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Created August 7, 2015 23:17
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  • Save TimurM/ae81df5f731f753160f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  1. Initial State of the game:

gameState = { appleCoord: {x: 5, y:5}, score: 0, canvas: null, canvasContext: null, framesPerSecond: 30, cw: 15, //cell width leftX: 0, topY: 0, snakeArray: [], dir: "right", //direction color: "blue" }

  1. Check if there are any Collisions -If snake hits the wall or collides with itself

  2. Create the snake & the apple: gameState = { appleCoord: {x:1, y:2}, (if the apple doesn't exist create one) score: 0, canvas: null, canvasContext: null, framesPerSecond: 30, cw: 15, //cell width leftX: 0, topY: 0, snakeArray: [ //if the snake doesn't exist create one {x:2, y:0}, {x:1, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}], dir: "right", //direction color: "blue" }

  3. update the coords based on movement

  • check to see if a user has updated direction of the snake
  • increment snakes x & y coordinates based on it's direction -if the snake eats an appple, add a square to the snakeArray -otherwise, remove the tail and add it to the front
  1. Move the snake until any collisions -Check to see if the snake collided with the walls or itself -if it did reset the game
  2. Render the Game, the Apple and the Snake
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