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Last active April 5, 2020 01:59
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Save TimSC/6546281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python code to parse a JPEG structure and to convert Motion JPEG/MJPG binary data to standard JPEG. This code may be used under CC0.
import struct
huffmanSegment = '\xFF\xC4\x01\xA2\x00\x00\x01\x05\x01\x01\x01\x01'\
class ParseJpeg(object):
def __init__(self):
def Open(self, fiHandle, verbose = 0):
#This function steps through the JPEG structure but
#does nothing useful. It might be a useful basis for
data =
parsing = True
frameStartPos = 0
while parsing:
#Check if we should stop
if frameStartPos >= len(data):
parsing = False
#Read the next segment
twoBytes, frameStartPos, frameEndPos = self.ReadFrame(data, frameStartPos)
if verbose:
print map(hex, twoBytes), frameStartPos, frameEndPos
#Move cursor
frameStartPos = frameEndPos
def InsertHuffmanTable(self, fiHandle, outHandle, verbose = 0):
#This converts an MJPEG frame into a standard JPEG binary
#MJPEG images omit the huffman table if the standard table
#is used. If it is missing, this function adds the table
#into the file structure.
data =
parsing = True
frameStartPos = 0
huffFound = False
while parsing:
#Check if we should stop
if frameStartPos >= len(data):
parsing = False
#Read the next segment
twoBytes, frameStartPos, frameEndPos = self.ReadFrame(data, frameStartPos)
if verbose:
print map(hex, twoBytes), frameStartPos, frameEndPos
#Stop if there is a serious error
if frameStartPos is None:
parsing = False
#Check if this segment is the compressed data
if twoBytes[0] == 0xff and twoBytes[1] == 0xda and not huffFound:
#Check the type of frame
if twoBytes[0] == 0xff and twoBytes[1] == 0xc4:
huffFound = True
#Write current structure to output
#Move cursor
frameStartPos = frameEndPos
def ReadFrame(self, data, offset):
#Based on
cursor = offset
#Check frame start
frameStartPos = offset
twoBytes = struct.unpack_from("BB", data, cursor)
if twoBytes[0] != 0xff:
print "Error: found header", map(hex,twoBytes),"at position",cursor
return twoBytes, None, None
#print map(hex, twoBytes)
cursor += 2
#Handle padding
paddingByte = twoBytes[0] == 0xff and twoBytes[1] == 0xff
if paddingByte: return twoBytes, frameStartPos, cursor
#Structure markers with 2 byte length
markHeader = twoBytes[0] == 0xff and twoBytes[1] >= 0xd0 and twoBytes[1] <= 0xd9
if markHeader: return twoBytes, frameStartPos, cursor
#Determine length of compressed (entropy) data
compressedDataStart = twoBytes[0] == 0xff and twoBytes[1] == 0xda
if compressedDataStart:
sosLength = struct.unpack_from(">H", data, cursor)[0]
cursor += sosLength
#Seek through frame
run = True
entropyData = ""
while run:
byteEnc = data[cursor]
byte = struct.unpack_from("B", data, cursor)[0]
cursor += 1
if byte == 0xff:
byte2 = struct.unpack_from("B", data, cursor)[0]
cursor += 1
if byte2 != 0x00:
if byte2 >= 0xd0 and byte2 <= 0xd8:
#Found restart structure
#print hex(byte), hex(byte2)
#End of frame
run = 0
cursor -= 2
#Add escaped 0xff value in entropy data
entropyData += byteEnc
entropyData += byteEnc
return twoBytes, frameStartPos, cursor
#More cursor for all other segment types
segLength = struct.unpack_from(">H", data, cursor)[0]
#print "segLength", segLength
cursor += segLength
return twoBytes, frameStartPos, cursor
if __name__ == "__main__":
pj = ParseJpeg()
pj.InsertHuffmanTable(open("test.mjpeg","rb"), open("test2.jpeg","wb"), verbose = 1)
#pj.InsertHuffmanTable(open("IMG_6618.JPG","rb"), open("IMG_6618b.JPG","wb"))
#pj.Open(open("IMG_6618.JPG","rb"), verbose = 1)
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