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Created July 23, 2021 15:19
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Tutoriel Pin to Jakartowns
// Inspired from :
// Options are "Jakarto", "Google Directions", "Google Panoramic", and "Google Pin"
var EndGoal = "Jakarto"
var BaseUrl = Decode( EndGoal,
"Jakarto", "${LATITUDE}&lng=${LONGITUDE}",
"Google Directions", "${LATITUDE},${LONGITUDE}",
"Google Panoramic", "${LATITUDE},${LONGITUDE}",
"Google Pin", "${LATITUDE},${LONGITUDE}",
if (BaseUrl == "Invalid"){
Console(EndGoal + " is an invalid value for EndGoal.");
// Convert Lines/Polygons to Points
var PointGeometry = Centroid(Geometry($feature));
var ArcadeX = PointGeometry.x;
var ArcadeY = PointGeometry.y;
var ArcadeSr = PointGeometry.spatialReference.wkid;
var Latitude, Longitude;
function AuxSphereToLatLon(x, y) {
// Conversion based on
var rMajor = 6378137;
var shift = PI * rMajor;
Longitude = x / shift * 180.0;
Latitude = y / shift * 180.0;
Latitude = 180 / PI * (2 * Atan(Exp(Latitude * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
if (ArcadeSr == 4326) {
Console("4326 Spatial Reference - No Conversion Necessary");
Latitude = ArcadeY;
Longitude = ArcadeX;
} else if (ArcadeSr == 102100) {
Console("102100 Spatial Reference - Conversion Necessary");
AuxSphereToLatLon(ArcadeX, ArcadeY);
} else {
Console(ArcadeSr + " Spatial Reference is not supported - currently works with Web Maps where the basemap is in WGS84 (4326) or Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere 102100");
//Build Url Link
function BuildLink(Url, Lat, Long) {
Url = Replace(Url, '${LATITUDE}', Lat);
Url = Replace(Url, '${LONGITUDE}', Long);
return Url;
BuildLink(BaseUrl, Latitude, Longitude);
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