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Last active January 18, 2025 20:11
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Just a simple script to controll the led color of your ubiquiti unifi AP (PRO)
# author: Timo Stankowitz <[email protected]>
# create date: 2016-07-10
# last change: 2016-07-10
# with this script you can change the led color of your ubiquiti unifi AP
# usage: ./ colorValue
# e.g.: ./ 2
# there are differnet colors that you can choose
# 1: Blue
# 2: White
# 3: Blue + White
# 4: Off
# delete line
sed -i '/mgmt.led_pattern_override/d' $pathToConfig
# replace with your color
echo "mgmt.led_pattern_override=$1" >> $pathToConfig
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