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TiliSleepStealer / NemosMiner-v2.0.7EuroTrash.ps1
Last active March 6, 2024 12:54
NemosMiner EuroTrash euro/day with cleaner output window
[String]$WorkerName = "ID=NemosMiner-v2.0.7",
[Int]$API_ID = 0,
TiliSleepStealer / Entity.h
Created July 7, 2017 08:27
single header entity component system
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
// We will implement groups by giving a group bitset to every entity,
TiliSleepStealer / DoomGlow.cs
Created June 13, 2017 21:45
Doom glow - fake volumetric light glow effect in Unity by Tili_us
// This file is in the public domain. Where
// a public domain declaration is not recognized, you are granted
// a license to freely use, modify, and redistribute this file in
// any way you choose.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Unity remake of a fake volumetric light glow effect
Matrix4 Md2Model::GetTrianglePos(int frameA, int frameB, float interp, int index, const Vector3& localOffset, const Vector3& localRot) {
Vector3 tri[3];
if(frameA == frameB) {
// not animating
Md2Frame_t *pFrame = &_frames[frameA];
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
Md2Vertex_t *pVert = &pFrame->verts[_triangles[index].vertex[j]];
tri[j] = Vector3((pFrame->scale[0] * pVert->v[0] + pFrame->translate[0]) * _scale,
(pFrame->scale[1] * pVert->v[1] + pFrame->translate[1]) * _scale,
TiliSleepStealer / CppCoroutine.cpp
Created June 23, 2014 23:43
C++ Coroutines kinda like Unity but shitier
// c++ Coroutines by [email protected]
// using modified coroutines.hpp from boost
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "SDL/SDL.h"
#include "CoroutineTest.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
namespace { // anonymous namespace