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Tithen-Firion /
Last active September 1, 2021 19:01
WeTV - hijack callback

With this code you can hijack the JSON data WeTV player loads - doesn't matter the encryption version. Change the hijackedCallback function to do whatever you want with the data and then you can create a bookmarklet with this tool. After running the bookmarklet it will hijack one request - initial video load or when you change the quality. Comment out line 10 if you want it to keep hijacking.

If you use this code in your project - let me know and credit me. ;)

Tithen-Firion /
Last active December 20, 2024 14:35
WeTV - cKey function

Here's the code (in JavaScript and Python) to make the cKey for downloading stuff from WeTV. This works for encryption version 8.1. Both versions accept the same arguments, first 5 (vid, tm, appVer, guid and platform) are the same as in the call to url is optional for JavaScript but required for Python - that's the URL of the page you're on. userAgent, referer, navCodeName, navName and navPlatform are optional, check the code for default values.



makeCKey(/* arguments here */);
Tithen-Firion / LEGO Lord of the Rings.dxw
Created January 2, 2019 16:57
LEGO Lord of the Rings - run windowed with DxWnd
title0=LEGO Lord of the Rings
path0=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\LEGO Lord of the Rings\LEGOLOTR.exe
Tithen-Firion / openload.js
Last active November 20, 2021 15:14
Openload: extract download URL using PhantomJS
// Usage: phantomjs openload.js <video_url>
// if that doesn't work try: phantomjs --ssl-protocol=any openload.js <video_url>
var separator = ' | ';
var page = require('webpage').create(),
system = require('system'),
id, match;
if(system.args.length < 2) {
console.error('No URL provided');
$(document).ready(function() {
var _0x531f91 = $('#' + g).text();
var _0x5d72cd = _0x531f91.charCodeAt(0);
_0x5d72cd = _0x531f91;
var _0x1bf6e5 = '';
var _0x41e0ff = 7 * 8;
var _0xccbe62 = _0x5d72cd.length;
var _0x439a49 = _0x5d72cd.substring(0, _0x41e0ff);
var _0x3d7b02 = [];
var _0x31f4aa = {
Tithen-Firion / minified version for bookmarklet
Last active August 25, 2018 21:35
Steam long images fixer. Adds minimal height to long images uploaded with fake resolution
Tithen-Firion / minified version for bookmarklet
Last active May 15, 2017 22:24
Steam profile visibility toggler.
Tithen-Firion / minified version for bookmarklet
Last active April 21, 2021 07:46
Steam background cropper. Crops showcase and avatar images from background. Works on background image url.
Tithen-Firion / minified version for bookmarklet
Last active August 17, 2017 23:10
Steam showcase uploader. Upload long artworks/screenshots on "edit profile" page directly to showcase by choosing file or with drag and drop.