Using sw-precache
with Gradle is rather straightforward which allows you to for example generate a service-worker for the Javadoc of your Java application.
task generateJavadoc(type: Javadoc) {
// Specify your Javadoc options here
// After the javadoc is generated, also generate the service-worker
doLast {
try {
logger.lifecycle("Installing sw-precache globally")
exec {
commandLine "npm", "install", "-g", "sw-precache"
exec {
commandLine "sw-precache", "--config=sw-precache-config.json"
// Even though there is an option ignoreExitValue for exec, exec keeps on throwing exceptions.
// Therefore we just have to catch them and continue on with the build.
} catch(Exception ignored) {
logger.lifecycle("NPM is not installed. Aborting generating service-worker");
An example sw-precache-config.json
for the javadoc is:
"staticFileGlobs": [
"stripPrefix": "build/javadoc/",
"swFile": "build/javadoc/service-worker.js"