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Created March 5, 2019 15:51
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NiceLib skeleton generator
# Generates a skeleton for a nicelib NiceLib and NiceObj from
# parsing the argnames dict of the low-level bindings
def gen_binding(argnames, libname, objname=None, prefix='',
handlename='instrumentHandle', file=sys.stdout):
p = lambda x: print(x, file=file)
indent = ' '
class_lines = []
obj_lines = []
for name, arg in argnames.items():
name = name.lstrip(prefix)
info_line = '# ' + ' '.join(arg)
sig = 'Sig(%s)'%('\'in\','*len(arg))
line = f'{name} = {sig}'
if not arg[0] == handlename:
class_lines += [info_line, line]
obj_lines += [info_line, line]
p(f'class {libname}(NiceLib):')
for i in class_lines:
if objname and len(obj_lines) > 0:
p(indent + f'class {objname}(NiceObject):')
for i in obj_lines:
p(2*indent + i)
#example call
gen_binding(argnames, 'DFMlib', objname='DeformableMirror', prefix='TLDFM_',
file=open('', 'w'))
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