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Created May 30, 2024 00:15
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  • Save Timberfang/522b1263ebeb5e2f804e9f8e72b9d6f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Timberfang/522b1263ebeb5e2f804e9f8e72b9d6f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Move a game's save folder to your "Saved Games" folder, and create a link to the original
param (
$SymbolicLink = $false,
$Hide = $false
function Get-BooleanChoice {
param (
$YesChoice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Yes'
$NoChoice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&No'
$ChoiceList = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($YesChoice, $NoChoice)
$Choice = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Title, $Description, $ChoiceList, 1)
$Output = switch ($Choice) {
0 { $true }
1 { $false }
Default { $false }
return $Output
# Error checks
if (-not ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5 -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 7 -and $IsWindows)) {
Write-Error -Message 'Error: Only Windows is supported by this script.'
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Source)) {
$Source = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the path to the source folder'
$Source = $Source -replace '"' -replace ''''
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Source)) {
Write-Error -Message 'Error: Source folder not found.'
# Use Windows API to get saved games folder - it's not in the Known Folders list, which is the preferred method for many folders.
$SavedGamePath = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:SavedGames').Self.Path
# Build directory path
[string]$FolderName = Get-Item -Path $Source | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
[string]$Destination = Join-Path -Path $SavedGamePath -ChildPath $FolderName
if (Test-Path -Path $Destination\*) {
[bool]$Continue = Get-BooleanChoice -Title 'Folder not empty' -Description 'Warning: Target folder exists and is not empty. Are you sure you want to continue?'
if (-not ($Continue)) { Exit }
# Create target directory & move files
New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory
Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -Recurse | Move-Item -Destination $Destination
Remove-Item -Path $Source
# Create link
if ($SymbolicLink) { [string]$Type = 'SymbolicLink' }
else { [string]$Type = 'Junction' }
New-Item -Path $Source -ItemType $Type -Value $Destination
if ($Hide) {
$Folder = Get-Item $Source
$Folder.Attributes += "Hidden"
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