:104:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:106:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:106:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:109:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:109:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:112:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:112:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:114:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:114:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:116:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:116:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(119,1)-(135,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:120:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:10-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:119:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:121:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:123:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(125,5)-(126,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(125,5)-(126,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(125,5)-(126,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(125,30)-(126,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(125,32)-(126,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:125:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(125,41)-(126,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:126:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(128,5)-(129,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(128,5)-(129,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(128,5)-(129,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(128,24)-(129,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(128,26)-(129,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:128:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(128,35)-(129,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:129:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:131:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:133:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:135:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:120:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:120:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:122:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:122:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:124:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:124:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:127:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:127:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:130:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:130:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:132:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:132:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:134:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:134:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(137,1)-(153,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:138:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:10-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:27-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Ptr (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: a (tv, Tv )}))))))])))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:137:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:139:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:141:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(143,5)-(144,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(143,5)-(144,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(143,5)-(144,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(143,30)-(144,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(143,32)-(144,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:143:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(143,41)-(144,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:144:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(146,5)-(147,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(146,5)-(147,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(146,5)-(147,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(146,24)-(147,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(146,26)-(147,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:146:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(146,35)-(147,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:147:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:149:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:151:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:153:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:138:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:138:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:140:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:140:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:142:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:142:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:145:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:145:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:148:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:148:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:150:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:150:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:152:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:152:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(155,1)-(171,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:156:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:10-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:26-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:26-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:27-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:27-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:27-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:27-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: FunPtr (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: a (tv, Tv )}))))))])))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:37-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:37-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:155:37-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:157:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:159:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(161,5)-(162,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(161,5)-(162,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(161,5)-(162,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(161,30)-(162,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(161,32)-(162,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:161:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(161,41)-(162,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:162:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(164,5)-(165,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(164,5)-(165,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(164,5)-(165,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(164,24)-(165,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(164,26)-(165,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:164:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(164,35)-(165,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:165:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:167:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:169:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:171:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:156:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:156:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:158:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:158:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:160:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:160:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:163:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:163:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:166:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:166:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:168:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:168:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:170:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:170:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(173,1)-(189,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:174:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:10-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Float (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:173:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:175:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:177:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(179,5)-(180,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(179,5)-(180,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(179,5)-(180,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(179,30)-(180,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(179,32)-(180,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:179:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(179,41)-(180,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:180:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(182,5)-(183,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(182,5)-(183,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(182,5)-(183,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(182,24)-(183,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(182,26)-(183,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:182:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(182,35)-(183,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:183:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:185:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:187:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:189:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:174:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:174:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:176:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:176:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:178:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:178:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:181:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:181:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:184:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:184:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:186:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:186:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:188:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:188:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(191,1)-(207,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:192:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:10-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Double (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:191:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:193:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:195:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(197,5)-(198,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(197,5)-(198,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(197,5)-(198,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(197,30)-(198,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(197,32)-(198,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:197:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(197,41)-(198,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:198:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(200,5)-(201,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(200,5)-(201,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(200,5)-(201,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(200,24)-(201,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(200,26)-(201,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:200:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(200,35)-(201,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:201:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:203:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:205:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:207:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:192:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:192:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:194:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:194:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:196:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:196:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:199:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:199:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:202:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:202:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:204:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:204:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:206:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:206:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(209,1)-(225,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:210:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:10-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:26-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:26-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:27-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:27-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:27-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:27-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: StablePtr (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: a (tv, Tv )}))))))])))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:209:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:211:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:213:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(215,5)-(216,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(215,5)-(216,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(215,5)-(216,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(215,30)-(216,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(215,32)-(216,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:215:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(215,41)-(216,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:216:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(218,5)-(219,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(218,5)-(219,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(218,5)-(219,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(218,24)-(219,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(218,26)-(219,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:218:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(218,35)-(219,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:219:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:221:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:223:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:225:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:210:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:210:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:212:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:212:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:214:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:214:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:217:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:217:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:220:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:220:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:222:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:222:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:224:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:224:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(227,1)-(243,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:228:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:10-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Int8 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:227:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:229:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:231:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(233,5)-(234,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(233,5)-(234,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(233,5)-(234,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(233,30)-(234,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(233,32)-(234,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:233:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(233,41)-(234,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:234:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(236,5)-(237,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(236,5)-(237,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(236,5)-(237,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(236,24)-(237,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(236,26)-(237,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:236:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(236,35)-(237,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:237:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:239:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:241:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:243:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:228:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:228:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:230:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:230:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:232:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:232:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:235:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:235:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:238:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:238:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:240:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:240:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:242:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:242:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(245,1)-(261,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:246:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:10-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Int16 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:245:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:247:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:249:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(251,5)-(252,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(251,5)-(252,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(251,5)-(252,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(251,30)-(252,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(251,32)-(252,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:251:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(251,41)-(252,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:252:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(254,5)-(255,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(254,5)-(255,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(254,5)-(255,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(254,24)-(255,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(254,26)-(255,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:254:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(254,35)-(255,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:255:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:257:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:259:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:261:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:246:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:246:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:248:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:248:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:250:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:250:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:253:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:253:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:256:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:256:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:258:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:258:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:260:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:260:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(263,1)-(279,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:264:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:10-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Int32 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:263:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:265:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:267:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(269,5)-(270,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(269,5)-(270,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(269,5)-(270,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(269,30)-(270,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(269,32)-(270,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:269:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(269,41)-(270,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:270:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(272,5)-(273,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(272,5)-(273,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(272,5)-(273,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(272,24)-(273,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(272,26)-(273,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:272:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(272,35)-(273,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:273:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:275:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:277:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:279:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:264:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:264:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:266:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:266:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:268:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:268:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:271:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:271:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:274:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:274:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:276:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:276:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:278:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:278:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(281,1)-(297,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:282:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:10-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Int64 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:281:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:283:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:285:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(287,5)-(288,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(287,5)-(288,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(287,5)-(288,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(287,30)-(288,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(287,32)-(288,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:287:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(287,41)-(288,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:288:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(290,5)-(291,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(290,5)-(291,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(290,5)-(291,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(290,24)-(291,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(290,26)-(291,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:290:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(290,35)-(291,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:291:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:293:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:295:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:297:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:282:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:282:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:284:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:284:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:286:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:286:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:289:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:289:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:292:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:292:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:294:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:294:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:296:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:296:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(299,1)-(315,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:300:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:10-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word8 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:299:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:301:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:303:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(305,5)-(306,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(305,5)-(306,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(305,5)-(306,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(305,30)-(306,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(305,32)-(306,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:305:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(305,41)-(306,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:306:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(308,5)-(309,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(308,5)-(309,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(308,5)-(309,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(308,24)-(309,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(308,26)-(309,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:308:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(308,35)-(309,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:309:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:311:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:313:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:315:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:300:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:300:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:302:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:302:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:304:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:304:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:307:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:307:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:310:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:310:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:312:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:312:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:314:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:314:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(317,1)-(333,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:318:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:10-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word16 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:317:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:319:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:321:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(323,5)-(324,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(323,5)-(324,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(323,5)-(324,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(323,30)-(324,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(323,32)-(324,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:323:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(323,41)-(324,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:324:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(326,5)-(327,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(326,5)-(327,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(326,5)-(327,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(326,24)-(327,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(326,26)-(327,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:326:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(326,35)-(327,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:327:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:329:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:331:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:333:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:318:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:318:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:320:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:320:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:322:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:322:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:325:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:325:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:328:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:328:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:330:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:330:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:332:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:332:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(335,1)-(351,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:336:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:10-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word32 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:335:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:337:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:339:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(341,5)-(342,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(341,5)-(342,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(341,5)-(342,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(341,30)-(342,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(341,32)-(342,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:341:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(341,41)-(342,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:342:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(344,5)-(345,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(344,5)-(345,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(344,5)-(345,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(344,24)-(345,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(344,26)-(345,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:344:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(344,35)-(345,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:345:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:347:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:349:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:351:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:336:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:336:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:338:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:338:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:340:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:340:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:343:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:343:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:346:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:346:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:348:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:348:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:350:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:350:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(353,1)-(369,67) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnInstance),DP (0,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:354:5-28,
tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:5-67] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:10-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:10-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: MArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word64 (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:353:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
(PlaceHolder)) {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:5-53 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:5-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:15-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:16-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:25-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:25-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:32-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:41-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:41-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:355:51-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:5-63 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:5-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:5-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:21-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:21-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:30-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:30-32 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:35-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:37-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:46-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:46-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:357:61-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(359,5)-(360,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(359,5)-(360,64) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(359,5)-(360,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:5-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:14-15 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:17-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:17-28 }
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(359,30)-(360,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(359,32)-(360,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:359:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(359,41)-(360,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:9-64 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:9-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:29-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: initialValue (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:43-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:43-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:50-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:51-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:51-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:360:60-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(362,5)-(363,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(362,5)-(363,58) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(362,5)-(363,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:5-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(362,24)-(363,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(362,26)-(363,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:362:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(362,35)-(363,58) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:9-58 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1)),(AnnSemiSep,DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:9-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:9-12 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:17-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: lu (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:37-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:37-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:45-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:363:54-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:5-31 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:5-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:5-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:365:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:5-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:5-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:36-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:36-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:43-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:44-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:44-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:44-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:55-58 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:367:60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:5-67 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:5-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:5-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:17-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:18-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:18-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:27-30 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:33 }
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:35 }
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:37-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:39-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:39-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:46-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:47-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:47-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:47-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:47-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:59-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: i (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:369:66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:354:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:354:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getBounds (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:356:5-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:356:16-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getNumElements (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:358:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:358:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:361:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:361:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeNewArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:364:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:364:16-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newArray_ (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:366:5-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:366:16-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeRead (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:368:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:368:16-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeWrite (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:1-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- | Casts an 'IOUArray' with one element type into one with a" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:371:1-62 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- different element type. All the elements of the resulting array" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:372:1-67 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- are undefined (unless you know what you\\'re doing...)." tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:373:1-57 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:17-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: a (tv, Tv )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:34-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:37-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:37-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:38-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:38-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:38-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:38-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:47-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:47-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:47-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:374:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: b (tv, Tv )}))))))]))))))]))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(375,1)-(377,27) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(375,1)-(377,27) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(375,1)-(377,27) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:14-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:15-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:15-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:24-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:24-27 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(375,30)-(377,27) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(375,32)-(377,27) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:32-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:375:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(375,41)-(377,27) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(376,5)-(377,27) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:5-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:5-9 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:5-9 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr' (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:14-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:14-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:14-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castSTUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:376:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:5-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:5-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:5-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:12-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:13-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:13-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:13-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:22-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:377:22-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr' (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:379:1-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:379:12-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:1-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:380:1-29 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:23-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:23-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:23-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:23-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:23-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: UArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:38-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:41-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:41-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:42-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:42-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:42-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:42-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:381:54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))))))]))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(385,1)-(387,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:382:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "unsafeThawIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:1-18 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:23-24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:26-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=>" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:29-30 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "UArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:32-37 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:39-40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:42 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:44-45 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:47-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:51-58 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:60-61 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:63 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:383:64 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:384:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(385,1)-(387,26) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(385,1)-(387,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:20-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:20-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(385,24)-(387,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(385,26)-(387,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:385:33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(385,35)-(387,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(386,5)-(387,26) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:5-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:5-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:5-8 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:13-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:13-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:13-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThawSTUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:32-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:386:32-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:5-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:5-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:5-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:5-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:12-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:13-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:13-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:13-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:22-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:387:22-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(389,1)-(391,7) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# RULES")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:390:1-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:390:1-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"unsafeThaw/IOUArray\"") {FastString: "unsafeThaw/IOUArray"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:390:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:390:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThaw (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:390:36-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:390:36-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeThawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:1-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:393:1-29 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "thawIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "UArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:17-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:24-25 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:29-30 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:32-33 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:35 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:36-43 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:45-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:394:49 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:1-4 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: thawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:17-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:17-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: UArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:32-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:35-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:35-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:36-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:36-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:36-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:36-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:395:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))))))]))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(399,1)-(401,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "thawIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:17-18 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=>" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:23-24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "UArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:26-31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:38-39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:41-42 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:44 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:45-52 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:54-55 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:57 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:396:58 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:397:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "thawIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:398:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "arr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:398:14-16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:398:18 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "stToIO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:398:20-25 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:398:27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:398:29-30 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: thawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(399,1)-(401,26) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(399,1)-(401,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: thawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:14-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [((Comment "marr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:5-8 Nothing),DP (0,-8)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:10-11 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "thawSTUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:13-24 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:14-16 }
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(399,18)-(401,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(399,20)-(401,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:20-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:20-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "arr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:26-28 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:399:27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(399,29)-(401,26) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(400,5)-(401,26) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:5-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:5-10 Nothing)),DP (0,-4)),((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:5-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:5-8 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:13-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:12 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:13-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:13-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: thawSTUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:26-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:13-20 Nothing),DP (0,-12)),((Comment "marr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:22-25 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:26-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: arr (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:5-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:400:26 Nothing),DP (0,-3))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:5-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:5-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:5-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:12-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:13-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:13-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:13-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:22-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:401:22-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(403,1)-(405,7) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "{-# RULES" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:402:1-9 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# RULES")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:404:1-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "\"thaw/IOUArray\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:403:1-15 Nothing),DP (0,-9)),((Comment "thaw" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:403:17-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:403:22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "thawIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:403:24-35 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:404:1-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"thaw/IOUArray\"") {FastString: "thaw/IOUArray"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:404:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,9)) [((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:404:5-7 Nothing),DP (0,-11))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:404:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: thaw (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:404:24-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:404:24-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: thawIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:1-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "{-# INLINE" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:406:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "unsafeFreezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:406:12-31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:406:33-35 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:407:1-29 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((AnnComment (Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:25-32 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:12-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [((Comment "unsafeFreezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:1-20 Nothing),DP (0,-10))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-9))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeFreezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
(SourceText "{-# INLINE")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:1-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:34-35 Nothing),DP (0,-2)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:37 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:39-40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:42-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:45 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "UArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:46-51 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:53-54 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:56 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:408:57 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:409:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:1-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeFreezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:25-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:25-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:25-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:25-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:25-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "Ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:25-26 Nothing),DP (0,-8)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=>" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:31-32 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:34-41 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-5))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:42-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:43-44 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:45-57 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:46-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:46-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:46-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:46-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: UArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:53-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:46 Nothing),DP (0,-6)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:48-49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:51-52 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:53-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:53-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:54 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "UArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:55-60 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-5))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))))))]))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:1-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:62-63 Nothing),DP (0,4)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:65 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:410:66 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:411:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "unsafeFreezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:1-20 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:23-30 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "marr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:32-35 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:36 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "stToIO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:40-45 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:47 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafeFreezeSTUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:48-67 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "marr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:69-72 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:412:73 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:1-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeFreezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:1-73 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:1-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:1-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeFreezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:22-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,12)) [((Comment "{-# RULES" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:1-9 Nothing),DP (0,-20))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:23-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:23-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:32-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:32-35 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:38-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:40-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:47-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:48-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:48-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:48-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeFreezeSTUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:69-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:414:69-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(416,1)-(418,7) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "\"unsafeFreeze/IOUArray\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:415:1-23 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "unsafeFreeze" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:415:25-36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:415:38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafeFreezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:415:40-59 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:418:1-29 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# RULES")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:417:1-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:416:5-7 Nothing),DP (0,-5))] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:417:1-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"unsafeFreeze/IOUArray\"") {FastString: "unsafeFreeze/IOUArray"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:417:25-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:417:25-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeFreeze (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:417:40-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:417:40-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: unsafeFreezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:1-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "freezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:1-14 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:16-17 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:19-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:36-37 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "UArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:40-45 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:47-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:419:51 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:420:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "freezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:1-14 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:16-17 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:19-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=>" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:25-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:28-35 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:37-38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:42-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:45-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "UArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:49-54 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "ix" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:56-57 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "e" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:59 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:421:60 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:1-5 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:1-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: freezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:19-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:19-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:19-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:19-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:19-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:36-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:39-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:39-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:40-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: UArray (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:47-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:47-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:47-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ix (tv, Tv )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:422:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: e (tv, Tv )}))))))]))))))]))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:1-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "freezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:1-14 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:17-24 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "marr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:26-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:30 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:32 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "stToIO" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:34-39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:41 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "freezeSTUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:42-55 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "marr" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:57-60 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:423:61 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "{-# RULES" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:425:1-9 Nothing),DP (2,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:1-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: freezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:1-61 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:1-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:1-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: freezeIOUArray (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:16-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "\"freeze/IOUArray\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:1-17 Nothing),DP (0,-14))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-2)),((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:26 Nothing)),DP (0,-4)),((AnnComment (Comment "freezeIOUArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:28-41 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:17-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:17-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IOUArray (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "freeze" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:19-24 Nothing),DP (0,-6))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:32-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:34-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:34-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:34-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: stToIO (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:41-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:42-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:42-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:42-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: freezeSTUArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:57-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:426:57-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: marr (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:(428,1)-(430,7) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:427:5-7 Nothing),DP (1,4))] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# RULES")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:429:1-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Internals.hs:429:1-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] []
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