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Created July 10, 2018 21:17
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Control.hs.out with and without #include directive
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
, NoImplicitPrelude
, ScopedTypeVariables
, BangPatterns
module GHC.Event.Control
(-- * Managing the IO manager
-- * Managing the IO managerSignal
, SignalControlMessage(..)
, ControlMessageControl(..)
, ControlnewControl
, newControlcloseControl
,-- ** Control message reception
,-- ** Control message receptionreadControlMessage
,-- *** File descriptors
,-- *** File descriptorscontrolReadFd
, controlReadFdcontrolWriteFd
, controlWriteFdwakeupReadFd
,-- ** Control message sending
,-- ** Control message sendingsendWakeup
, sendWakeupsendDie
,-- * Utilities
,-- * UtilitiessetNonBlockingFD
, setNonBlockingFDwhere
) where
#include "EventConfig.h"
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Conc.Signal (Signal)
import GHC.Real (fromIntegral)
import GHC.Show (Show)
import GHC.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIfMinus1_)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..), CSize(..))
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (mallocForeignPtrBytes, withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal (alloca, allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek, peekElemOff, poke)
import System.Posix.Internals (c_close, c_pipe, c_read, c_write,
setCloseOnExec, setNonBlockingFD)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIfMinus1)
import Foreign.C.Types (CULLong(..))
import Foreign.C.Error (eAGAIN, eWOULDBLOCK, getErrno, throwErrno)
data ControlMessage = CMsgWakeup
| CMsgDie
| CMsgSignal {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8)
{-# UNPACK #-} !Signal
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do.
data Control = W {
controlReadFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, controlWriteFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
, controlEventFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, wakeupReadFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, wakeupWriteFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, didRegisterWakeupFd :: !Bool
} deriving (Show)
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
wakeupReadFd :: Control -> Fd
wakeupReadFd = controlEventFd
{-# INLINE wakeupReadFd #-}
-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO
-- manager thread from another thread.
newControl :: Bool -> IO Control
newControl shouldRegister = allocaArray 2 $ \fds -> do
let createPipe = do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "pipe" $ c_pipe fds
rd <- peekElemOff fds 0
wr <- peekElemOff fds 1
-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to
-- poke the event manager from a signal handler.
setNonBlockingFD wr True
setCloseOnExec rd
setCloseOnExec wr
return (rd, wr)
(ctrl_rd, ctrl_wr) <- createPipe
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
ev <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "eventfd" $ c_eventfd 0 0
setNonBlockingFD ev True
setCloseOnExec ev
when shouldRegister $ c_setIOManagerWakeupFd ev
(wake_rd, wake_wr) <- createPipe
when shouldRegister $ c_setIOManagerWakeupFd wake_wr
return W { controlReadFd = fromIntegral ctrl_rd
, controlWriteFd = fromIntegral ctrl_wr
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
, controlEventFd = fromIntegral ev
, wakeupReadFd = fromIntegral wake_rd
, wakeupWriteFd = fromIntegral wake_wr
, didRegisterWakeupFd = shouldRegister
-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread.
-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with
-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call
-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup
-- file after it has been closed.
closeControl :: Control -> IO ()
closeControl w = do
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . controlReadFd $ w
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . controlWriteFd $ w
when (didRegisterWakeupFd w) $ c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1)
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . controlEventFd $ w
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . wakeupReadFd $ w
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . wakeupWriteFd $ w
return ()
io_MANAGER_DIE = 0xfe
foreign import ccall "__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t"
sizeof_siginfo_t :: CSize
readControlMessage :: Control -> Fd -> IO ControlMessage
readControlMessage ctrl fd
| fd == wakeupReadFd ctrl = allocaBytes wakeupBufferSize $ \p -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "readWakeupMessage" $
c_read (fromIntegral fd) p (fromIntegral wakeupBufferSize)
return CMsgWakeup
| otherwise =
alloca $ \p -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "readControlMessage" $
c_read (fromIntegral fd) p 1
s <- peek p
case s of
-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control
-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway.
_ | s == io_MANAGER_WAKEUP -> return CMsgWakeup
_ | s == io_MANAGER_DIE -> return CMsgDie
_ -> do -- Signal
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (fromIntegral sizeof_siginfo_t)
withForeignPtr fp $ \p_siginfo -> do
r <- c_read (fromIntegral fd) (castPtr p_siginfo)
when (r /= fromIntegral sizeof_siginfo_t) $
error "failed to read siginfo_t"
let !s' = fromIntegral s
return $ CMsgSignal fp s'
where wakeupBufferSize =
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
sendWakeup :: Control -> IO ()
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
sendWakeup c =
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sendWakeup" $
c_eventfd_write (fromIntegral (controlEventFd c)) 1
sendWakeup c = do
n <- sendMessage (wakeupWriteFd c) CMsgWakeup
case n of
_ | n /= -1 -> return ()
| otherwise -> do
errno <- getErrno
when (errno /= eAGAIN && errno /= eWOULDBLOCK) $
throwErrno "sendWakeup"
sendDie :: Control -> IO ()
sendDie c = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sendDie" $
sendMessage (controlWriteFd c) CMsgDie
sendMessage :: Fd -> ControlMessage -> IO Int
sendMessage fd msg = alloca $ \p -> do
case msg of
CMsgWakeup -> poke p io_MANAGER_WAKEUP
CMsgDie -> poke p io_MANAGER_DIE
CMsgSignal _fp _s -> error "Signals can only be sent from within the RTS"
fromIntegral `fmap` c_write (fromIntegral fd) p 1
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/eventfd.h eventfd"
c_eventfd :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/eventfd.h eventfd_write"
c_eventfd_write :: CInt -> CULLong -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "setIOManagerWakeupFd"
c_setIOManagerWakeupFd :: CInt -> IO ()
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE CPP\n , NoImplicitPrelude\n , ScopedTypeVariables\n , BangPatterns\n #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(2,1)-(6,5) Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "module" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:1-6 Nothing)),DP (2,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "GHC.Event.Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:8-24 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnModule),DP (8,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:9:5 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1)),((G AnnEofPos),DP (2,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:9:8-24 }
Nothing{ModuleName: GHC.Event.Control}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(10,5)-(28,5) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "where" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-11 Nothing)),DP (0,-16)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:10:5-32 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:5-32 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:7-12 Nothing),DP (0,-26)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:5 Nothing),DP (1,4))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "ControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-6)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:21 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:24 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Signal (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "newControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-7)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "closeControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-29)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:5-35 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5-35 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "readControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:7-24 Nothing)),DP (0,-29)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-29))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-21)) [((Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:5-27 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5-27 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:7-19 Nothing)),DP (0,-21)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-21))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-13)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-27)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:5-33 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5-33 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-27)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-27))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "sendDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [((Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:5-18 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:7-22 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-12))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setNonBlockingFD (v, Var Val )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:1-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#include \"EventConfig.h\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:1-23 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:8-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.ForeignPtr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:27-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ForeignPtr (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:1-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Base})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:1-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Conc.Signal})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:24-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Signal (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:1-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Real})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:17-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:1-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Show})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Show (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:1-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Word})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:18-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:18-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:18-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word8 (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:1-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.C.Error})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:24-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:1-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.C.Types})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:24-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CInt (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CSize (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:1-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:8-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.ForeignPtr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:27-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:28-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:28-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:28-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: mallocForeignPtrBytes (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:51-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:51-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:51-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: withForeignPtr (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:1-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Marshal})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:24-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: alloca (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaBytes (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:1-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:8-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Marshal.Array})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:30-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:31-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:31-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:31-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaArray (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:1-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Ptr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:20-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castPtr (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:1-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:8-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Storable})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:25-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peek (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peekElemOff (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:45-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:45-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:45-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: poke (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,1)-(45,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: System.Posix.Internals})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,31)-(45,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:41-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:41-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:41-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_pipe (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:49-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:49-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:49-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:57-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:57-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:57-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_write (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:32-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,31)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:32-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:32-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setCloseOnExec (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:48-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:48-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:48-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setNonBlockingFD (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:1-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:8-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: System.Posix.Types})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:1-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:1-24 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.C.Error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:25-42 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:43 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.C.Types" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CULLong" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:25-31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:32 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:35 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:36 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.C.Error})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:24-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eAGAIN (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eWOULDBLOCK (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:46-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:46-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:46-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getErrno (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:56-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:56-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:56-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrno (v, Var Val )}))))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(55,1)-(59,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:53:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnData),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:6-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (1,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (1,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(57,23)-(58,55) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgSignal (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:34-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:50-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ForeignPtr (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:62-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:62-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:62-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word8 (tc, Tc )}))))))])))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:34-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,11)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:50-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:50-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Signal (tc, Tc )}))))))])
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDeriving),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Eq (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Show (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,1)-(72,21) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:1-65 Nothing),DP (2,0))] [] [((G AnnData),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:6-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,16)-(72,5) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: W (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,18)-(72,5) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenC),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseC),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,-9)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,2)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:65:1-24 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:5 Nothing)),DP (1,-11)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# UNPACK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:25-34 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:36-38 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:40 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:41-42 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:1-4 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((G AnnComma),DP (4,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,3)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:1-5 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: didRegisterWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:30-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:30-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:30-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBang),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:31-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:31-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Bool (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDeriving),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Show (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:74:1-24 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:17-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:25-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:76:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:76:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:76:16-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "{-# INLINE" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:77:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:77:12-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:77:25-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:78:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:1-68 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- manager thread from another thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:1-38 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Bool (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:12-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:12-25 }
(Unqual {OccName: shouldRegister (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,27)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,29)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:29-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:29-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:29-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "2")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,45)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,45)-(113,12) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,45)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:46-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:46-48 }
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,53)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,53)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,3)-(113,12) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,3)-(93,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnLet),DP (0,0))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23)] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23) }
(ValBindsIn {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,18)-(93,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,20)-(93,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(85,9)-(93,23) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:29-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"pipe\"") {FastString: "pipe"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:38-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:38-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:38-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_pipe (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:45-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:45-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: rd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peekElemOff (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "0")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peekElemOff (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:88:9-67 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- poke the event manager from a signal handler." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-56 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setNonBlockingFD (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:29-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:29-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: True (d, Data Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setCloseOnExec (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: rd (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setCloseOnExec (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: rd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))))]
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:4-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:4-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_rd (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:13-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:13-19 }
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_wr (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:95:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-2)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:3-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:6-7 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:9-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"eventfd\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:28-36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:40-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "0" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "0" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:52 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:3-18 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "True" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:23-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "setCloseOnExec" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:98:3-16 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:98:18-19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "when" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:3-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "shouldRegister" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:8-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_setIOManagerWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:25-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:48-49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:4-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:4-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: wake_rd (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:13-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:13-19 }
(Unqual {OccName: wake_wr (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:8-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:8-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: shouldRegister (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:25-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:25-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:25-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:48-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:48-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wake_wr (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,3)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,3)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,10)-(113,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenC),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseC),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: W (d, Data Val )}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noPostTcExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,2)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_rd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:106:1-24 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:12 Nothing)),DP (1,9)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:14-27 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:29 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:31-42 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:44-45 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:1-4 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((G AnnComma),DP (4,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,3)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wake_rd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:111:1-5 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wake_wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:14-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:14-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:14-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: didRegisterWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:36-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:36-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: shouldRegister (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:115:1-63 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:116:1-76 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:117:1-65 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:1-78 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- file after it has been closed." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:1-33 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:14 }
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,16)-(131,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,18)-(131,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(122,3)-(131,11) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:8-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:9-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: didRegisterWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:34-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:34-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:34-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:57-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:58-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnMinus),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:125:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-2)),((Comment "_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:3 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:5-6 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_close" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:8-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:18-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:33-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:33-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:33-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:3-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Exact {Name: ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple.(){(w) d 70}}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )})),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word8 (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:19-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:21-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "0xff")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:19-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:21-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "0xfe")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(137,1)-(138,29) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnForeign),DP (0,0)),((G AnnImport),DP (0,1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:5-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CSize (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:16-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t"}
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:22-48 }
(SourceText "\"__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t\"")))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:43-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:43-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:43-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnWhere),DP (2,2))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16)] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:20-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:20-23 }
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:25-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:25-26 }
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,5)-(145,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:13-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:13-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:13-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,33)-(145,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:33-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaBytes (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:45-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:45-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,64)-(145,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,64)-(145,37) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,64)-(145,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:65 }
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,70)-(145,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,70)-(145,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(143,21)-(145,37) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(143,21)-(144,80) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,20)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(143,21)-(144,80) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:21-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:41-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"readWakeupMessage\"") {FastString: "readWakeupMessage"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-80 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:30-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:31-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:44-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:44-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:50-80 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:51-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:51-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:51-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:64-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:64-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,5)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:7-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:7-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:7-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: otherwise (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,9)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,8)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: alloca (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,18)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,18)-(164,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,18)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:19 }
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,24)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,24)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(148,13)-(164,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(148,13)-(149,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(148,13)-(149,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:13-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:33-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"readControlMessage\"") {FastString: "readControlMessage"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:24-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:25-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:25-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:25-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:13-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:13 }
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peek (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(151,13)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(151,13)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:151:18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:151:18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(154,17)-(164,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:17-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:17-67 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:17-61 Nothing),DP (1,4))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:19-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:26-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:26-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:54-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:54-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:17-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:19-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:47-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:54-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:54-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,17)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,19)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,22)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,21)-(164,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:26-34 Nothing),DP (0,2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: fp (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:27-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:27-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:27-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: mallocForeignPtrBytes (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:49-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:50-78 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:50-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:50-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:63-78 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:63-78 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,21)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,21)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:21-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:21-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:21-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: withForeignPtr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fp (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,41)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,41)-(164,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,41)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:42-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:42-50 }
(Unqual {OccName: p_siginfo (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,55)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,55)-(164,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(159,25)-(164,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(159,25)-(160,45) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:25 }
(Unqual {OccName: r (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(159,30)-(160,45) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:37-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:38-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:38-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:38-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:55-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:56-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:56-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:56-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castPtr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:64-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:64-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p_siginfo (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:30-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,5)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:30-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(161,25)-(162,60) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(161,25)-(162,60) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:25-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:30-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:31-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: r (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:36-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:36-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:36-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:49-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:49-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: error (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:35-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"failed to read siginfo_t\"") {FastString: "failed to read siginfo_t"})))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLet),DP (0,0))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48 }
(ValBindsIn {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s' (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBang),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s' (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:33-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:35-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:35-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:35-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgSignal (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fp (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:48-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:48-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s' (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16) }
(ValBindsIn {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:166:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:166:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,26)-(170,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:170:13-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:167:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-8)),((Comment "8" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:168:13 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:169:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-8))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "4096")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:1-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:174:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:12 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:176:3-21 Nothing),DP (1,2)),((Comment "\"sendWakeup\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:176:23-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:176:36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:3-17 Nothing),DP (1,2)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:20-31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:33 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:34-47 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:50 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:51 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:53 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:12 }
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,14)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,16)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(180,3)-(186,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:3-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:3 }
(Unqual {OccName: n (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:20-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:21-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:21-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:21-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:38-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:38-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,3)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,3)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: n (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(182,5)-(186,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(182,5)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:5 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:7-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,3))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: n (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:11-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:11-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnMinus),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:22-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Exact {Name: ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple.(){(w) d 70}})))))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,7)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:9-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:9-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:9-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: otherwise (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,22)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(184,20)-(186,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,15)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-24 }
(Unqual {OccName: errno (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:29-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:29-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getErrno (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(185,20)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(185,20)-(186,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:20-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:20-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:20-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:25-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: errno (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:35-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:35-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eAGAIN (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: && (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:45-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:45-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: errno (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:54-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:54-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eWOULDBLOCK (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:22-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:22-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:22-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrno (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:33-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"sendWakeup\"") {FastString: "sendWakeup"})))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-7 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:1-7 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:1-7 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:9 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:9 }
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,11)-(191,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,13)-(191,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:33-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"sendDie\"") {FastString: "sendDie"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:26-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:43-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:43-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:43-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Int (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:1-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:1-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:13-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:13-14 }
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:16-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:16-18 }
(Unqual {OccName: msg (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,20)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,22)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: alloca (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,31)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,31)-(199,51) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,31)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,37)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,37)-(199,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(199,51) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(198,77) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(198,77) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:8-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:8-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: msg (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(196,5)-(198,77) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:23-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,8)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: poke (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:33-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:33-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:23-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,11)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: poke (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:5-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:5-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgSignal (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:16-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:16-18 }
(Unqual {OccName: _fp (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:20-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:20-21 }
(Unqual {OccName: _s (v, Var Val )}))))])))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:26-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: error (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:32-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"Signals can only be sent from within the RTS\"") {FastString: "Signals can only be sent from within the RTS"})))))))]
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:16-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:16-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBackquote),DP (0,0)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnBackquote),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fmap (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_write (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:31-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:32-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:32-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:32-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(209,1)-(210,42) }
Just (Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:1-24 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:1-7 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"sys/eventfd.h eventfd\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:29-51 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:4-12 Nothing),DP (1,3)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:17-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:25-28 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:30-31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:36-39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:1-7 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"sys/eventfd.h eventfd_write\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:29-57 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:4-18 Nothing),DP (1,3)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:23-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CULLong" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:31-37 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:39-40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:42-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:45-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:207:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnForeign),DP (0,0)),((G AnnImport),DP (0,1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:4-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,3)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CInt (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:16-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "setIOManagerWakeupFd"}
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:29-50 }
(SourceText "\"setIOManagerWakeupFd\""))))))]
[(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1 CN "HsModule",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE CPP\n , NoImplicitPrelude\n , ScopedTypeVariables\n , BangPatterns\n #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(2,1)-(6,5) Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "module" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:1-6 Nothing)),DP (2,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "GHC.Event.Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:8-24 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnModule),DP (8,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:9:5 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1)),((G AnnEofPos),DP (2,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(10,5)-(28,5) CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "where" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-11 Nothing)),DP (0,-16)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:10:5-32 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:5-32 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:7-12 Nothing),DP (0,-26)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:5 Nothing),DP (1,4))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "ControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-6)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:21 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:24 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24 CN "IEThingAll",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "newControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-7)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "closeControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-29)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:5-35 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5-35 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "readControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:7-24 Nothing)),DP (0,-29)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-29))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-21)) [((Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:5-27 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5-27 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:7-19 Nothing)),DP (0,-21)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-21))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-13)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-27)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:5-33 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5-33 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-27)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-27))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "sendDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-12)) [((Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:5-18 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:7-22 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-12))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:1-38 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#include \"EventConfig.h\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:1-23 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:8-25 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:27-38 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:28-37 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:28-37 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:28-37 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:1-15 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:1-31 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:24-31 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:25-30 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:25-30 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:25-30 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:1-30 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:17-30 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-29 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-29 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:1-22 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:17-22 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-21 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-21 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:1-23 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:17-23 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:18-22 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:18-22 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:18-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:1-44 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:24-44 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-43 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-43 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:1-44 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:24-44 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-28 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-28 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-32 CN "IEThingAll",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-39 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-43 CN "IEThingAll",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:1-65 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:8-25 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:27-65 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:28-48 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:28-48 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:28-48 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:51-64 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:51-64 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:51-64 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:1-44 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:24-44 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:25-30 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:25-30 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:25-30 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:33-43 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:33-43 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:33-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:1-42 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:8-28 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:30-42 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:31-41 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:31-41 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:31-41 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:1-28 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:8-18 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:20-28 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:21-27 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:21-27 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:21-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:1-49 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:8-23 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:25-49 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:26-29 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:26-29 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:26-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-42 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-42 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:45-48 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:45-48 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:45-48 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,1)-(45,64) CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:8-29 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,31)-(45,64) CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-38 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-38 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-38 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:41-46 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:41-46 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:41-46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:49-54 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:49-54 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:49-54 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:57-63 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:57-63 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:57-63 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:32-45 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:32-45 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (1,31)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:32-45 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:48-63 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:48-63 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:48-63 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:1-30 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:8-25 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:27-30 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:28-29 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:28-29 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:28-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:1-66 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:1-24 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.C.Error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:25-42 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:43 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.C.Types" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CULLong" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:25-31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:32 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:35 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:36 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:24-66 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:25-30 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:25-30 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:25-30 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:33-43 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:33-43 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:33-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:46-53 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:46-53 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:46-53 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:56-65 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:56-65 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:56-65 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(55,1)-(59,23) CN "DataDecl",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:53:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnData),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:6-19 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-32 CN "ConDeclH98",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (1,-2))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-32 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:23-29 CN "ConDeclH98",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (1,-2))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:23-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:23-32 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(57,23)-(58,55) CN "ConDeclH98",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:34-67 CN "HsBangTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:50-67 CN "HsParTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-60 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-60 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-60 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:51-66 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:62-66 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:62-66 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:62-66 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:34-55 CN "HsBangTy",
(Ann (DP (1,11)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:50-55 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:50-55 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23 CN "HsDerivingClause",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDeriving),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:19-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,1)-(72,21) CN "DataDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:1-65 Nothing),DP (2,0))] [] [((G AnnData),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:6-12 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,16)-(72,5) CN "ConDeclH98",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,18)-(72,5) CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenC),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseC),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-19 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-19 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-42 CN "ConDeclField",
(Ann (DP (1,-9)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,2)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 CN "HsBangTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:41-42 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:41-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-20 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-20 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-42 CN "ConDeclField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:65:1-24 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:5 Nothing)),DP (1,-11)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# UNPACK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:25-34 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:36-38 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:40 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:41-42 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:1-4 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((G AnnComma),DP (4,-11))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42 CN "HsBangTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:41-42 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:41-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-18 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-42 CN "ConDeclField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,3)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 CN "HsBangTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:41-42 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:41-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-19 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-19 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-42 CN "ConDeclField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:1-5 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,-11))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42 CN "HsBangTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:41-42 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:41-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-25 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-25 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-34 CN "ConDeclField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:30-34 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:30-34 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:30-34 CN "HsBangTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBang),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:31-34 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:31-34 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21 CN "HsDerivingClause",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDeriving),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:17-20 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-10 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-32 CN "TypeSig",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:74:1-24 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:17-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:25-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:76:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:76:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:76:16-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "{-# INLINE" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:77:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:77:12-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:77:25-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:78:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:1-68 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- manager thread from another thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:1-38 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-32 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-24 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-24 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:23-32 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:26-32 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:26-32 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:26-32 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:1-10 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:12-25 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,27)-(113,12) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:29-39 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:29-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:29-41 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,29)-(113,12) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:41 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:43 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,45)-(113,12) CN "HsLam",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,45)-(113,12) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:46-48 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,53)-(113,12) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,53)-(113,12) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,3)-(93,23) CN "LetStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnLet),DP (0,0))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23)] Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:7-16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,18)-(93,23) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,20)-(93,23) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-27 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-34 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-47 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-47 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:29-34 CN "HsLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:36 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:36 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:38-43 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:38-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:38-47 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:45-47 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:45-47 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-10 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-31 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-25 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-25 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-29 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-31 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:27-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:27-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:31 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-10 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-31 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-25 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-25 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-29 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:15-31 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:27-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:27-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:31 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-24 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-27 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-32 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:88:9-67 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- poke the event manager from a signal handler." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-56 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-32 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:26-27 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:26-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:29-32 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:29-32 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-22 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-25 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-25 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:24-25 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:24-25 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-22 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-25 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-25 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:24-25 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:24-25 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-14 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-23 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:9-23 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:16-23 CN "ExplicitTuple",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:17-18 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:17-18 CN "Present",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:17-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:21-22 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:21-22 CN "Present",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:21-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-20 CN "TuplePat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-34 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:4-10 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:13-19 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:25-34 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:25-34 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-20 CN "TuplePat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-34 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:95:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-2)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:3-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:6-7 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:9-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"eventfd\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:28-36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:40-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "0" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "0" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:52 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:3-18 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "True" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:23-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "setCloseOnExec" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:98:3-16 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:98:18-19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "when" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:3-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "shouldRegister" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:8-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_setIOManagerWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:25-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:48-49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:4-10 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:13-19 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:25-34 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:25-34 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-6 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-6 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-21 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-54 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-54 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:8-21 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:8-21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:23 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:23 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:25-46 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:25-46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:25-54 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:48-54 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:48-54 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:3-8 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:3-8 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,3)-(113,12) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,3)-(113,12) CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:10 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,10)-(113,12) CN "RecordCon",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenC),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseC),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-26 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-26 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-50 CN "HsRecField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,2)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-42 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-50 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:44-50 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:44-50 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-27 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-50 CN "HsRecField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:106:1-24 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:12 Nothing)),DP (1,9)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:14-27 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:29 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:31-42 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:44-45 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:1-4 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((G AnnComma),DP (4,9))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:31-42 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:31-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:31-50 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:44-50 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:44-50 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-25 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-25 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-50 CN "HsRecField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,3)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-42 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-50 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:44-50 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:44-50 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-26 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-26 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-50 CN "HsRecField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:111:1-5 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,9))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:31-42 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:31-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:31-50 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:44-50 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:44-50 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:14-32 CN "FieldOcc",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:14-32 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:14-49 CN "HsRecField",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:36-49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:36-49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-12 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-32 CN "TypeSig",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:115:1-63 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:116:1-76 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:117:1-65 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:1-78 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- file after it has been closed." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:1-33 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-23 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-32 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-29 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-29 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:28-32 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:31-32 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:31-32 CN "HsTupleTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:1-12 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:14 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,16)-(131,11) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,18)-(131,11) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3-49 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-14 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-29 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-45 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-49 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:16 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:18-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:18-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:33-45 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:33-45 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:47 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:47 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-50 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-14 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-29 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-46 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-50 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:16 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:18-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:18-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:33-46 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:33-46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:48 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:48 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:50 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:50 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-6 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-6 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-30 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-60 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-60 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:8-30 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:9-27 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:9-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:9-29 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:32 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:32 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:34-55 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:34-55 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:34-60 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:57-60 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:58-59 CN "NegApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnMinus),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:59 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3-48 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:125:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-2)),((Comment "_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:3 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:5-6 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_close" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:8-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:18-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:33-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-14 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-29 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-44 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-48 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:16 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:18-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:18-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:33-44 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:33-44 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:46 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:48 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:48 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:3 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:3-49 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-14 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-29 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-45 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-49 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:16 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:18-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:18-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:33-45 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:33-45 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:47 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:47 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-8 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-8 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-11 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:3-11 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:10-11 CN "Exact",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:10-11 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-17 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-42 CN "TypeSig",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:20-33 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:38-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-17 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:19-24 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:21-24 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24 CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:19-24 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:21-24 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(137,1)-(138,29) CN "ForeignImport",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnForeign),DP (0,0)),((G AnnImport),DP (0,1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:16-20 CN "CCallConv",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:5-20 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:25-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-56 CN "TypeSig",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-56 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-35 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-56 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-41 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-41 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-41 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:40-56 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:43-56 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:43-56 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:43-56 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:1-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnWhere),DP (2,2))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16)] Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:20-23 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:25-26 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,5)-(145,37) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-8 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-8 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-29 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-29 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:10-11 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:10-11 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:13-24 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:13-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:13-29 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:26-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:26-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:33-43 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:33-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:33-60 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,33)-(145,37) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:45-60 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:45-60 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:62 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:62 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,64)-(145,37) CN "HsLam",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,64)-(145,37) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:65 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,70)-(145,37) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,70)-(145,37) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:21-39 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:21-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:21-59 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(143,21)-(144,80) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,20)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(143,21)-(144,80) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:41-59 CN "HsLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:61 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:61 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-28 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-28 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-46 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-48 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:23-80 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:30-46 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:31-42 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:31-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:31-45 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:44-45 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:44-45 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:48 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:48 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:50-80 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:51-62 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:51-62 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:51-79 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:64-79 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:64-79 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-26 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-26 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-37 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-37 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:28-37 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:28-37 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,5)-(164,49) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:7-15 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:7-15 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:7-15 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:9-14 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:9-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,9)-(164,49) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (1,8)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:16 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,18)-(164,49) CN "HsLam",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,18)-(164,49) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:19 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,24)-(164,49) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,24)-(164,49) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:13-31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:13-31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:13-52 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(148,13)-(149,44) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(148,13)-(149,44) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:33-52 CN "HsLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:54 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:54 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-22 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-40 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-42 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:17-44 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:24-40 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:25-36 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:25-36 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:25-39 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:38-39 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:38-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:42 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:44 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:13 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:13-23 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18-21 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18-21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18-23 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:23 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:23 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(151,13)-(164,49) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(151,13)-(164,49) CN "HsCase",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:151:18 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:151:18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:17 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:17-63 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:17-67 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:17-61 Nothing),DP (1,4))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:19-63 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21-42 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21-42 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:23-24 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:23-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:26-42 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:26-42 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-52 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-52 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-63 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:54-63 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:54-63 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:17 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:17-60 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:19-60 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21-39 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21-39 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:23-24 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:23-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:26-39 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:26-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:47-52 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:47-52 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:47-60 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:54-60 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:54-60 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:17 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,17)-(164,49) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,19)-(164,49) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,22)-(164,49) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-22 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-79 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:26-34 Nothing),DP (0,2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:27-47 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:27-47 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:27-79 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:49-79 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:50-61 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:50-61 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:50-78 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:63-78 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:63-78 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:21-34 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:21-34 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:21-37 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,21)-(164,49) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,21)-(164,49) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:36-37 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:36-37 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:39 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,41)-(164,49) CN "HsLam",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,41)-(164,49) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:42-50 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,55)-(164,49) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,55)-(164,49) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:25 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(159,25)-(160,45) CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-35 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-35 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-53 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-73 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(159,30)-(160,45) CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:37-53 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:38-49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:38-49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:38-52 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:51-52 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:51-52 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:55-73 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:56-62 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:56-62 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:56-72 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:64-72 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:64-72 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:30-45 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (1,5)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:30-45 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:25-28 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:25-28 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:25-65 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(161,25)-(162,60) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(161,25)-(162,60) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:30-65 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:31-64 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:33-34 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:33-34 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:36-47 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:36-47 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:36-64 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:49-64 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:49-64 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:67 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:67 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-33 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-33 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-60 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:35-60 CN "HsLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-48 CN "LetStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLet),DP (0,0))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48] Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48 CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBang),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:30-31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:33-48 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:35-46 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:35-46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:35-48 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:48 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:48 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-30 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-30 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-49 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-49 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:32 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:32 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-43 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-46 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:34-49 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:45-46 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:45-46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:48-49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:48-49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:166:9-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,26)-(170,16) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:170:13-16 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:167:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-8)),((Comment "8" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:168:13 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:169:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-8))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:1-10 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:1-30 CN "TypeSig",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-30 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-27 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-27 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:26-30 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:29-30 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:29-30 CN "HsTupleTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:1-10 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:174:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:12 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:176:3-21 Nothing),DP (1,2)),((Comment "\"sendWakeup\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:176:23-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:176:36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:3-17 Nothing),DP (1,2)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:20-31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:33 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:34-47 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:50 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:51 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:53 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:12 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,14)-(186,44) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,16)-(186,44) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:3 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:3-47 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-18 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-36 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8-47 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:20-36 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:21-33 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:21-33 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:21-35 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:35 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:35 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:38-47 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:38-47 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,3)-(186,44) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,3)-(186,44) CN "HsCase",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:8 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:8 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:5 CN "WildPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(182,5)-(186,44) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:7-30 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,3))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-15 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-15 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:11-12 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:11-12 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:14-15 CN "NegApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnMinus),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:15 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:22-27 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:22-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:22-30 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:29-30 CN "Exact",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:29-30 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,7)-(186,44) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:9-17 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:9-17 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:9-17 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,22)-(186,44) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-24 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-36 CN "BindStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,15)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:29-36 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:29-36 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:20-23 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:20-23 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:20-65 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(185,20)-(186,44) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(185,20)-(186,44) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:25-65 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-30 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-30 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-40 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-49 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-64 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:32-33 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:32-33 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:35-40 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:35-40 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:42-43 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:42-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:45-49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:45-49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:51-52 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:51-52 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:54-64 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:54-64 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:67 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:67 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:22-31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:22-31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:22-44 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:186:33-44 CN "HsLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-7 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-27 CN "TypeSig",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-27 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-24 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-24 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:23-27 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:26-27 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:26-27 CN "HsTupleTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:1-7 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:9 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,11)-(191,50) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-41 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,13)-(191,50) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:33-41 CN "HsLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:43 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-23 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-23 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-42 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-50 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (1,12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:25-42 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:26-39 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:26-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:26-41 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:41 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:41 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:44-50 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:44-50 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-11 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-45 CN "TypeSig",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-17 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-45 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-35 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-45 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-41 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-41 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-41 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:40-45 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:43-45 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:43-45 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:43-45 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:1-11 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51) CN "FunBind",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:13-14 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:16-18 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,20)-(199,51) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:22-27 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:22-27 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,22)-(199,51) CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,31)-(199,51) CN "HsLam",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,31)-(199,51) CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:32 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,37)-(199,51) CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,37)-(199,51) CN "HsDo",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(198,77) CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(198,77) CN "HsCase",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:8-10 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:8-10 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-14 CN "ConPatIn",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-49 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:23-49 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,8)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-31 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-49 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:33-49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:33-49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-11 CN "ConPatIn",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-11 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-46 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:23-46 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,11)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-31 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-46 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:31 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:31 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:33-46 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:33-46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:5-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:5-21 CN "ConPatIn",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:5-77 CN "Match",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:16-18 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:20-21 CN "VarPat",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-77 CN "GRHS",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:26-30 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:26-30 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:26-77 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:32-77 CN "HsLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-14 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-14 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-51 CN "BodyStmt",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-51 CN "OpApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:16-21 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:16-21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBackquote),DP (0,0)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnBackquote),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-29 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-47 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-49 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:23-51 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:31-47 CN "HsPar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:32-43 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:32-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:32-46 CN "HsApp",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:45-46 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:45-46 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:49 CN "HsVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:49 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:51 CN "HsOverLit",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(209,1)-(210,42) CN "ForeignImport",
(Ann (DP (2,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:1-24 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:1-7 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"sys/eventfd.h eventfd\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:202:29-51 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:4-12 Nothing),DP (1,3)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:17-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:25-28 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:30-31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:36-39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:1-7 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"sys/eventfd.h eventfd_write\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:29-57 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:4-18 Nothing),DP (1,3)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:23-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CULLong" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:31-37 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:39-40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:42-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:206:45-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:207:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [((G AnnForeign),DP (0,0)),((G AnnImport),DP (0,1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:16-20 CN "CCallConv",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:22-27 CN "PlayRisky",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:4-25 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (1,3)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-33 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-42 CN "HsFunTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-39 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-39 CN "HsTyVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:38-42 CN "HsAppsTy",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:41-42 CN "HsAppPrefix",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:41-42 CN "HsTupleTy",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey <no location info> CN "[]",
(Ann (DP (-55,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing))]
([((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1, AnnModule),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1, AnnWhere),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(10,5)-(28,5), AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(10,5)-(28,5), AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24, AnnDotdot),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:1-38, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:1-38, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:27-38, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:27-38, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:1-15, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:1-15, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:1-31, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:1-31, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:24-31, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:24-31, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:1-30, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:1-30, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:17-30, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:17-30, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:1-22, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:1-22, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:17-22, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:17-22, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:1-23, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:1-23, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:17-23, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:17-23, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:1-44, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:1-44, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:24-44, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:24-44, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:1-44, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:1-44, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:24-44, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:24-44, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-32, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-32, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-32, AnnDotdot),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-32, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-43, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-43, AnnDotdot),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:35-43, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:1-65, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:1-65, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:27-65, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:27-65, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:28-48, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:1-44, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:1-44, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:24-44, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:24-44, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:25-30, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:1-42, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:1-42, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:30-42, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:30-42, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:1-28, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:1-28, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:20-28, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:20-28, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:1-49, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:1-49, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:25-49, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:25-49, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:26-29, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-42, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,1)-(45,64), AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,1)-(45,64), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,31)-(45,64), AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(44,31)-(45,64), AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-38, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:41-46, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:49-54, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:57-63, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:32-45, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:1-30, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:1-30, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:27-30, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:27-30, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:1-66, AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:1-66, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:24-66, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:24-66, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:25-30, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:33-43, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:52:46-53, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(55,1)-(59,23), AnnData),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(55,1)-(59,23), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(55,1)-(59,23), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-32, AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:23-29, AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:34-67, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:34-67, AnnClose),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:34-67, AnnOpen),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:50-67, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:50-67, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:34-55, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:34-55, AnnClose),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:34-55, AnnOpen),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23, AnnDeriving),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:5-23, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:15-16, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,1)-(72,21), AnnData),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,1)-(72,21), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,1)-(72,21), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,18)-(72,5), AnnCloseC),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(62,18)-(72,5), AnnOpenC),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-42, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-42, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42, AnnClose),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42, AnnOpen),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-42, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-42, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42, AnnClose),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-42, AnnOpen),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-42, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-42, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42, AnnClose),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42, AnnOpen),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-42, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-42, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42, AnnClose),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:25-42, AnnOpen),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-34, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:30-34, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21, AnnDeriving),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:7-21, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-32, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-32, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:15-32, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,1)-(113,12), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,29)-(113,12), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,45)-(113,12), AnnLam),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,45)-(113,12), AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,53)-(113,12), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,3)-(93,23), AnnLet),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,3)-(93,23), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,7)-(93,23), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,20)-(93,23), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-47, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-47, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-31, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-31, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-31, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-31, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-32, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-25, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-25, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:16-23, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:16-23, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:17-18, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-20, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-20, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-34, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-34, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:4-10, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-20, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-20, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-34, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-34, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:4-10, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-54, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-54, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,10)-(113,12), AnnCloseC),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(104,10)-(113,12), AnnOpenC),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-50, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-50, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-50, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-50, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-50, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-50, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-50, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-50, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:112:14-49, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-32, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-32, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:17-32, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:31-32, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:31-32, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,1)-(131,11), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,18)-(131,11), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3-49, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3-49, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-29, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-45, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-49, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-50, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-50, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-29, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-46, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-50, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-60, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3-60, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:8-30, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:8-30, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:57-60, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:57-60, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:58-59, AnnMinus),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3-48, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3-48, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-29, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-44, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-48, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:3-49, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:3-49, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-29, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-45, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:8-49, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:10-11, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:10-11, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-17, AnnComma),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-42, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-42, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24, AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24, AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-24, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(137,1)-(138,29), AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(137,1)-(138,29), AnnForeign),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(137,1)-(138,29), AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(137,1)-(138,29), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-56, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-56, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:23-56, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:34-56, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,1)-(170,16), AnnWhere),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,5)-(145,37), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,5)-(145,37), AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:7-29, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,33)-(145,37), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,64)-(145,37), AnnLam),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,64)-(145,37), AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,70)-(145,37), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(143,21)-(144,80), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(143,21)-(144,80), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:30-46, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:30-46, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:50-80, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:50-80, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,5)-(164,49), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,5)-(164,49), AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,9)-(164,49), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,18)-(164,49), AnnLam),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,18)-(164,49), AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,24)-(164,49), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(148,13)-(149,44), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(148,13)-(149,44), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:24-40, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:24-40, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:13-23, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:13-23, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(151,13)-(164,49), AnnCase),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(151,13)-(164,49), AnnOf),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:17-63, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:19-63, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:19-63, AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21-42, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:17-60, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:19-60, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:19-60, AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21-39, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,19)-(164,49), AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,22)-(164,49), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-79, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-79, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:49-79, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:49-79, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,21)-(164,49), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,41)-(164,49), AnnLam),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,41)-(164,49), AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,55)-(164,49), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(159,25)-(160,45), AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(159,25)-(160,45), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:37-53, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:37-53, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:55-73, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:55-73, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(161,25)-(162,60), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(161,25)-(162,60), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:30-65, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:30-65, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:31-64, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-48, AnnLet),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-48, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48, AnnBang),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48, AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:29-48, AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:25-49, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(166,9)-(170,16), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:1-30, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:1-30, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:15-30, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:29-30, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:29-30, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,1)-(186,44), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,16)-(186,44), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:3-47, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:3-47, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:20-36, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:20-36, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,3)-(186,44), AnnCase),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,3)-(186,44), AnnOf),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:7-30, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:7-30, AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-15, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:14-15, AnnMinus),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:29-30, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:29-30, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,7)-(186,44), AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,7)-(186,44), AnnVbar),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,22)-(186,44), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-36, AnnLarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-36, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(185,20)-(186,44), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:25-65, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:25-65, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-40, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-49, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:26-64, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-27, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-27, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:12-27, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:26-27, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:26-27, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,1)-(191,50), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(190,13)-(191,50), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:25-42, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:25-42, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-45, AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-45, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-45, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-45, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51), AnnEqual),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51), AnnFunId),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,1)-(199,51), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,22)-(199,51), AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,31)-(199,51), AnnLam),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,31)-(199,51), AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,37)-(199,51), AnnDo),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(198,77), AnnCase),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(198,77), AnnOf),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,3)-(198,77), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-49, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:23-49, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-46, AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:23-46, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-77, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:3-51, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:16-21, AnnBackquote),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:16-21, AnnVal),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:31-47, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:31-47, AnnOpenP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(209,1)-(210,42), AnnDcolon),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(209,1)-(210,42), AnnForeign),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(209,1)-(210,42), AnnImport),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(209,1)-(210,42), AnnSemi),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:30-42, AnnRarrow),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:41-42, AnnCloseP),
((tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:210:41-42, AnnOpenP),
((<no location info>, AnnEofPos),
[AnnLineComment "-- * Utilities",
AnnLineComment "-- ** Control message sending",
AnnLineComment "-- *** File descriptors",
AnnLineComment "-- ** Control message reception",
AnnLineComment "-- * Managing the IO manager"]),
[AnnLineComment "-- poke the event manager from a signal handler.",
AnnLineComment "-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to"]),
[AnnLineComment "-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway.",
AnnLineComment "-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control"]),
[AnnLineComment "-- Signal"]),
(<no location info>,
[AnnLineComment "-- file after it has been closed.",
AnnLineComment "-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup",
AnnLineComment "-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call",
AnnLineComment "-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with",
AnnLineComment "-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread.",
AnnLineComment "-- manager thread from another thread.",
AnnLineComment "-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO",
AnnLineComment "-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do.",
AnnBlockComment "{-# LANGUAGE CPP\n , NoImplicitPrelude\n , ScopedTypeVariables\n , BangPatterns\n #-}",
AnnBlockComment "{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}"])])
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
, NoImplicitPrelude
, ScopedTypeVariables
, BangPatterns
module GHC.Event.Control
(-- * Managing the IO manager
-- * Managing the IO managerSignal
, SignalControlMessage(..)
, ControlMessageControl(..)
, ControlnewControl
, newControlcloseControl
,-- ** Control message reception
,-- ** Control message receptionreadControlMessage
,-- *** File descriptors
,-- *** File descriptorscontrolReadFd
, controlReadFdcontrolWriteFd
, controlWriteFdwakeupReadFd
,-- ** Control message sending
,-- ** Control message sendingsendWakeup
, sendWakeupsendDie
,-- * Utilities
,-- * UtilitiessetNonBlockingFD
, setNonBlockingFDwhere
) where
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtrGHC.Base (ForeignPtr)
import GHC.BaseGHC.Conc.Signal (Signal)
import GHC.Conc.SignalGHC.Real (fromIntegralSignal))
import GHC.Real (fromIntegralShow))
import GHC.Show (ShowWord8))
import GHC.WordForeign.C.ErrorWord8)(throwErrnoIfMinus1_)
import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIfMinus1_CInt(..), CSize(..))
import Foreign.C.TypesForeign.ForeignPtrCInt(mallocForeignPtrBytes(..), CSize(..)) , withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtrForeign.Marshal (allocamallocForeignPtrBytes, allocaBytes), withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.MarshalForeign.Marshal.Arrayalloca(,allocaArray))
import Foreign.Marshal.ArrayForeign.Ptr (castPtr) (allocaArray)
import Foreign.PtrForeign.StorablecastPtr(peek) , peekElemOff, poke)
import Foreign.StorableSystem.Posix.Internalspeek,(peekElemOffc_close, c_pipe, poke,)c_read, c_write,
import System.Posix.Internals (c_closesetCloseOnExec, c_pipe,,setNonBlockingFD, c_write,
import System.Posix.Types (Fd) setCloseOnExec, setNonBlockingFD)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIfMinus1)
import Foreign.C.Types (CULLong(..))
import Foreign.C.Error (eAGAIN, eWOULDBLOCK, getErrno, throwErrno)
import#endif Foreign.C.Error (eAGAIN, eWOULDBLOCK, getErrno, throwErrno)
data ControlMessage = CMsgWakeup
data ControlMessage = CMsgWakeupCMsgDie
| CMsgDieCMsgSignal {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8)
| CMsgSignal {-# UNPACK #-} !(SignalForeignPtr Word8)
deriving (Eq, Show) {-# UNPACK #-} !Signal
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do.
data-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do.Control = W {
data ControlcontrolReadFd= W { :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, controlReadFdcontrolWriteFd:: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD), controlWriteFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, controlEventFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, wakeupReadFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, wakeupReadFdwakeupWriteFd:: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
#endif, wakeupWriteFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Fd
, didRegisterWakeupFd :: !Bool
, didRegisterWakeupFdderiving (Show):: !Bool
} deriving (Show)
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
wakeupReadFd :: Control -> Fd
wakeupReadFd = controlEventFd
{-# INLINE wakeupReadFd #-}
-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO
-- manager thread from another thread.-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO
newControl-- manager thread from another thread.:: Bool -> IO Control
newControl ::shouldRegister -> IO Control= allocaArray 2 $ \fds -> do
newControllet createPipe= do= allocaArray 2 $ \fds -> do
let createPipethrowErrnoIfMinus1_= do "pipe" $ c_pipe fds
throwErrnoIfMinus1_rd <- peekElemOff fds0 $ c_pipe fds
rd <- peekElemOff fds 0
wr-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to<- peekElemOff fds 1
-- poke the event manager from a signal handler.-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to
setNonBlockingFD-- poke the event manager from a signal handler.wr True
setNonBlockingFDsetCloseOnExec rdwr True
setCloseOnExec rd
setCloseOnExecreturn (rd, wr)wr
(ctrl_rd, ctrl_wrrd,)wr<-) createPipe
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)ctrl_rd, ctrl_wr) <- createPipe
ev <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "eventfd" $ c_eventfd 0 0
setNonBlockingFD ev True
setCloseOnExec ev
when shouldRegister $ c_setIOManagerWakeupFd ev
(wake_rd, wake_wr) <- createPipe
(whenwake_rdshouldRegister, wake_wr) <-$ createPipec_setIOManagerWakeupFd wake_wr
#endif shouldRegister $ c_setIOManagerWakeupFd wake_wr
return W { controlReadFd = fromIntegral ctrl_rd
return W { controlReadFdcontrolWriteFd= fromIntegral ctrl_rd
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD), controlWriteFd = fromIntegral ctrl_wr
, controlEventFd = fromIntegral ev
, wakeupReadFd = fromIntegral wake_rd
, wakeupReadFdwakeupWriteFd= fromIntegral wake_rd
#endif , wakeupWriteFd = fromIntegral wake_wr
, didRegisterWakeupFd = shouldRegister
, didRegisterWakeupFd = shouldRegister
-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread.
-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread.-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with
-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with
-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup
-- file after it has been closed.-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup
closeControl-- file after it has been closed.:: Control -> IO ()
closeControl ::w =Controldo-> IO ()
closeControl_ <- c_close = dofromIntegral . controlReadFd $ w
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . controlReadFdcontrolWriteFd$$ww
_when<- c_close(didRegisterWakeupFd fromIntegralw).$controlWriteFdc_setIOManagerWakeupFd w (-1)
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD) (didRegisterWakeupFd w) $ c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1)
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . controlEventFd $ w
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . wakeupReadFd $ w
_ <- c_close . fromIntegral . wakeupReadFdwakeupWriteFd$$ww
#endif <- c_close . fromIntegral . wakeupWriteFd $ w
return ()
return ()
io_MANAGER_DIE = 0xfe
foreign import ccall "__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t"
foreignsizeof_siginfo_timport ccall "__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t":: CSize
sizeof_siginfo_t :: CSize
readControlMessage :: Control -> Fd -> IO ControlMessage
readControlMessage ::ctrlfd-> Fd -> IO ControlMessage
readControlMessage| fd == wakeupReadFd fdctrl = allocaBytes wakeupBufferSize $ \p -> do
| fd == wakeupReadFdthrowErrnoIfMinus1_ = allocaBytes"readWakeupMessage"$$ \p -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_c_read (fromIntegralfd) p (fromIntegral wakeupBufferSize)
returnCMsgWakeupfromIntegral fd) p (fromIntegral wakeupBufferSize)
| otherwise = return CMsgWakeup
| otherwisealloca $=\p -> do
allocathrowErrnoIfMinus1_ \p -> do "readControlMessage" $
throwErrnoIfMinus1_c_read (fromIntegralfd) p 1 $
s <-c_readpeek p(fromIntegral fd) p 1
scase<- peeks of p
case-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control of
-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway.-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control
_-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway.| s == io_MANAGER_WAKEUP -> return CMsgWakeup
_ | s == io_MANAGER_WAKEUPio_MANAGER_DIE-> return CMsgWakeupCMsgDie
_ |->sdo io_MANAGER_DIE-- Signal-> return CMsgDie
_ ->fp<--- SignalmallocForeignPtrBytes (fromIntegral sizeof_siginfo_t)
fpwithForeignPtr<- mallocForeignPtrBytesfp $ \p_siginfofromIntegral-> do sizeof_siginfo_t)
withForeignPtrr <- c_readfp(fromIntegral \p_siginfofd->) do(castPtr p_siginfo)
r <- c_readsizeof_siginfo_tfromIntegral fd) (castPtr p_siginfo)
when sizeof_siginfo_t(r /= fromIntegral sizeof_siginfo_t) $
whenerrorr /="failed to read siginfo_t" sizeof_siginfo_t) $
let error!s' = "failed to read siginfo_t"fromIntegral s
letreturns'$=CMsgSignalfp ss'
return $ CMsgSignal fp s'
where wakeupBufferSize =
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)where wakeupBufferSize =
#endif 4096
sendWakeup :: Control -> IO ()
sendWakeup#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD):: Control -> IO ()
sendWakeup c =
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sendWakeup" $
c_eventfd_write (fromIntegral (controlEventFd c)) 1
sendWakeup c = do
sendWakeupn <- sendMessage = do (wakeupWriteFd c) CMsgWakeup
ncase<- sendMessagen of (wakeupWriteFd c) CMsgWakeup
case_ |nnof/= -1 -> return ()
_ | notherwise -1 -> returndo ()
| otherwise ->errno <- getErrno
errnowhen (<-errno/= eAGAIN && errno /= eWOULDBLOCK) $
whenthrowErrnoerrno /="sendWakeup" && errno /= eWOULDBLOCK) $
#endif throwErrno "sendWakeup"
sendDie :: Control -> IO ()
sendDie ::c =ControlthrowErrnoIfMinus1_-> IO () "sendDie" $
sendDie c = throwErrnoIfMinus1_sendMessage (controlWriteFdc)$CMsgDie
sendMessage (controlWriteFd c) CMsgDie
sendMessage :: Fd -> ControlMessage -> IO Int
sendMessage :: Fdmsg->= ControlMessagealloca $ \p ->-> IO Int
sendMessagecase msg of msg = alloca $ \p -> do
caseCMsgWakeup of -> poke p io_MANAGER_WAKEUP
CMsgWakeupCMsgDie -> poke p io_MANAGER_WAKEUPio_MANAGER_DIE
CMsgDieCMsgSignal _fp _s -> pokeerrorp"Signals can only be sent from within the RTS"
fromIntegral _fp`fmap` ->c_write("Signals can only be sent from within the RTS"fromIntegral fd) p 1
fromIntegral `fmap` c_write (fromIntegral fd) p 1
#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)
foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/eventfd.h eventfd"
c_eventfd :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/eventfd.h eventfd_write"
c_eventfd_write :: CInt -> CULLong -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "setIOManagerWakeupFd"
foreignc_setIOManagerWakeupFdimport ccall unsafe::"setIOManagerWakeupFd"CInt -> IO ()
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE CPP\n , NoImplicitPrelude\n , ScopedTypeVariables\n , BangPatterns\n #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(2,1)-(6,5) Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "module" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:1-6 Nothing)),DP (2,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "GHC.Event.Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:8-24 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnModule),DP (8,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:9:5 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1)),((G AnnEofPos),DP (2,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:9:8-24 }
Nothing{ModuleName: GHC.Event.Control}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(10,5)-(28,5) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "where" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-11 Nothing)),DP (0,-16)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:10:5-32 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:5-32 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:7-12 Nothing),DP (0,-26)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:5 Nothing),DP (1,4))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "ControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-6)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:21 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:24 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Signal (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "newControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-7)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "closeControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-29)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:5-35 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5-35 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "readControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:7-24 Nothing)),DP (0,-29)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-29))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-21)) [((Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:5-27 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5-27 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:7-19 Nothing)),DP (0,-21)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-21))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-13)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-27)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:5-33 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5-33 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-27)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-27))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "sendDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [((Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:5-18 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:7-22 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-12))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setNonBlockingFD (v, Var Val )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:1-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.ForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:8-25 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:28-37 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:38 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:8-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.ForeignPtr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:27-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,11)) [((Comment "GHC.Base" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:8-15 Nothing),DP (0,-18))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ForeignPtr (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:1-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Base})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:1-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "GHC.Conc.Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,-8)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:25-30 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:31 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Conc.Signal})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:24-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-6)) [((Comment "GHC.Real" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:8-15 Nothing),DP (0,-15)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:17 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:18-29 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-6)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:30 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Signal (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:1-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Real})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:17-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "Show" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-21 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:22 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:1-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Show})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "Word8" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-22 Nothing)),DP (0,-4)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Show (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:1-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:23 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:8-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: GHC.Word})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-6)) [((Comment "Foreign.C.Error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,-8))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-6)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word8 (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:1-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:24 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:25-43 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:44 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.C.Error})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:24-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-28 Nothing)),DP (0,-19)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:29 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:30-31 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:32 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:33 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "CSize" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:35-39 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:40 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:41-42 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:43 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:1-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.C.Types})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:24-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "Foreign.ForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:8-25 Nothing),DP (0,-15))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:27 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((AnnComment (Comment "mallocForeignPtrBytes" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:28-48 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CInt (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:35-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:35-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:35-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CSize (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:1-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:49 Nothing),DP (0,4)),((Comment "withForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:51-64 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:65 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:8-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.ForeignPtr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:27-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "Foreign.Marshal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,-18)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "alloca" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-30 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-4)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:28-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:31 Nothing)),DP (0,-18)),((AnnComment (Comment "allocaBytes" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:33-43 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:44 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:28-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:28-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: mallocForeignPtrBytes (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:51-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:51-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:51-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: withForeignPtr (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:1-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Marshal})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:24-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [((Comment "Foreign.Marshal.Array" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:8-28 Nothing),DP (0,-15))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-5)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:42 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:30 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: alloca (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [((Comment "allocaArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:31-41 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:39:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-9))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaBytes (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:1-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:8-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Marshal.Array})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:30-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "Foreign.Ptr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:8-18 Nothing),DP (0,-21)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "castPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:21-27 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:28 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:31-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:31-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:40:31-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaArray (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:1-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Ptr})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:20-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "Foreign.Storable" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:8-23 Nothing),DP (0,-11))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-4)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:25 Nothing)),DP (0,-3)),((AnnComment (Comment "peek" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:26-29 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:21-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castPtr (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:1-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:30 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "peekElemOff" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:32-42 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:43 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "poke" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:45-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:41:49 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:8-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.Storable})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:25-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [((Comment "System.Posix.Internals" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:8-29 Nothing),DP (0,-16))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-5)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:47 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peek (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:32-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:31 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "c_close" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:32-38 Nothing)),DP (0,-11)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:39 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "c_pipe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:41-46 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:32-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:32-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peekElemOff (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:45-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:45-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:45-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: poke (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(43,1)-(44,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "c_read" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:49-54 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:55 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "c_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:57-63 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:42:64 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: System.Posix.Internals})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(43,31)-(44,64) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "setCloseOnExec" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-45 Nothing)),DP (0,-7)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:32-38 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:41-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:46 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:41-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:41-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_pipe (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:49-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-15)) [((Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:48-63 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:49-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-15)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:49-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-15)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-15))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:57-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:57-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:43:57-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_write (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "System.Posix.Types" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:8-25 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:30 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:32-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setCloseOnExec (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:48-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:48-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:44:48-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setNonBlockingFD (v, Var Val )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:1-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:8-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: System.Posix.Types})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:27-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:45:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:1-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:46:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:47:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.C.Error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:47:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:47:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:47:25-42 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:47:43 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.C.Types" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CULLong" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:25-31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:32 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:35 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:48:36 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:49:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.C.Error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "eAGAIN" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:25-30 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "eWOULDBLOCK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:33-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:44 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "getErrno" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:46-53 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:54 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "throwErrno" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:56-65 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:50:66 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:8-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,2)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:1-5 Nothing),DP (0,-6))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing){ModuleName: Foreign.C.Error})
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:24-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eAGAIN (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eWOULDBLOCK (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:46-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:46-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:46-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getErrno (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:56-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:56-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:51:56-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrno (v, Var Val )}))))))])))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(54,1)-(58,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "data" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:53:1-4 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "ControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:53:6-19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:53:21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CMsgWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:53:23-32 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnData),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:54:6-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-54,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:54:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "CMsgDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:54:23-29 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnVbar),DP (1,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:54:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-54,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "CMsgSignal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-32 Nothing)),DP (0,-7)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# UNPACK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:34-43 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:45-47 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:49 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:50 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "ForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:51-60 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "Word8" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:62-66 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:67 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnVbar),DP (1,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:55:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-54,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(56,23)-(57,55) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgSignal (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-54,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:34-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:50-67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:51-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:51-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:51-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:51-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:50-55 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ForeignPtr (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:62-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:62-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:56:62-66 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word8 (tc, Tc )}))))))])))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:34-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,10)) [((Comment "deriving" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:5-12 Nothing),DP (1,-18)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Eq" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:15-16 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:17 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "Show" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:19-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:23 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:50-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:57:50-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Signal (tc, Tc )}))))))])
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:5-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:5-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDeriving),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:5-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:15-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Eq (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:58:19-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Show (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(61,1)-(71,21) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:59:1-65 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "data" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:60:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- | The structure used to tell the IO manager thread what to do." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:60:1-65 Nothing),DP (0,-4)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:60:6-12 Nothing),DP (0,-60)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:60:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "W" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:60:16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "{" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:60:18 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnData),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:7-19 Nothing)),DP (0,-6)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:6-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-54,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(61,16)-(71,5) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: W (d, Data Val )}))
({ <no location info> }
Just (Ann (DP (-54,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(61,18)-(71,5) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenC),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseC),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,3)),((Comment "{-# UNPACK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:25-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:36-38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:61:41-42 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:5 Nothing),DP (1,-11))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-13)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:1-24 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:62:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:5 Nothing)),DP (1,-11)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# UNPACK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:25-34 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:36-38 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:40 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:64:41-42 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:65:1-4 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:5 Nothing)),DP (1,-11)),((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,3)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# UNPACK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:25-34 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:36-38 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:40 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:66:41-42 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (4,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:7-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:63:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:7-19 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,3)),((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:1-5 Nothing)),DP (1,-15)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:7-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:67:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:5 Nothing)),DP (1,-11)),((AnnComment (Comment "didRegisterWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:7-25 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:27-28 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:30 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "Bool" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:69:31-34 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:7-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpen),DP (0,0)),((G AnnClose),DP (0,1)),((G AnnBang),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "{-# UNPACK")
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:68:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:7-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "deriving" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:7-14 Nothing)),DP (0,-19)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:16 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "Show" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:17-20 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:21 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:7-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:7-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: didRegisterWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:30-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:30-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:30-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBang),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:31-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:70:31-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Bool (tc, Tc )}))))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDeriving),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:7-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:71:17-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Show (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:1-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:72:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:73:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:73:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:73:17-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:73:25-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:73:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:74:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:74:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:74:16-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "{-# INLINE" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:12-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:75:25-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:76:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:78:1-68 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "-- manager thread from another thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:79:1-38 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- | Create the structure (usually a pipe) used for waking up the IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:79:1-68 Nothing),DP (0,-38)),((Comment "newControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- manager thread from another thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:1-38 Nothing),DP (0,-10)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:12-13 Nothing),DP (0,-27)),((Comment "Bool" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:15-18 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:23-24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:80:26-32 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:15-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [((Comment "shouldRegister" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:12-25 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:15-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Bool (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:23-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:26-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,1)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:27 Nothing),DP (0,-6)),((Comment "allocaArray" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:29-39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "2" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:41 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\\" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:45 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fds" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:46-48 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:50-51 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:81:53-54 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,1)-(112,12) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,1)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:18 Nothing)),DP (0,-8)),((AnnComment (Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:20-21 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: newControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:12-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [((Comment "let" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:3-5 Nothing),DP (0,-8)),((Comment "createPipe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:7-16 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-5))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:12-25 }
(Unqual {OccName: shouldRegister (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,27)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,29)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:29-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:29-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:29-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaArray (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "2")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,45)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,45)-(112,12) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,45)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:46-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:82:46-48 }
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,53)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(82,53)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,3)-(112,12) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,3)-(92,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnLet),DP (0,0))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,7)-(92,23)] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,7)-(92,23) }
(ValBindsIn {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,7)-(92,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,7)-(92,23) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,7)-(92,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:9-27 Nothing)),DP (0,-8)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:7-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,18)-(92,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(83,20)-(92,23) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(84,9)-(92,23) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:9-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [((Comment "\"pipe\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:29-34 Nothing),DP (0,7)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_pipe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:38-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fds" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:83:45-47 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:9-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:9-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:29-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [((Comment "rd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:9-10 Nothing),DP (0,-19)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:12-13 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "peekElemOff" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:15-25 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fds" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:27-29 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-1))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"pipe\"") {FastString: "pipe"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,4)) [((Comment "0" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:31 Nothing),DP (0,-4))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:38-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:38-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:38-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_pipe (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:45-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:84:45-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:9-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: rd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:15-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peekElemOff (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:85:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "0")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-67 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:9-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:15-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peekElemOff (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:27-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fds (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:86:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- poke the event manager from a signal handler." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-56 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- The write end must be non-blocking, since we may need to" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:87:9-67 Nothing),DP (0,-48)),((Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:88:9-24 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- poke the event manager from a signal handler." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:88:9-56 Nothing),DP (0,-16)),((Comment "wr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:88:26-27 Nothing),DP (0,-31)),((Comment "True" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:88:29-32 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setNonBlockingFD (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "setCloseOnExec" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:9-22 Nothing),DP (0,-16)),((Comment "rd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:24-25 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:29-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:89:29-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: True (d, Data Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setCloseOnExec (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:90:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: rd (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: setCloseOnExec (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,-14)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "rd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:17-18 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:19 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "wr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:21-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:23 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:91:24-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:3 Nothing),DP (1,-6)),((Comment "ctrl_rd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:4-10 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:16-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:11 Nothing),DP (0,-4)),((Comment "ctrl_wr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:13-19 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-4)),((AnnComment (Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:17-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: rd (v, Var Val )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:20 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wr (v, Var Val )}))))))]
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:3-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-22)) [((Comment "createPipe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:92:25-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:3-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-22)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-22)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:4-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:4-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_rd (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:13-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:13-19 }
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_wr (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:93:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:3-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:3-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:6-7 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:9-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"eventfd\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:28-36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:40-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "0" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "0" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:94:52 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:95:3-18 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:95:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "True" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:95:23-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "setCloseOnExec" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:3-16 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:96:18-19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "when" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:3-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "shouldRegister" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:8-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_setIOManagerWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:25-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:97:48-49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:98:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-2)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:3 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "wake_rd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:4-10 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:11 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "wake_wr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:13-19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:20 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "createPipe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:99:25-34 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:3-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:4-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "when" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:3-6 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "shouldRegister" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:8-21 Nothing)),DP (0,-3)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:4-10 }
(Unqual {OccName: wake_rd (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:13-19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:13-19 }
(Unqual {OccName: wake_wr (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:23 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:25-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: createPipe (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [((Comment "c_setIOManagerWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:25-46 Nothing),DP (0,-10)),((Comment "wake_wr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:100:48-54 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-3))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:8-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:8-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: shouldRegister (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:25-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:25-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:25-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:48-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:101:48-54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wake_wr (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(103,3)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:3-8 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "W" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:10 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "{" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:12 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:14-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:29 Nothing),DP (0,2)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:31-42 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ctrl_rd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:102:44-50 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(103,3)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(103,10)-(112,12) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenC),DP (0,1)),((G AnnCloseC),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: W (d, Data Val )}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noPostTcExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:14-27 Nothing)),DP (0,-13)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:1-24 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:103:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_rd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:12 Nothing)),DP (1,9)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:14-27 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:29 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:31-42 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "ev" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:105:44-45 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:106:1-4 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:12 Nothing)),DP (1,9)),((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:14-25 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:29 Nothing)),DP (0,3)),((AnnComment (Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:31-42 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "wake_rd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:107:44-50 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnComma),DP (4,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:14-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:104:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl_wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:14-26 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,3)),((AnnComment (Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:1-5 Nothing)),DP (1,-2)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:14-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:14-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:108:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wake_rd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:12 Nothing)),DP (1,9)),((AnnComment (Comment "didRegisterWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:14-32 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:34 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "shouldRegister" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:110:36-49 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,9))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:14-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:109:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wake_wr (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:111:14-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:111:14-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:111:14-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: didRegisterWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:111:36-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:111:36-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: shouldRegister (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:1-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:113:1-63 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- | Close the control structure used by the IO manager thread." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:114:1-63 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:114:1-76 Nothing),DP (0,-63)),((Comment "-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:115:1-65 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- N.B. If this Control is the Control whose wakeup file was registered with" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:115:1-76 Nothing),DP (0,-65)),((Comment "-- the RTS, then *BEFORE* the wakeup file is closed, we must call" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:116:1-65 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:116:1-78 Nothing),DP (0,-65)),((Comment "-- file after it has been closed." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:117:1-33 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (-1), so that the RTS does not try to use the wakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:117:1-78 Nothing),DP (0,-33)),((Comment "closeControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:1-12 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "-- file after it has been closed." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:1-33 Nothing),DP (0,-12)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,-20)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:17-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:25-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:118:32 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:17-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:14 Nothing),DP (0,-2)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:16 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:18-19 Nothing)),DP (0,-6)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:17-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:28-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:28-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:119:31-32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(120,1)-(130,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(120,1)-(130,11) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(120,1)-(130,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:1-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: closeControl (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [((Comment "_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:3 Nothing),DP (0,-10)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:5-6 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_close" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:8-14 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:14 }
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(120,16)-(130,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(120,18)-(130,11) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(121,3)-(130,11) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:3-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:18-29 Nothing),DP (0,-2)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:33-45 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:47 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:120:49 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:8-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:8-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlReadFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:33-46 Nothing),DP (0,-13))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:48 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:121:50 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "when" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3-6 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:8 Nothing),DP (0,-7)),((Comment "didRegisterWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:9-27 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-12))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:29 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:30 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:32 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-8)) [((Comment "c_setIOManagerWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:34-55 Nothing),DP (0,-13))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-8)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-8))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-22)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:57 Nothing),DP (0,6)),((Comment "-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:58 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:59 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:122:60 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-22)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-22)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-22)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:3-6 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-22)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-22))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:8-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:9-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:9-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: didRegisterWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:34-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:34-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:34-55 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:57-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:58-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnMinus),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:123:59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:3-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:3 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:5-6 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_close" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:8-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:18-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:33-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:124:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:125:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-2)),((Comment "_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:3 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:5-6 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_close" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:8-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:16 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:18-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:33-44 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:126:48 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:8-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:8-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:33-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:33-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "wakeupWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:33-45 Nothing),DP (0,-12))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:47 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [((Comment "w" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:127:49 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-3))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:8-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_close (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:18-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: . (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:33-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:128:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: w (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:3-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:3-8 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:10 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:129:11 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:3-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:3-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:130:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Exact {Name: ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple.(){(w) d 70}}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:1-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "io_MANAGER_WAKEUP" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:1-17 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:18 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "io_MANAGER_DIE" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:20-33 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:35-36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Word8" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:131:38-42 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "0xff" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:21-24 Nothing)),DP (0,-13)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:1-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )})),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:20-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:19 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:132:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Word8 (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-24 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "io_MANAGER_DIE" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-14 Nothing)),DP (0,-17)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:1-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:19-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:133:21-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "0xff")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:1-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:19-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:134:21-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "0xfe")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(136,1)-(137,29) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:1-7 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:135:22-48 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnForeign),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "sizeof_siginfo_t" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:136:5-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-3)),((G AnnImport),DP (0,1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:5-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:136:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,-27)),((Comment "CSize" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:136:25-29 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:137:25-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CSize (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:136:16-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t"}
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:136:22-48 }
(SourceText "\"__hscore_sizeof_siginfo_t\"")))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:1-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "readControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:1-18 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:23-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:31-32 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:34-35 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:37-38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:40-41 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:138:43-56 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:23-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [((Comment "ctrl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:20-23 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:25-26 Nothing)),DP (0,-5)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-1))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:34-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:34-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:40-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:43-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:43-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:139:43-56 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(140,1)-(169,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(140,1)-(169,16) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(140,1)-(169,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "where" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:3-7 Nothing)),DP (1,2)),((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupBufferSize" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:9-24 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:164:26 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:165:1-24 Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((G AnnWhere),DP (2,2))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(165,9)-(169,16)] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:1-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: readControlMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:20-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-5)) [((Comment "|" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:5 Nothing),DP (0,-14)),((Comment "fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:7-8 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "==" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:10-11 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:13-24 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-5))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:20-23 }
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:25-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:25-26 }
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,5)-(144,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "ctrl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:26-29 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "allocaBytes" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:33-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "wakeupBufferSize" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:45-60 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:62 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\\" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:64 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:65 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:67-68 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:140:70-71 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:7-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:7-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:7-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:7-8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:10-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:13-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:13-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:13-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupReadFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-14)) [((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:21-39 Nothing),DP (0,-4))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-14)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-14))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ctrl (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,33)-(144,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:33-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:33-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: allocaBytes (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:45-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-15)) [((Comment "\"readWakeupMessage\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:41-59 Nothing),DP (0,-3))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:45-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-15)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-15))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:61 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,64)-(144,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,64)-(144,37) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,64)-(144,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:141:65 }
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,70)-(144,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(141,70)-(144,37) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,21)-(144,37) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,21)-(143,80) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,20)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(142,21)-(143,80) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:21-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:41-59 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "c_read" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:23-28 Nothing),DP (0,-17)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:30 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:31-42 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"readWakeupMessage\"") {FastString: "readWakeupMessage"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:44-45 Nothing),DP (0,-16)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:46 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:50 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:51-62 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:23-80 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "wakeupBufferSize" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:64-79 Nothing),DP (0,2)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:142:80 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:21-26 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:23-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:23-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:23-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:23-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-4))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:30-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-8)) [((Comment "CMsgWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:28-37 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-8)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:31-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:31-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:44-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:44-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:50-80 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:51-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:51-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:51-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:64-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:143:64-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:21-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,3)) [((Comment "|" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:5 Nothing),DP (1,-16)),((Comment "otherwise" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:7-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:17 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:21-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:21-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:21-26 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:144:28-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(145,5)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "alloca" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:9-14 Nothing)),DP (0,-7)),((AnnComment (Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:16 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:7-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:7-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:7-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: otherwise (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,9)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,8)) [((Comment "\\" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:18 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:19 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:21-22 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:145:24-25 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:9-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: alloca (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-16)) [((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:13-31 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-16)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-16))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,18)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,18)-(163,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,18)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:19 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:19 }
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,24)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(146,24)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,13)-(163,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,13)-(148,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,12)) [((Comment "\"readControlMessage\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:33-52 Nothing),DP (0,7)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:146:54 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(147,13)-(148,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:13-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:33-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "c_read" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:17-22 Nothing),DP (0,-15)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:25-36 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-4))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"readControlMessage\"") {FastString: "readControlMessage"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,9)) [((Comment "fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:38-39 Nothing),DP (0,-15)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:40 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:42 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:44 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:147:54 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:17-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "s" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:13 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:15-16 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:17-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:17-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:17-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:24-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "peek" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:18-21 Nothing),DP (0,-5)),((Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:23 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:25-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:25-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:25-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:148:44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:13-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "case" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:13-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:13 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:13 }
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:18-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:18-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: peek (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "s" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:18 Nothing),DP (0,-4)),((Comment "of" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:149:23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(150,13)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(150,13)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-50)) [((Comment "-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:17-67 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:150:18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-50)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-50))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(153,17)-(163,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:17-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:151:17-61 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "-- Wakeup messages shouldn't be sent on the control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:151:17-67 Nothing),DP (0,-45)),((Comment "_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:17 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "-- file descriptor but we handle them anyway." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:17-61 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "|" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:19 Nothing),DP (0,-43)),((Comment "s" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "==" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:23-24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "io_MANAGER_WAKEUP" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:26-42 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:44-45 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:47-52 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CMsgWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:152:54-63 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:19-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "io_MANAGER_DIE" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:26-39 Nothing)),DP (0,-17)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:21-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:21-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:26-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:26-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:47-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:54-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:54-63 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:17-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "CMsgDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:153:54-60 Nothing),DP (0,-10))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:19-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:26-34 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,4))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:19-20 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-1))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: == (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:47-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:54-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:154:54-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(155,17)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(155,19)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(155,22)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [((Comment "fp" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:21-22 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,-1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(156,21)-(163,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:21-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:24-25 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "-- Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:26-34 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "mallocForeignPtrBytes" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:27-47 Nothing),DP (0,-8)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:50-61 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "sizeof_siginfo_t" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:63-78 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:155:79 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "withForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:21-34 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:21-22 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:21-22 }
(Unqual {OccName: fp (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:27-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:27-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:27-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: mallocForeignPtrBytes (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:49-79 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "fp" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:36-37 Nothing),DP (0,-12)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\\" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:41 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "p_siginfo" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:42-50 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:50-78 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:50-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:50-61 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:63-78 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,6)) [((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:52-53 Nothing),DP (0,-10)),((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:55-56 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:156:63-78 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,21)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,21)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:21-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: withForeignPtr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "r" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:25 Nothing),DP (0,-10)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:27-28 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_read" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:30-35 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:36-37 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fp (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:37 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:38-49 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-11)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-11))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,41)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,41)-(163,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,41)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:51-52 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:42-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:42-50 }
(Unqual {OccName: p_siginfo (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,55)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:53 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(157,55)-(163,49) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,25)-(163,49) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,25)-(159,45) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,4)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:55 Nothing),DP (0,-2)),((Comment "castPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:56-62 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "p_siginfo" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:64-72 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:157:73 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:25 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:25 }
(Unqual {OccName: r (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(158,30)-(159,45) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:30-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:30-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:30-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:30-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_read (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:37-53 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [((Comment "sizeof_siginfo_t" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:30-45 Nothing),DP (0,-6))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-9)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:38-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:38-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:38-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:55-73 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:56-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:56-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:56-62 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: castPtr (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:64-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:158:64-72 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p_siginfo (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "when" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:25-28 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(160,25)-(161,60) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:30 Nothing),DP (0,-16)),((Comment "r" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "/=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:36-47 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "sizeof_siginfo_t" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:49-64 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:65 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:159:67 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(160,25)-(161,60) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:25-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:25-28 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:30-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:29-33 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-4)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:31-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: r (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:33-34 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:36-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-25)) [((Comment "\"failed to read siginfo_t\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:35-60 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:36-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-25)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:36-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-25)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-25))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:49-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:49-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sizeof_siginfo_t (v, Var Val )}))))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:160:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:29-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "let" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:25-27 Nothing),DP (1,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:29-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:29-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: error (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:35-60 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "!" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:29 Nothing),DP (0,-5)),((Comment "s'" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:30-31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:33 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"failed to read siginfo_t\"") {FastString: "failed to read siginfo_t"})))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:25-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:35-46 Nothing),DP (0,-26)),((Comment "s" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:161:48 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnLet),DP (0,0))] Just [tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-48] Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-48 }
(ValBindsIn {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:25-30 Nothing),DP (0,-3))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s' (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-48 }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:29-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [] [] [((G AnnBang),DP (0,-2)),((AnnComment (Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:32 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:30-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s' (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:33-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:35-48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [((Comment "CMsgSignal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:34-43 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:35-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:35-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-9)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-9))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "fp" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:45-46 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:48 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s (v, Var Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "s'" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:162:48-49 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:25-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:34-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:34-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:34-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:34-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgSignal (d, Data Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fp (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:48-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:163:48-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: s' (v, Var Val )}))))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(165,9)-(169,16) }
(ValBindsIn {Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)):
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(165,9)-(169,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:165:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(165,9)-(169,16) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(165,9)-(169,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:165:9-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupBufferSize (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(165,26)-(169,16) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:169:13-16 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,7)) [((Comment "8" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:166:13 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:167:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,-8)),((Comment "4096" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:168:13-16 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:169:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-8))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "4096")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:1-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:1-10 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:12-13 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:15-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:23-24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:26-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:171:30 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:1-24 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:15-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:15-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:172:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(178,1)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:12 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:173:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:174:3-21 Nothing),DP (1,2)),((Comment "\"sendWakeup\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:174:23-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:174:36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:3-17 Nothing),DP (1,2)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:19 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:20-31 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:33 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlEventFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:34-47 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:50 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:51 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:175:53 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#else" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:176:1-4 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:1-10 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:12 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:177:16-17 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(178,1)-(185,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(178,1)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:1-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendWakeup (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-7)) [((Comment "n" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:3 Nothing),DP (0,-8)),((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:5-6 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "sendMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:8-18 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-7))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:12 }
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(178,14)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(178,16)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(179,3)-(185,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:3-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:20 Nothing),DP (0,2)),((Comment "wakeupWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:21-33 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:35 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:36 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "CMsgWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:178:38-47 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "case" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:3-6 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:3 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:3 }
(Unqual {OccName: n (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:8-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:8-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:8-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:20-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,8)) [((Comment "n" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:8 Nothing),DP (0,-11)),((Comment "of" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:10-11 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:21-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:21-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:21-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: wakeupWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:38-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:179:38-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(180,3)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(180,3)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "n" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:9 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:5 Nothing),DP (0,-2)),((Comment "|" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:7 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:8 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: n (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,5)-(185,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(181,5)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [((Comment "/=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:11-12 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:15 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:19-20 Nothing),DP (0,3)),((Comment "return" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:180:30 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:5 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:7-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,3))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:9-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:9-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:9 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:9 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: n (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:11-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-7)) [((Comment "otherwise" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:9-17 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:11-12 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-7)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-7))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:14-15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnMinus),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:15 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:22-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: return (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,5)) [((Comment "do" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,-6))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:181:29-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Exact {Name: ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple.(){(w) d 70}})))))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(182,7)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [((G AnnVbar),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:9-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: otherwise (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(182,22)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-3)) [((Comment "errno" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:20-24 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,-3))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(183,20)-(185,44) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:20-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,15)) [((Comment "<-" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:26-27 Nothing),DP (0,2)),((Comment "getErrno" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:182:29-36 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "when" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:20-23 Nothing)),DP (0,-5)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:25 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnLarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:20-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:20-24 }
(Unqual {OccName: errno (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:29-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "errno" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:26-30 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:29-36 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-2)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-2))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: getErrno (v, Var Val )}))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(184,20)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "/=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:32-33 Nothing),DP (0,-5)),((Comment "eAGAIN" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:35-40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "&&" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:42-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "errno" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:45-49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "/=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:51-52 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "eWOULDBLOCK" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:54-64 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:65 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:183:67 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(184,20)-(185,44) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:20-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: when (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:25-65 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-7)) [((Comment "throwErrno" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:22-31 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-7)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:26-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:26-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:26-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: errno (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:32-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:35-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-10)) [((Comment "\"sendWakeup\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:33-44 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:35-40 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-10)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-10))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eAGAIN (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:42-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: && (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:45-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:45-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: errno (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:51-52 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: /= (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:54-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:54-64 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: eWOULDBLOCK (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:184:67 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:22-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,16)) [((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,-19))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:22-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:22-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrno (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:185:33-44 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"sendWakeup\"") {FastString: "sendWakeup"})))))))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:1-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "sendDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:1-7 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:9-10 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:12-18 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:23-24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:187:27 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:1-7 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:12-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:9 Nothing),DP (0,-2)),((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:11 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:13-31 Nothing)),DP (0,-6)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:12-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Control (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:23-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:23-24 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:26-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(189,1)-(190,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "\"sendDie\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:33-41 Nothing),DP (0,5)),((Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:188:43 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-7 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(189,1)-(190,50) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(189,1)-(190,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:1-7 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendDie (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:9 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:9 }
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(189,11)-(190,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(189,13)-(190,50) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:13-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:13-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: throwErrnoIfMinus1_ (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:33-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-7)) [((Comment "sendMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:13-23 Nothing),DP (0,-19)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:25 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:26-39 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-7))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"sendDie\"") {FastString: "sendDie"})))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "c" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:41 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:42 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,12)) [((Comment "CMsgDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:189:44-50 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:13-23 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:25-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:26-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:26-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: controlWriteFd (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:190:44-50 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:1-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "sendMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:1-11 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:13-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:16-17 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:19-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:22-35 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:37-38 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:40-41 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Int" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:191:43-45 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:1-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:16-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "msg" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:16-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:16-17 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Fd (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:22-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "=" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:20 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "alloca" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:22-27 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((AnnComment (Comment "$" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:29 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "\\" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:31 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:32 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:34-35 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:22-35 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: ControlMessage (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:40-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:40-41 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:43-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:43-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:192:43-45 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: Int (tc, Tc )}))))))]))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,1)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,1)-(198,51) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,1)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnEqual),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:1-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: sendMessage (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:13-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [((Comment "case" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:3-6 Nothing),DP (0,-9)),((Comment "msg" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:8-10 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "of" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:12-13 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:13-14 }
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:16-18 }
(Unqual {OccName: msg (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,20)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,22)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: alloca (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: $ (v, Var Sym Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,31)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,31)-(198,51) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,31)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnLam),DP (0,0)),((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:32 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:193:32 }
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,37)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(193,37)-(198,51) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnDo),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,3)-(198,51) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,3)-(197,77) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(194,3)-(197,77) }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnCase),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOf),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:8-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-7)) [((Comment "CMsgWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:5-14 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:8-10 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-7)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-7))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: msg (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(195,5)-(197,77) }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:5-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,2)) [((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:23-24 Nothing),DP (0,9)),((Comment "poke" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:26-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "io_MANAGER_WAKEUP" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:194:33-49 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgWakeup (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:23-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,11)) [((Comment "CMsgDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:5-11 Nothing),DP (0,-10))] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:26-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: poke (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:33-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:33-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_WAKEUP (v, Var Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "io_MANAGER_DIE" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:195:33-46 Nothing),DP (0,-17))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-11 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgDie (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:23-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "CMsgSignal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:5-14 Nothing),DP (0,-7)),((Comment "_fp" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:16-18 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "_s" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: poke (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:26-30 Nothing),DP (0,-4))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:31 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-45)) [((Comment "\"Signals can only be sent from within the RTS\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:32-77 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:196:33-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-45)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-45))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: io_MANAGER_DIE (v, Var Val )}))))))))]
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-10)) [((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:3-14 Nothing),DP (1,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-10)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:5-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-10)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-10))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CMsgSignal (d, Data Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:16-18 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:16-18 }
(Unqual {OccName: _fp (v, Var Val )})))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:20-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [((Comment "`" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:16 Nothing),DP (0,-3)),((Comment "fmap" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:17-20 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:20-21 }
(Unqual {OccName: _s (v, Var Val )}))))])))]
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:23-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "`" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:21 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "c_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:23-29 Nothing),DP (0,-2))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:26-30 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,-4)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-4))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: error (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:32-77 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:31 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "\"Signals can only be sent from within the RTS\"") {FastString: "Signals can only be sent from within the RTS"})))))))]
({ <no location info> }
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:3-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:32-43 Nothing),DP (0,-46)),((Comment "fd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:45-46 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:47 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "p" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:49 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "1" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:197:51 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:3-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:3-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:3-14 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:16-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:16-21 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnBackquote),DP (0,0)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G AnnBackquote),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fmap (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:23-29 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_write (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:31-47 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:32-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:32-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:32-43 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fromIntegral (v, Var Val )}))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:45-46 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: fd (v, Var Val )}))))))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:49 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: p (v, Var Val )}))))))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:198:51 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(SourceText "1")
(SourceText "noExpr") {FastString: "noExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "noSyntaxExpr"}))
({ <no location info> }
({ <no location info> }
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(208,1)-(209,42) }
Just (Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "#if defined(HAVE_EVENTFD)" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:199:1-24 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:200:1-7 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:200:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:200:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:200:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"sys/eventfd.h eventfd\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:200:29-51 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:4-12 Nothing),DP (1,3)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:14-15 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:17-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:22-23 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:25-28 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:30-31 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:33-34 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:201:36-39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:1-7 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"sys/eventfd.h eventfd_write\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:203:29-57 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "c_eventfd_write" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:4-18 Nothing),DP (1,3)),((Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:20-21 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:23-26 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:28-29 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CULLong" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:31-37 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:39-40 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:42-43 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:204:45-48 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "#endif" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:205:1-5 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "foreign" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:207:1-7 Nothing),DP (2,0)),((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:207:9-14 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ccall" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:207:16-20 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "unsafe" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:207:22-27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "\"setIOManagerWakeupFd\"" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:207:29-50 Nothing),DP (0,1))] [] [((G AnnForeign),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "c_setIOManagerWakeupFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:4-25 Nothing)),DP (0,-4)),((G AnnImport),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "::" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:27-28 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnDcolon),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:4-25 }
Just (Ann (DP (1,3)) [((Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:30-33 Nothing),DP (0,-21)),((Comment "->" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:35-36 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "IO" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:38-39 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:41 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:42 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: c_setIOManagerWakeupFd (v, Var Val )}))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:30-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:30-33 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: CInt (tc, Tc )}))))))]))
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:38-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:38-39 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(Unqual {OccName: IO (tc, Tc )})))))),
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:209:41-42 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:16-20 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:22-27 }
Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
(NoSourceText) {FastString: "setIOManagerWakeupFd"}
({ tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:208:29-50 }
(SourceText "\"setIOManagerWakeupFd\""))))))]
[(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1 CN "HsModule",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:1:1-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "{-# LANGUAGE CPP\n , NoImplicitPrelude\n , ScopedTypeVariables\n , BangPatterns\n #-}" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(2,1)-(6,5) Nothing)),DP (1,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "module" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:1-6 Nothing)),DP (2,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "GHC.Event.Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:8:8-24 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((G AnnModule),DP (8,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:9:5 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnVal),DP (0,1)),((G AnnWhere),DP (0,1)),((G AnnEofPos),DP (2,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:(10,5)-(28,5) CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (1,4)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "where" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-11 Nothing)),DP (0,-16)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:10:5-32 Nothing),DP (0,-1)),((Comment "-- * Managing the IO manager" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:5-32 Nothing),DP (1,4)),((Comment "Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:11:7-12 Nothing),DP (0,-26)),((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:5 Nothing),DP (1,4))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "ControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-6)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:21 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:22-23 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:24 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:12:7-12 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-20 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-24 CN "IEThingAll",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "Control" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:13:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "newControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-7)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:14:7-13 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "closeControl" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:15:7-16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-29)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:5-35 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message reception" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:5-35 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "readControlMessage" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:17:7-24 Nothing)),DP (0,-29)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:16:7-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-29)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-29))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-21)) [((Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:5-27 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- *** File descriptors" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:5-27 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "controlReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:19:7-19 Nothing)),DP (0,-21)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:18:7-24 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-21)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-21))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "controlWriteFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-20 Nothing)),DP (0,-13)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:20:7-19 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "wakeupReadFd" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-14)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:21:7-20 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-27)) [((Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:5-33 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- ** Control message sending" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:5-33 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "sendWakeup" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:23:7-16 Nothing)),DP (0,-27)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:22:7-18 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-27)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-27))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "sendDie" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-13 Nothing)),DP (0,-10)),((G AnnComma),DP (1,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:24:7-16 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,-12)) [((Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:5-18 Nothing),DP (0,-1))] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5 Nothing)),DP (1,4)),((AnnComment (Comment "-- * Utilities" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:5-18 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((AnnComment (Comment "setNonBlockingFD" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:26:7-22 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((G AnnComma),DP (2,4))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:25:7-13 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,-12)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,-12))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:27:7-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:1-38 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "import" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:1-6 Nothing),DP (1,0)),((Comment "Foreign.ForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:8-25 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:27 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "ForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:28-37 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:29:38 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:8-25 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:27-38 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,11)) [((Comment "GHC.Base" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:8-15 Nothing),DP (0,-18))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:28-37 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:28-37 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:30:28-37 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:1-15 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:1-31 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "GHC.Conc.Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,-8)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "Signal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:25-30 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:31:31 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:24-31 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,-6)) [((Comment "GHC.Real" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:8-15 Nothing),DP (0,-15)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:17 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "fromIntegral" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:18-29 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-6)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:30 Nothing)),DP (0,-1)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:25-30 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:25-30 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:32:25-30 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:1-30 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:17-30 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "Show" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-21 Nothing)),DP (0,-12)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:22 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-29 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-29 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:33:18-29 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:1-22 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:17-22 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "Word8" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-22 Nothing)),DP (0,-4)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-21 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-21 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:18-21 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:1-23 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:34:23 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:8-15 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:17-23 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,-6)) [((Comment "Foreign.C.Error" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,-8))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-6)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-22 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-22 CN "IEThingAbs",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:18-22 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:1-44 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:24 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment "throwErrnoIfMinus1_" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:25-43 Nothing),DP (0,0)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:35:44 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:24-44 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "CInt" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-28 Nothing)),DP (0,-19)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:29 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:30-31 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:32 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:33 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment "CSize" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:35-39 Nothing)),DP (0,1)),((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:40 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ".." tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:41-42 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((AnnComment (Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:43 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-43 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-43 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:36:25-43 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:1-44 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:8-22 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:24-44 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,-2)) [((Comment "Foreign.ForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:8-25 Nothing),DP (0,-15))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-2)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-28 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-28 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:25-32 CN "IEThingAll",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:27 Nothing)),DP (0,-2)),((AnnComment (Comment "mallocForeignPtrBytes" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:28-48 Nothing)),DP (0,0)),((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnComma),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:35-39 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:35-39 CN "Unqual",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:35-43 CN "IEThingAll",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnDotdot),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:1-65 CN "ImportDecl",
(Ann (DP (1,0)) [((Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:49 Nothing),DP (0,4)),((Comment "withForeignPtr" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:51-64 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment ")" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:37:65 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnImport),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:8-25 CN "{abstract:ModuleName}",
(Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:27-65 CN "(:)",
(Ann (DP (0,-4)) [((Comment "Foreign.Marshal" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:8-22 Nothing),DP (0,-18)),((Comment "(" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:24 Nothing),DP (0,1)),((Comment "alloca" tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:25-30 Nothing),DP (0,0))] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,-4)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:28-48 CN "IEName",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)),
(AnnKey tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:28-48 CN "IEVar",
(Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((AnnComment (Comment "," tests/examples/ghc710/Control.hs:38:31 Nothing)),DP (0,-18)),((AnnComment (Comment "allocaBytes" tests/examp
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