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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Save Tiny-Giant/acc53f8303121507fc8e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve]. Please actually read the preceding link and make sure that the code you post in your question is minimal (only bare minimum of code necessary to reproduce), complete (all of the code necessary to reproduce) and verifiable (we can reproduce the issue using only the code in your question). Without a proper MCVE in your question, this question is too broad for Stack Overflow.","3"

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve]. Without this, your question is off-topic for Stack Overflow.","3"

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve]. Please actually read the preceding link and make sure that the code you post in your question is minimal (only bare minimum of code necessary to reproduce), complete (all of the code necessary to reproduce) and verifiable (we can reproduce the issue using only the code in your question). Without a proper MCVE in your question, this question is off-topic for Stack Overflow.","2"

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve].","2"

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve]. Please actually read the preceding link and make sure that the code you post in your question is minimal (only bare minimum of code necessary to reproduce), complete (all of the code necessary to reproduce) and verifiable (we can reproduce the issue using only the code in your question). Without a proper MCVE in your question, this question is off-topic for Stack Overflow.","2"

"You've stated ""Questions"" in the title but your post does not include a question statement or a clearly defined problem statement.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve]. A link to an external resource does not count as an MCVE. Without this, your question is off-topic for Stack Overflow.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to include a question statement. As it is your post doesn't actually ask a question, so it is off-topic for Stack Overflow.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to include the smallest complete program necessary to reproduce the issue. See also: [mcve]. Without a complete MCVE, this question is off-topic for stack overflow. The code that you have provided should work.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to include what you've tried so far. Stack Overflow is not a code-writing service, but we can help you fix a specific programming problem. As it is, your question is too broad for Stack Overflow.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to only include the Shortest Program Necessary To Reproduce The Issue. See also: [mcve].","1"

"Please do not vandalize your posts, it is futile. If none of the answers are accepted or upvoted 9 days from now, your question will be automatically deleted.","1"

"Please include a sample of the rendered HTML. No pre-compiled HTML please. Also, please include your CSS.","1"

"Please include an explanation of how this code is different than the OP's code, and why this solves the problem without introducing new problems.","1"

"Please include the relevant HTML. See: How to create a [mcve]","1"

"Please post only rendered HTML, not pre-compiled code.","1"

"Please see: How to create a [mcve]","1"

"You need to first narrow it down to the smallest program necessary to reproduce the issue. Unfortunately MS Word and Dreamweaver both puke out thousands of lines of unnecessary code so that will take you so time. But, as it is, this question is too broad for Stack Overflow. See: [mcve]","1"

"Your [mcve] is not Complete or Verifiable.","1"

"Your [mcve] is not Complete or Verifiable. Please include all relevant code necessary to reproduce the issue.","1"

"I've edited your answer to improve readability, but you should include some semblance of an explanation","1"

"I've edited your question to clarify and simplify for those answering and for future viewers, if I have deviated from the intent of your question please let me know. However I still don't understand what you want by saying 'But, I haven't mentioned the form action and method.' maybe you could clarify what your intention is there.","1"

"I've edited your question to clarify for those answering.","1"

"I've edited your question to clarify, simplify and generalize to make it more useful for future viewers. Please let me know if I've deviated from the intent of your question. Also, you could even get rid of the JavaScript section and the JavaScript related tags as they are no longer relevant.","1"

"I've edited your question to hopefully be more clear for those answering the question, please let me know if I've deviated from the original intent of your post","1"

"I've edited your question to hopefully clarify what you're looking for, please @ping me if I've deviated from your original intent. Also, please include all relevant code necessary to reproduce the issue. See: How to create a [mcve]","1"

"I've edited your question to simplify and clarify for future viewers. Please let me know if I've deviated from the original intent of your question.","1"

"Just a note for future reference, Unless a tag for a framework or library is also included, a pure JavaScript answer is expected for questions with the javascript tag. That is the most likely cause of the downvotes. Unfortunately, I cannot upvote because this question does not ask for nor does it include the tag for jQuery. The same goes for this answer.","1"

"Ok 1. Your [mcve] is not Complete or Verifiable in it's current state. We should be able to see the problem without adding filler code to see the problem, and 2. You should simplify your question, images showing what you want say more than words, and clarify what you're having a problem with.","1"

"Please [edit] your answer to include an explanation of how your code differs from the OP's code, and why it solves the problem without introducing new problems.","1"

"Please [edit] your question down to the smallest program necessary to reproduce the issue. You've posted too much code for us to easily find the issue. Slim the program down as much as possible while still being able to reproduce the issue then post that code. See also: [mcve]","1"

"Please [edit] your question to better explain what is happening, what isn't happening and what you would like to happen. As it is your question is unclear, and as such it is off-topic for Stack Overflow until it can be edited to fit within the guidelines.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to better explain what you mean by ""however it is not working"". As it is your question is off-topic for stack overflow because it is unclear what you're asking.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve] of what you have tried so far. Without this example in your question, this question is off-topic for Stack Overflow.","1"

"Please [edit] your question to include a [mcve] of your existing code as well as what you've tried. Without this, your question is off-topic for Stack Overflow. Please read the link I mentioned and make sure the code that you include in your question is minimal (only the code necessary to reproduce), complete (all of the code necessary to reproduce) and verifiable (we can reproduce the issue with only the code provided in the question).","1"

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