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Created August 25, 2016 15:03
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// Ver: 5.2.50610
if (typeof(st_js) == "undefined") {
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stAHWS = 1; // 1
stSMSC = 1; // 1
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stBIMG = 1; // 1
stILOC = 0; // 0
stILNK = 0; // 0
stDF55 = 0; // 0
stMMSZ = 10; // 10
nOP = nOP5 = nIE = nIE4 = nIE5 = nNN = nNN4 = nNN6 = nKQ = nKQ2 = nMAC = nIEM = nIEW = nDM = nVER = st_delb = st_addb = st_scd = st_ascr = 0, stmozb = 0;
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st_ht = "";
st_ims = [];
st_ms = [];
stusrld = [];
if (nNN4) {
stitovn = stevfn("stitov", 1);
stitoun = stevfn("stitou", 1);
stitckn = stevfn("stitck", 1);
stppovn = stevfn("stppov", 0);
stppoun = stevfn("stppou", 0);
if (nIEM || nOP5) onunload = function() {
for (var j = 0; j < st_ms.length; ++j) st_ms[j].cfrm = 0;
return true;
if (nDM && !nNN4) {
var s = "<STYLE>\n.st_tbcss,.st_tdcss,.st_divcss,.st_ftcss{border:none;padding:0px;margin:0px}\nA.st_acss,A.st_acss:link,A.st_acss:visited,A.st_acss:active,A.st_acss:hover{background-color:transparent;font-style:normal;border:none}\n</STYLE>";
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s += "<FONT ID=st_gl" + j + "></FONT>";
if (nIEW && nVER >= 5 && document.body)
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin", s);
st_js = 1;
function stm_bm(a) {
var w = a[2] && a[2].charAt(a[2].length - 1) != '/' ? a[2] + '/' : a[2];
var p = a.length > 15 ? a[15] && a[15].charAt(a[15].length - 1) != '/' ? a[15] + '/' : a[15] : "";
st_ms[st_cm] = {
ps: [],
mscm: [0, 0],
mei: st_cm,
ids: "Stm" + st_cm + "p",
hdid: 0,
cked: 0,
cfrm: 0,
tfrm: window,
sfrm: window,
mcff: "",
mcfd: 0,
mcfn: 0,
mcfb: 1,
mcfx: 0,
mcfy: 0,
mnam: a[0],
mver: a[1],
mweb: w,
mbnk: stbuf(w + a[3]),
mtyp: a[4],
mcox: a[5],
mcoy: a[6],
maln: stHAL[a[7]],
mcks: a[8],
msdv: a[9],
msdh: a[10],
mhdd: nNN4 ? Math.max(100, a[11]) : a[11],
mhds: a[12],
mhdo: a[13],
mhdi: a[14],
mpre: p,
args: a.slice(0),
mwid: a.length > 16 ? a[16] : "",
midn: (a.length > 17 ? a[17] : 0)
function stm_bp(l, a) {
var m = st_ms[st_cm],
p, i = ?[st_cp].is[st_ci] : 0;
st_cp =;
st_ci = 0;[st_cp] = p = {
is: [],
mei: st_cm,
ppi: st_cp,
ids: "Stm" + st_cm + "p" + st_cp + "i",
par: i,
tmid: 0,
cuit: 0,
issh: 0,
isst: !st_cp && !m.mtyp,
isck: !st_cp && (m.mcks & 1),
exed: 0,
pver: a[0],
pdir: a[1],
poffx: a[2],
poffy: a[3],
pspc: a[4],
ppad: a[5],
plmw: a[6],
prmw: a[7],
popc: a[8],
pstp: a[14],
psds: nIEW ? a[15] : 0,
pscl: a[16],
pbgc: a[17],
pbgi: stbuf(stgsrc(a[18], 0)),
pbgr: stREP[a[19]],
pbds: stBDS[a[20]],
ipbw: a[21],
pbdc: (!nDM || nNN4) ? a[22].split(/\s/gi)[0] : a[22],
args: a.slice(0)
p.peff = [stgeff(a[9], a[10], a[13], p), stgeff(a[11], a[12], a[13], p)];
if (st_cp) p.par.sub = p;
p.zind = !st_cp ? 1000 : stgpar(p.par).zind + 1;
p.pbgd = stgbg(p.pbgc, p.pbgi, p.pbgr);
if (nIEW) p.effn = [p.peff[0] ? p.peff[0].split(" ").length : 0, p.peff[1] ? p.peff[1].split(" ").length : 0];
p.pwd = 0;
p.pht = 0;
eval(l + "=p");
function stm_bpx(l, r, a) {
var p = eval(r);
stm_bp(l, (a.length ? a.concat(p.args.slice(a.length)) : p.args));
function stm_ai(l, a) {
st_ci = st_ms[st_cm].ps[st_cp].is.length;
var m = st_ms[st_cm],
p =[st_cp],
if (a[0] == 6) i = {
ssiz: a[1],
ibgc: [a[2]],
simg: stbuf(stgsrc(a[3], 1)),
simw: a[4],
simh: a[5],
simb: a[6],
args: a.slice(0)
else i = {
itex: a[0] ? a[1] : a[1].replace(/ /g, "&nbsp;"),
iimg: [stbuf(stgsrc(a[2], 0)), stbuf(stgsrc(a[3], 0))],
iimw: a[4],
iimh: a[5],
iimb: a[6],
iurl: (!a[7] || stabs(a[7]) ? (a[7].toLowerCase().indexOf("javascript:") ? a[7] : a[7] + ";void(0);") : m.mpre + a[7]),
itgt: a[8] ? a[8] : "_self",
istt: a[9],
itip: a[10].replace(/"/g, "&quot;"),
iicn: [stbuf(stgsrc(a[11], 1)), stbuf(stgsrc(a[12], 1))],
iicw: a[13],
iich: a[14],
iicb: a[15],
iarr: [stbuf(stgsrc(a[16], 1)), stbuf(stgsrc(a[17], 1))],
iarw: a[18],
iarh: a[19],
iarb: a[20],
ihal: stHAL[a[21]],
ival: stVAL[a[22]],
ibgc: nOP5 && nVER < 7 && a[24] && a[26] ? ["transparent", "transparent"] : [nOP5 && nVER < 7 || !a[24] ? a[23] : "transparent", nOP5 && nVER < 7 || !a[26] ? a[25] : "transparent"],
ibgi: [stbuf(stgsrc(a[27], a[28] && !nNN4)), stbuf(stgsrc(a[28], a[27] && !nNN4))],
ibgr: [stREP[a[29]], stREP[a[30]]],
ibds: stBDS[a[31]],
ipbw: a[32],
ibdc: (!nDM || nNN4) ? [a[33].split(/\s/gi)[0], a[34].split(/\s/gi)[0]] : [a[33], a[34]],
itxc: [a[35], a[36]],
itxf: [a[37], a[38]],
itxd: [stgdec(a[39]), stgdec(a[40])],
args: a.slice(0)
};[st_ci] = i;
i.ityp = a[0];
i.mei = st_cm;
i.ppi = st_cp;
i.iti = st_ci;
i.ids = p.ids + st_ci + "e";
i.sub = 0;
i.tmid = 0;
i.iwd = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : 0;
i.iht = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : 0;
i.cstt = 0;
i.lock = 0;
if (m.midn & 1) sthili(m, i);
eval(l + "=i");
function stm_aix(l, r, a) {
var i = eval(r),
iwd = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : 0,
iht = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : 0;
stm_ai(l, (a.length ? a.concat(i.args.slice(a.length)) : i.args), iwd, iht)
function stm_ep() {
var m = st_ms[st_cm],
p =[st_cp],
i = p.par;
if (i) st_cm = i.mei, st_cp = i.ppi, st_ci = i.iti;
if (! {;
if (i) {
i.sub = 0;
i.iarr = [m.mbnk, m.mbnk];
function stm_em() {
if (!st_cm) stsetld();
var m = st_ms[st_cm];
if (! {
var mh = "",
mc = "<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>\n";
for (var n = nDM ? : 1, j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
var p =[j],
ph = (p.isst ? "<TABLE STYLE='border:none;padding:0px' CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0" + (m.maln == "left" ? "" : " align=" + m.maln) + " " + (![0].pver && m.mwid ? "width=" + (m.mwid.charAt(m.mwid.length - 1) == "%" ? m.mwid : (parseInt(m.mwid) + 2 * p.psds)) : "") + "><TD class=st_tdcss>" : "") + stpbtx(p);
if (!p.pver) ph += "<TR id=" + p.ids + "TRR>";
if (stissc(p)) ph += stsctx(p, 0);
for (var k = 0; k <; ++k) {
var i =[k];
if (i.ityp != 6) i.ibgd = [stgbg(i.ibgc[0], i.ibgi[0], i.ibgr[0]), stgbg(i.ibgc[1], i.ibgi[1], i.ibgr[1])];
ph += p.pver ? "<TR ID=" + p.ids + i.iti + "TRR>" + stittx(i) + "</TR>" : stittx(i);
if (i.ityp != 6) mc += "." + i.ids + "TX0{" + sttcss(i, 0) + "}\n." + i.ids + "TX1{" + sttcss(i, 1) + "}\n";
if (stissc(p)) ph += stsctx(p, 1);
if (!p.pver) ph += "</TR>";
ph += stpetx(p);
if (p.isst) ph += "</TD></TABLE>";
if (p.isst || nNN || nKQ2 || !nDM) mh += ph;
else st_ht += ph;
mc += "</STYLE>";
if (!nDM || nNN4) document.write(mc);
if (mh) document.write(mh);
if (nOP5 || nIEW && nVER >= 5) {
if (st_ht) {
var o = stgobj("st_gl" + st_gc);
if (nOP) o.document.write(st_ht);
else if (nIE) o.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", st_ht);
st_ht = "";
if (nIE) stpre(m);
st_cp = 0;
st_ci = 0;
function stpbtx(p) {
var m = stgme(p);
with(p) {
if (!ppi && (!isst || pver)) m.mwid = "";
if (nNN4 || !nDM) {
var s = (isst ? "<ILAYER" : "<LAYER LEFT=0 TOP=0") + " VISIBILITY=hide ID=" + ids + " Z-INDEX=" + zind + "><LAYER><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BACKGROUND='" + pbgi + "' BGCOLOR=" + (pbgi || pbgc == "transparent" ? "''" : pbgc) + (isst && m.mwid ? " width=100%><td align=" + m.maln + ">" : "><td>") + "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=" + pspc + " border=0><tbody>";
return s;
var s = (isst ? "<TABLE class=st_tbcss CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=" + psds : "<DIV class=st_divcss");
s += stppev(p) + (isst && m.mwid ? " width=100%" : "") + " ID=" + ids + " STYLE='" + (nIEM ? "width:1px;" : "") + (nIEW ? "filter:" + stfcss(p) + ";" : "") + "position:" + (p.isst ? "static" : "absolute;" + (nOP && nVER < 7 || stDRTL ? "" : "left:-9999px;top:-9999px")) + ";z-index:" + zind + ";visibility:hidden;'>";
s += (isst ? "<TD NOWRAP class=st_tdcss ID=" + ids + "TTD>" : "");
if (nNN || isst) s += "<TABLE class=st_tbcss cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 " + (isst && m.mwid ? "width=100%" : "") + " style='" + stpcss(p) + "' ID=" + ids + "TBB><td class=st_tdcss" + (isst && m.mwid ? " id=" + ids + "TBBD><table style='border:none;padding:0px;' align=" + m.maln : "><table class=st_tbcss") + " CELLSPACING=" + (stissc(p) ? 0 : pspc) + " CELLPADDING=0 ID=" + ids + "TB" + (pwd ? " width=" + pwd : "") + (pht ? " height=" + pht : "") + "><TBODY ID=" + ids + "TBDB>";
else s += "<TABLE class=st_tbcss CELLSPACING=" + (stissc(p) ? 0 : pspc) + " CELLPADDING=0 style='" + stpcss(p) + "' ID=" + ids + "TB" + (pwd ? " width=" + (pwd - 2 * ipbw) : "") + (pht ? " height=" + (pht - 2 * ipbw) : "") + "><TBODY ID=" + ids + "TBDB>";
return s;
function stpetx(p) {
return "</TBODY></TABLE>" + (nNN4 || !nDM ? "</td></table></LAYER>" + (p.isst ? "</ilayer>" : "</LAYER>") : (nNN || p.isst ? "</TD></TABLE>" : "") + (p.isst ? "</TD></TABLE>" : "</DIV>"));
function stittx(i) {
var s = "",
p = stgpar(i);
with(i) if (nNN4 || !nDM) {
if (ityp == 6) {
s += "<TD WIDTH=1 NOWRAP BGCOLOR='" + (ibgc[0] == "transparent" ? "" : ibgc[0]) + "'";
s += "><font style='font-size:1pt'><ILAYER ID=" + ids + " HEIGHT=" + (p.pver ? ssiz : "100%") + " WIDTH=" + (p.pver ? "100%" : ssiz) + ">" + stgimg(simg, ids + "LINE", simw, simh, 0, -1) + "</ILAYER></font></TD>";
return s;
s += "<TD WIDTH=1 NOWRAP><font style='font-size:1pt'><ILAYER ID=" + ids + "><LAYER";
s += " BGCOLOR=" + ibdc[0] + ">";
for (var n = 0; n < (nNN4 ? 2 : 1); ++n) {
s += "<LAYER Z-INDEX=10 VISIBILITY=" + (n ? "HIDE" : "SHOW");
s += " LEFT=" + ipbw + " TOP=" + ipbw + ">";
s += "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=" + ibdc[n] + "><td width=100%>";
s += "<TABLE WIDTH=" + (iwd ? iwd : "100%") + (iht && !p.pver ? " height=" + iht : "") + " border=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=" + p.ppad;
s += " BACKGROUND='" + ibgi[n] + "' BGCOLOR=" + (ibgi[n] || ibgc[n] == "transparent" ? "''" : ibgc[n]) + ">";
if (p.pver && p.plmw || !p.pver && iicw) s += "<TD align=left VALIGN=middle" + stgiws(i) + ">" + stgimg(iicn[n], "", iicw, iich, iicb, 1) + "</TD>";
s += "<TD NOWRAP ALIGN=" + ihal + " VALIGN=" + ival + "><A " + (nNN4 ? "" : stgurl(i, 1)) + " CLASS='" + (ids + "TX" + n) + "'>";
if (ityp == 2) s += stgimg(iimg[n], ids + "IMG", iimw, iimh, iimb, -1);
else s += "<IMG SRC='" + stgme(i).mbnk + "' WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE>" + itex;
s += "</A></TD>";
if (p.pver && p.prmw || !p.pver && iarw) s += "<TD ALIGN=right VALIGN=middle" + stgaws(i) + ">" + stgimg(iarr[n], "", iarw, iarh, iarb, 1) + "</TD>";
s += "</TABLE></td><td><IMG SRC='" + stgme(i).mbnk + "' WIDTH=" + ipbw + " HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></td><tr><td><IMG SRC='" + stgme(i).mbnk + "' WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=" + ipbw + " BORDER=0 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></td><td><IMG SRC='" + stgme(i).mbnk + "' WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=" + ipbw + " BORDER=0 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></td></tr>";
s += "</table></LAYER>";
s += "<LAYER Z-INDEX=20></LAYER></LAYER></ILAYER></font></TD>";
} else {
s += "<TD class=st_tdcss ID=" + i.ids + stitev(i);
if (ityp != 6) s += " TITLE=" + stquo(itip) + " VALIGN=" + ival;
s += " STYLE='";
if (!(ityp != 6 && stmozb || nOP && nVER < 6)) s += sticss(i, 0);
s += "'>";
if (ityp == 6) {
s += "<table class=st_tbcss cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% ID=" + i.ids + "SA>";
if (nIEW) s += "<TD class=st_tdcss></TD>";
s += "<td class=st_tdcss NOWRAP align=center valign=middle" + (p.pver ? " width=100% STYLE='" + sticss(i, 0) + "' height=" : " width=") + ssiz + " ID=" + i.ids + "SB>";
s += stgimg(simg, ids + "LINE", simw, simh, 0, -1) + "</td>";
if (nIEW) s += "<TD class=st_tdcss></TD>";
s += "</table>";
} else {
var s1 = "<DIV CLASS=st_divcss" + (stmozb || nOP && nVER < 6 ? " STYLE='" + sticss(i, 0) + "'" : "") + " ID=" + i.ids + "DR>";
s += nKQ2 || nOP && nVER < 6 ? s1 : "";
s += "<A class=st_acss ID=" + i.ids + "HR STYLE='text-decoration:none;" + (nIEW ? "cursor:" + stgcur(i) : "") + "' " + stgurl(i, 0) + ">";
s += nNN ? s1 : "";
s += "<TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=" + (iwd ? iwd : "100%") + (iht ? " HEIGHT=" + iht : "") + " ID=" + ids + "TB style='border:none;padding:0;' align=center>";
if (p.pver && p.plmw || !p.pver && iicw) s += "<TD class=st_tdcss NOWRAP ALIGN=left VALIGN=middle STYLE='padding:" + p.ppad + "px' ID=" + ids + "LTD" + stgiws(i) + ">" + stgimg(iicn[0], ids + "ICON", iicw, iich, iicb, 1) + "</TD>";
else if (nIEW) s += "<TD class=st_tdcss></TD>";
s += "<TD CLASS=st_tdcss VALIGN=" + ival + " NOWRAP STYLE='text-align:" + ihal + ";color:" + itxc[0] + ";padding:" + p.ppad + "px;' ID=" + ids + "MTD>";
s += "<FONT CLASS=st_ftcss ID=" + ids + "TX STYLE=\"" + sttcss(i, 0) + "\">";
if (ityp == 2) s += stgimg(iimg[0], ids + "IMG", iimw, iimh, iimb, -1);
else if (itex) s += itex;
else s += stgimg(stgme(i).mbnk, ids + "IMG", 1, 1, 0, 1);
s += "</FONT>";
s += "</TD>";
if (p.pver && p.prmw || !p.pver && iarw) s += "<TD class=st_tdcss NOWRAP ALIGN=right VALIGN=middle STYLE='padding:" + p.ppad + "px;' ID=" + ids + "RTD" + stgaws(i) + ">" + stgimg(iarr[0], ids + "ARROW", iarw, iarh, iarb, 1) + "</TD>";
else if (nIEW) s += "<TD class=st_tdcss></TD>";
s += "</TABLE>";
s += nNN ? "</DIV>" : "";
s += "</A>";
s += nKQ2 || nOP && nVER < 6 ? "</DIV>" : "";
s += "</TD>";
return s;
function stpcss(p) {
with(p) return "border-style:" + pbds + ";border-width:" + ipbw + "px;border-color:" + pbdc + ";" + (nIE ? "background:" + pbgd + ";" : "background-color:" + pbgc + ";" + (pbgi ? "background-image:url(" + pbgi + ");background-repeat:" + pbgr + ";" : "")) + (nIEW && !p.isst ? "margin:" + psds + "px;" : ";");
function stfcss(p) {
var s = "";
with(p) if (nIEW && (nVER >= 5 || !isst)) {
s += peff[0] + " ";
s += peff[1] + " ";
if (nIE5 || popc != 100) s += "Alpha(opacity=" + popc + ") ";
if (psds) s += pstp == 1 ? "dropshadow(color=" + pscl + ",offx=" + psds + ",offy=" + psds + ",positive=1) " : "Shadow(color=" + pscl + ",direction=135,strength=" + psds + ") ";
return s;
function sticss(i, n) {
with(i) return (ityp != 6 ? "border-style:" + ibds + ";border-width:" + ipbw + "px;border-color:" + ibdc[n] + ";" + (!nIEM && ibgi[n] ? "background-image:url(" + ibgi[n] + ");background-repeat:" + ibgr[n] + ";" : "") : "") + (nIEM && ityp != 6 ? "background:" + ibgd[n] + ";" : "background-color:" + ibgc[n] + ";") + "cursor:" + (nIEM ? "default" : stgcur(i)) + (ityp == 6 ? ";font-size:1px;" : "");
function sttcss(i, n) {
with(i) return "cursor:" + stgcur(i) + ";font:" + itxf[n] + ";text-decoration:" + itxd[n] + ";" + (!nDM || nNN4 || nIE5 ? "background-color:transparent;color:" + itxc[n] : "");
function stgtm(m, w) {
if (w && w != window && stdmld(w)) {
var t = w.stmenu(m.mnam);
if (t) {
t.sfrm = window;
if (t.mhdd < 1000) t.mhdd = 1000;
return t;
return m;
function stitov(e, o, i) {
var p = stgpar(i);
if (!p.issh || o && nIE && e.fromElement && o.contains(e.fromElement) || nOP && e.fromElement && && >= 0) return;
if (nNN4) stglay(i).document.layers[0].captureEvents(Event.CLICK);
var m = stgme(i),
t = m,
w = window;
if (!p.par) {
w = stgfrm(m);
t = stgtm(m, w);
if (!p.isck || m.cked) {
if (p.cuit && p.cuit != i) {
var c = p.cuit;
if (t != m && t) w.sthdit([c.ppi].is[c.iti]);
if (typeof(i.myitov) != "undefined" && i.myitov(e)) return;
stshpx(t, m, i, w);
stshst(i, 1);
stgpar(i).cuit = i;
} else if (t.mcks & 2) stshst(i, 1);
if (nNN4 && i.istt) stcstt(i);
function stitou(e, o, i) {
var p = stgpar(i);
if (!p.issh || nIE && e.toElement && o.contains(e.toElement) || nOP && e.toElement && && >= 0) return;
if (nNN4) stglay(i).document.layers[0].releaseEvents(Event.CLICK);
var m = stgme(i),
t = m,
w = window;
if (!p.par) {
w = stgfrm(m);
t = stgtm(m, w);
if (typeof(i.myitou) != "undefined" && i.myitou(e)) return;
p = i.sub;
var tp = t != m && t ?[i.ppi].is[i.iti].sub : 0;
if (p && p.issh && !p.exed) sthdpp(p);
if (tp && tp.issh && !tp.exed) w.sthdpp(tp);
if (!(p && p.issh || tp && tp.issh)) {
stshst(i, 0);
stgpar(i).cuit = 0;
if (nNN4 && i.istt) status = "";
function stitck(e, o, i) {
if (i.lock || nNN4 && e.which != 1) return;
if (typeof(i.myitck) != "undefined" && i.myitck(e)) return;
var m = stgme(i),
t = m,
w = window;
if (!stgpar(i).par) {
w = stgfrm(m);
t = stgtm(m, w);
var p = stgpar(i);
if (p.isck) {
m.cked = !m.cked;
var p = i.sub;
if (p) {
if (m.cked && !p.issh) stshpx(t, m, i, w);
else if (!m.cked && p.issh) {
var tp = t != m && t ?[i.ppi].is[i.iti].sub : 0;
if (tp) w.sthdpp(tp);
if (!(t.mcks & 2)) stshst(i, m.cked ? 1 : 0);
stgpar(i).cuit = m.cked ? i : 0;
if (i.iurl && m.sfrm != window) sthdalx(m, 0);
if (nKQ2 && i.iurl) {, i.itgt);
if (nIEW && i.iurl) {
var a = stgobj(i.ids + "HR");
i.lock = 1;
if (e.shiftKey) = '_blank';
if (m.sfrm == window) a.focus();
if (nIE && nVER >= 5) eval("try{}catch(e){}");
else; = i.itgt;
i.lock = 0;
function stppov(e, o, p) {
if (!p.issh || nIE && e.fromElement && o.contains(e.fromElement) || nOP && e.fromElement && && >= 0) return;
var m = stgme(p),
w = m.sfrm;
if (p.par && w != window) {
if (stdmld(w)) m = w.stmenu(m.mnam);
else return;
if (m.hdid) {
m.hdid = 0;
function stppou(e, o, p) {
if (!p.issh || nIE && e.toElement && o.contains(e.toElement) || nOP && e.toElement && && >= 0) return;
var m = stgme(p),
w = m.sfrm;
if (p.par && w != window) {
if (stdmld(w)) m = w.stmenu(m.mnam);
else {
sthdalx(m, 0);
if (m.hdid) w.clearTimeout(m.hdid);
m.hdid = w.setTimeout("sthdall(st_ms['" + m.mei + "'],0);", m.mhdd);
function stshst(i, n) {
if (i.cstt == n) return;
if (typeof(i.myshst) != "undefined" && i.myshst(n)) return;
i.cstt = n;
with(i) if (nNN4) {
var ls = stgstlay(i);
ls[n].parentLayer.bgColor = ibdc[n];
ls[n].visibility = "show";
ls[1 - n].visibility = "hide";
} else {
var o = stmozb ? stgobj(i.ids + "DR") : stglay(i),
s =;
if (nIEM) {
if (ibgd[0] != ibgd[1]) s.background = ibgd[n];
} else {
if (ibgc[0] != ibgc[1]) {
if (nOP && nVER < 6) s.background = ibgc[n];
else s.backgroundColor = ibgc[n];
if (ibgi[0] != ibgi[1]) s.backgroundImage = "url(" + (ibgi[n] ? ibgi[n] : stgme(i).mbnk) + ")";
s.backgroundRepeat = ibgr[n];
if (ibdc[0] != ibdc[1]) s.borderColor = ibdc[n];
var t;
if (iicn[0] != iicn[1]) {
t = nIE ? o.all[ids + "ICON"] : stgobj(ids + "ICON");
if (t) t.src = iicn[n];
if (iarr[0] != iarr[1]) {
t = nIE ? o.all[ids + "ARROW"] : stgobj(ids + "ARROW");
if (t) t.src = iarr[n];
if (ityp == 2 && iimg[0] != iimg[1]) {
t = nIE ? o.all[ids + "IMG"] : stgobj(ids + "IMG");
if (t) t.src = iimg[n];
if (!i.txstyle) i.txstyle = (nIE ? o.all[ids + "TX"] : stgobj(ids + "TX")).style;
t = txstyle;
if (itxf[0] != itxf[1]) t.font = itxf[n];
if (itxd[0] != itxd[1]) t.textDecoration = itxd[n];
if (nOP) stgobj(ids + "MTD").style.color = itxc[n];
else t.color = itxc[n];
if (nOP && nVER > 7) with(stglay(stgpar(i)).style) {
var v = visibility;
visibility = "hidden";
visibility = v;
function stshpp(p) {
if (typeof(p.myshpp) != "undefined" && p.myshpp()) return;
function stshpx(t, m, i, w) {
if (t == m) {
var p = i.sub;
if (p && !p.issh && !(!i.ppi && m.mcff && !m.mcfn)) stshpp(p);
} else if (t) {
var p =[i.ppi].is[i.iti].sub;
if (p && !p.issh) w.stshpp(p);
function sthdpp(p) {
if (typeof(p.myhdpp) != "undefined" && p.myhdpp()) return;
if (p.cuit) {
var t = p.cuit.sub;
if (t && t.issh) sthdpp(t);
stshst(p.cuit, 0);
p.cuit = 0;
function stshit(i) {
var p = i.sub;
if (p && !p.issh) stshpp(p);
stshst(i, 1);
stgpar(i).cuit = i;
function sthdit(i) {
var p = i.sub;
if (p && p.issh) sthdpp(p);
stshst(i, 0);
stgpar(i).cuit = 0;
function stshow(p) {
var d = p.par && stgpar(p.par).pver ? stgme(p).msdv : stgme(p).msdh;
p.exed = 0;
if (typeof(p.rc) == "undefined") stgxy(p);
if (p.tmid) {
p.tmid = 0;
stwels(1, p)
if (d > 0) p.tmid = setTimeout(stsdstr(p, 1), d);
p.issh = 1;
if (d <= 0) eval(stsdstr(p, 1));
function sthide(p) {
if (p.tmid) {
p.tmid = 0;
if (p.issh && !p.exed) {
p.exed = 0;
p.issh = 0;
} else {
p.exed = 0;
p.issh = 0;
eval(stsdstr(p, 0));
function stshx(p) {
if (nNN4) {
var l = stglay(p); = "visible";
if (nIE5) l.filters["Alpha"].opacity = p.popc;
function stnshx(p) {
var l = stglay(p);
l.visibility = "show";
if (!p.fixed) {
l.resizeBy(p.ipbw * 2, p.ipbw * 2);
l = l.document.layers[0];
l.moveTo(p.ipbw, p.ipbw);
l.onmouseover = stppovn;
l.onmouseout = stppoun;
for (var j = - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var i =[j];
if (i.ityp != 6) {
var ls = stgstlay(i);
if (i.ityp != 1 || i.iurl) ls[2].resizeTo(ls[0].parentLayer.clip.width, ls[0].parentLayer.clip.height);
if (i.iurl) {
with(ls[2].document) {
write("<A " + stgurl(i, 0) + "><IMG BORDER=0 SRC='" + stgme(i).mbnk + "' WIDTH=" + ls[2].clip.width + " HEIGHT=" + ls[2].clip.height + "></A>");
ls[0].resizeBy(-i.ipbw, -i.ipbw);
ls[1].resizeBy(-i.ipbw, -i.ipbw);
l = stglay(i).document.layers[0];
l.onmouseover = stitovn;
l.onmouseout = stitoun;
l.onclick = stitckn;
if (p.ipbw) setTimeout("var p=st_ms[" + p.mei + "].ps[" + p.ppi + "];stglay(p).bgColor=p.pbdc;", 1);
p.fixed = 1;
function sthdx(p) {
var l = stglay(p);
if (nNN4) l.visibility = "hide";
else {
if (nIE5) l.filters["Alpha"].opacity = 0; = "hidden";
function stcls() {
for (var i = 0; i < st_ms.length; ++i) sthdalx(st_ms[i], 0);
function sthdalx(m, f) {
var w = m.sfrm;
if (w != window) {
if (stdmld(w)) {
var t = w.stmenu(m.mnam);
if (t) w.sthdall(t, f);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i <[0].is.length; ++i) {
var p =[0].is[i].sub;
if (p && p.issh) {
} else sthdall(m, f);
function sthdall(m, f) {
var t = m,
if (m.mcff) {
w = stgfrm(m);
if (w && w != window && stdmld(w)) {
t = w.stmenu(m.mnam);
if (typeof(t) == "object" && t) t.sfrm = window;
if (m.hdid) {
m.hdid = 0;
m.cked = 0;
var p =[0];
if (p.issh) {
var i = p.cuit;
if (p.cuit) {
if (t != m) {
var p =[i.ppi].is[i.iti].sub;
if (p && p.issh) w.sthdpp(p);
if (m.mtyp == 2 && (f || stAHCM)) sthide(p);
function stgeff(f, i, s, p) {
return nVER < 5.5 ? (!p.isst || nVER >= 5) && i < 24 && i >= 0 ? "revealTrans(Transition=" + i + ",Duration=" + ((110 - s) / 100) + ")" : "" : f == "Normal" ? "" : f;
function stftsh(p) {
if (nIEW && nVER >= 5.5) eval("try{stshfx(p);}catch(e){st_reg=0;stshfx(p);}");
else stshfx(p);
function stfthd(p) {
if (nIEW && nVER >= 5.5) eval("try{sthdfx(p);}catch(e){st_reg=0;sthdfx(p);}");
else sthdfx(p);
function stshfx(p) {
var xy = stgxy(p);
if (stissc(p)) stssc(xy[2], p);
stmvto(xy, p);
stwels(-1, p);
if (nIEW && st_reg) {
var ts = stglay(p).filters;
for (var i = 0, j = i + p.effn[0]; i < j; ++i) {
if (ts[i].status) ts[i].stop();
if (nIEW && st_reg) {
var ts = stglay(p).filters;
for (var i = 0, j = i + p.effn[0]; i < j; ++i) ts[i].play();
function sthdfx(p) {
if (nIEW && st_reg) {
var ts = stglay(p).filters;
for (var i = p.effn[0], j = i + p.effn[1]; i < j; ++i) {
if (ts[i].status) ts[i].stop();
stwels(1, p);
if (nIEW && st_reg) {
var ts = stglay(p).filters;
for (var i = p.effn[0], j = i + p.effn[1]; i < j; ++i) ts[i].play();
function ststxy(m, xy) {
m.mcox = xy[0];
m.mcoy = xy[1];
function stnav() {
var v = navigator.appVersion,
a = navigator.userAgent;
nMAC = v.indexOf("Mac") >= 0;
if ((nKQ = (typeof(navigator.product) != "undefined" && navigator.product == "Konqueror/khtml"))) {
nVER = parseFloat(v);
nKQ2 = 1;
stmozb = 1;
} else if ((nOP = a.indexOf("Opera") >= 0)) {
nVER = parseFloat(a.substring(Math.max(a.indexOf("Opera/"), a.indexOf("Opera ")) + 6, a.length));
nOP5 = nVER >= 5;
} else if ((nIE = document.all ? 1 : 0)) {
nIE4 = (eval(v.substring(0, 1)) >= 4);
nVER = parseFloat(a.substring(a.indexOf("MSIE ") + 5, a.length));
nIE5 = nVER >= 5 && nVER < 5.5 && !nMAC;
nIEM = nIE4 && nMAC;
nIEW = nIE4 && !nMAC;
st_ascr = nIEW && nVER >= 5;
} else if ((nNN4 = navigator.appName.toLowerCase() == "netscape" && v.substring(0, 1) == "4")) {
nVER = parseFloat(v);
} else if ((nNN6 = (document.getElementsByTagName("*") && a.indexOf("Gecko") != -1))) {
nVER = parseInt(navigator.productSub);
if (a.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0) {
st_delb = nVER <= 20001108;
st_addb = nVER >= 20020512;
} else {
stmozb = nVER < 20010505 && nVER > 20001205;
st_delb = nVER <= 20010628;
st_addb = nVER >= 20011221 && nVER < 20021016;
st_ascr = nVER >= 20040804;
nNN = nNN4 || nNN6;
nDM = nOP5 || nIE4 || nNN || nKQ2;
function stckpg() {
st_rl = 0;
var w = st_cw,
h = st_ch,
l = st_cl,
t = st_ct;
st_cw = stgcw();
st_ch = stgch();
st_cl = stgcl();
st_ct = stgct();
st_scd = st_cl - l || st_ct - t;
if ((st_cw - w || st_ch - h) && (nOP && nVER < 7 || nNN4)) document.location.reload();
else {
if (!nIEM) stscr();
st_rl = setTimeout("stckpg();", 25);
function st_onload() {
if (st_load) return;
if (nIEM || nOP5 || nNN || nKQ2 || nIEW && nVER < 5) {
if (st_ht) document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", st_ht);
for (var j = 0; j < st_ms.length; ++j) stpre(st_ms[j]);
st_load = 1;
for (var i = stusrld.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
stusrld.length = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < st_ms.length; ++j) {
var m = st_ms[j];
for (var k = 0; k <; ++k) {
var p =[k];
if (p.issh && p.exed) stwels(-1, p);
if (typeof(m.myload) != "undefined") m.myload();
function stpre(m) {
var p =[ - 1],
i =[ - 1];
while (1)
if (stglay(i)) break;
if (!nNN4) stfix(m);
if (m.mtyp != 2) stshow([0]);
if (nIEM) onscroll = onresize = new Function("if(st_scr)clearTimeout(st_scr);st_scr=setTimeout('stscr();',500);");
else if (!st_rl) {
st_cw = stgcw();
st_ch = stgch();
st_cl = stgcl();
st_ct = stgct();
st_rl = setTimeout("stckpg();", 25);
m.ready = 1;
function stfix(m) {
for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) {
var p =[j],
l = stglay(p);
if (!p.isst && (nOP && nVER >= 7 || nNN6)) document.body.appendChild(l);
if (!m.mtyp && p.isst && m.mwid) {
if (nIEM) = l.width;
if (nOP && nVER < 6) = parseInt(stgobj(p.ids + "TB").style.pixelWidth);
if (nIEW && nVER < 5 || nNN6) = parseInt(stgobj(p.ids + "TB").offsetWidth);
if (nIE5) = l.offsetWidth;
function stgsp(sp, d) {
var i = 0,
s = 5;
if (d < s || nIEM || !stSMSC) return d;
d = (d - d % s) / s;
while (d > 0) d -= ++i;
return Math.min(Math.min(i * s, sp + s), 100 * s);
function stscr() {
for (var j = 0; j < st_ms.length; ++j) {
var m = st_ms[j];
if (m.mtyp == 1) {
var p =[0],
o = stgobj(p),
xy = stgxy(p),
rc = stgrc(p);
if (typeof(p.scxs) == 'undefined') p.scxs = 0;
if (typeof(p.scys) == 'undefined') p.scys = 0;
var dx = xy[0] - rc[0],
dy = xy[1] - rc[1];
if (dx || dy) {
if (stAHWS) sthdall(m, 0);
stwels(1, p);
p.scxs = stgsp(p.scxs, Math.abs(dx));
p.scys = stgsp(p.scys, Math.abs(dy));
var x = dx > 0 ? rc[0] + p.scxs : rc[0] - p.scxs,
y = dy > 0 ? rc[1] + p.scys : rc[1] - p.scys;
stmvto([x, y], p);
if (stissc(p)) stssc(stgsc(x, y, p), p);
stwels(-1, p);
} else {
p.scxs = p.scys = 0;
if (stissc(p)) {
stwels(1, p);
stssc(stgsc(xy[0], xy[1], p), p);
stwels(-1, p);
} else if (st_scd && stAHWS && m.sfrm != window) sthdalx(m, 0);
function stmvto(xy, p) {
if (xy && (p.par || stgme(p).mtyp)) {
var l = stglay(p);
if (nNN4) l.moveToAbsolute(xy[0], xy[1]);
else if (nOP) {
var s =;
s.pixelLeft = xy[0];
s.pixelTop = xy[1];
} else {
var s =;
s.left = xy[0] + "px"; = xy[1] + "px";
p.rc = [xy[0], xy[1], p.rc[2], p.rc[3]];
function stsdstr(p, s) {
return "var p=st_ms[" + p.mei + "].ps[" + p.ppi + "];p.tmid=0;" + (s ? "stftsh(" : "stfthd(") + "p);p.exed=1;";
function stevfn(n, i) {
return new Function("e", "var r=/Stm(\\d*)p(\\d*)i" + (i ? "(\\d*)e" : "") + "/;r.exec(;var m=RegExp.$1;var p=parseInt(RegExp.$2);" + (i ? "var i=parseInt(RegExp.$3);" : "") + "return " + n + "(e,this,st_ms[m].ps[p]" + (i ? ".is[i]" : "") + ");");
function stppev(p) {
return " onMouseOver='stppov(event,this,st_ms[" + p.mei + "].ps[" + p.ppi + "]);' onMouseOut='stppou(event,this,st_ms[" + p.mei + "].ps[" + p.ppi + "]);'";
function stitev(i) {
with(i) return ityp == 6 ? "" : " onMouseOver='stitov(event,this,st_ms[" + mei + "].ps[" + ppi + "].is[" + iti + "]);' onMouseOut='stitou(event,this,st_ms[" + mei + "].ps[" + ppi + "].is[" + iti + "]);' onClick='stitck(event,this,st_ms[" + mei + "].ps[" + ppi + "].is[" + iti + "]);'";
function stquo(n) {
return "\"" + n + "\"";
function stgurl(i, f) {
with(i) return (iurl || f ? "HREF=" + stquo(iurl ? iurl.replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;") : "#") + (iurl && itgt ? " TARGET=" + stquo(itgt) : "") : "") + (istt ? " onMouseOver='return stcstt(st_ms[" + mei + "].ps[" + ppi + "].is[" + iti + "]);' onMouseOut=\"top.status=\'\';return true;\"" : "");
function stcstt(i) {
top.status = i.istt;
return true;
function stgdec(v) {
return v ? (v & 1 ? "underline " : "") + (v & 2 ? "line-through " : "") + (v & 4 ? "overline" : "") : "none";
function stgimg(src, id, w, h, b, f) {
var x = w ? w : f,
y = h ? h : f;
return "<IMG SRC=" + stquo(src) + (id ? " ID=" + id : "") + (w > 0 ? " WIDTH=" + w : "") + (h > 0 ? " HEIGHT=" + h : "") + " BORDER=" + b + ">";
function stgbg(c, i, r) {
return i ? c + " url(" + i + ") " + r : c;
function stgcur(i) {
return i.ityp != 6 && (i.iurl || stgpar(i).isck && i.sub) ? (nNN6 || nKQ2 ? "pointer" : "hand") : "default";
function stgiws(i) {
var p = stgpar(i);
return p.pver ? (p.plmw > 0 ? " WIDTH=" + p.plmw : "") : (i.iicw > 0 ? " WIDTH=" + (i.iicw + 2 * i.iicb) : "");
function stgaws(i) {
var p = stgpar(i);
return p.pver ? (p.prmw > 0 ? " WIDTH=" + p.prmw : "") : (i.iarw > 0 ? " WIDTH=" + (i.iarw + 2 * i.iarb) : "");
function stgme(ip) {
var p = st_ms[ip.mei].ps[ip.ppi];
while (p.par) p = stgpar(p.par);
return st_ms[p.mei];
function stgpar(ip) {
return st_ms[ip.mei].ps[ip.ppi];
function stgcl() {
return nIE ? (nIEW && document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement : document.body).scrollLeft : pageXOffset;
function stgct() {
return nIE ? (nIEW && document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement : document.body).scrollTop : pageYOffset;
function stgcw() {
return nIE ? (nIEW && document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement : document.body).clientWidth : innerWidth;
function stgch() {
return nIE ? (nIEW && document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement : document.body).clientHeight : innerHeight;
function stgobj(id) {
with(document) return nIE && nVER < 5 ? all[id] : nNN4 ? layers[id] : getElementById(id);
function stglay(ip) {
if (!ip.layer) ip.layer = !stisit(ip) || nNN6 || nKQ2 || nOP5 ? stgobj(ip.ids) : nNN4 ? stglay(stgpar(ip)).document.layers[0].document.layers[ip.ids] : stglay(stgpar(ip)).all.tags("td")[ip.ids];
return ip.layer;
function stgstlay(i) {
return stglay(i).document.layers[0].document.layers;
function stgrc(ip) {
var ly = stglay(ip);
if (nNN4) return [ly.pageX, ly.pageY, ly.clip.width, ly.clip.height];
else {
var l = 0,
t = 0,
w = typeof(ip.rc) == "undefined" ? parseInt(nOP && nVER < 7 ? : ly.offsetWidth) : ip.rc[2],
h = typeof(ip.rc) == "undefined" ? parseInt(nOP && nVER < 7 ? : ly.offsetHeight) : ip.rc[3];
while (ly) {
l += parseInt(ly.offsetLeft);
t += parseInt(ly.offsetTop);
if (nIEW && stisit(ip) && == stgpar(ip).ids + "SC") {
l -= ly.scrollLeft;
t -= ly.scrollTop;
ly = (nKQ2 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Safari") >= 0) && && && == "absolute" ? 0 : ly.offsetParent;
if (st_ascr && nNN6 && stisit(ip) && (ly = stgobj(stgpar(ip).ids + "SC"))) {
l -= ly.scrollLeft;
t -= ly.scrollTop;
if (stisit(ip)) {
var p = stgpar(ip);
if (st_delb) {
l -= ip.ipbw;
t -= ip.ipbw;
if (st_addb) {
var w = p.ipbw;
l += w;
t += w;
if (nIEM) {
for (var ly = stgobj((p.pver ? p.ids + ip.iti : p.ids) + "TRR"), t = 0; ly; ly = ly.offsetParent) t += parseInt(ly.offsetTop);
l += parseInt(document.body.leftMargin);
} else if (nNN && p.pver) w = parseInt(stgobj(ip.ids + "DR").offsetWidth) + 2 * ip.ipbw;
} else if (nIEM) w = parseInt(stglay(ip).offsetWidth) - ip.ipbw;
if (stDRTL && nIEW && nVER < 6 && nVER > 5) l -= stgcw();
return [l, t, w, h];
function stgxy(p) {
var sr = stgrc(p),
ss = 0;
p.rc = sr.slice(0);
if (stissc(p)) {
var sc = stgobj(p.ids + "SC");
sr[p.pver ? 3 : 2] = ss = (p.pver ? sc.scrollHeight : sc.scrollWidth) + 2 * p.ipbw + 2 * p.psds;
if (!p.par) {
var m = stgme(p),
x, y;
if (m.mtyp) {
x = eval(m.mcox + "");
y = eval(m.mcoy + "");
} else {
x = sr[0];
y = sr[1];
if (nIEW) {
x -= p.psds;
y -= p.psds;
return stissc(p) ? [x, y, stgsc(x, y, p)] : [x, y];
var ir = stgirc(p.par),
l = stgcl() - p.psds + stgspc(p, 2),
t = stgct() - p.psds + stgspc(p, 0),
r = stgcl() + stgcw() - stgspc(p, 3),
b = stgct() + stgch() - stgspc(p, 1),
x = p.poffx + ir[0],
y = p.poffy + ir[1];
x -= p.pdir == 1 ? sr[2] : p.pdir == 2 ? p.psds - ir[2] : p.psds;
y -= p.pdir == 3 ? sr[3] : p.pdir == 4 ? p.psds - ir[3] : p.psds;
if (stissc(p) && !p.pver) {
var ms = p.pdir == 1 ? (x = Math.max(Math.min(Math.min(r, ir[0] + p.poffx) - sr[2], x), l), Math.min(ir[0] + p.poffx, r) - x) : (x = p.pdir == 2 ? Math.max(x, l) : Math.max(Math.min(r - sr[2], x), l), r - x);
if (nNN6) ms -= 12;
ss = ss > ms ? ms : 0
} else x = Math.max(Math.min(r - sr[2], x), l);
if (stissc(p) && p.pver) {
var ms = p.pdir == 3 ? (y = Math.max(Math.min(Math.min(b, ir[1] + p.poffy) - sr[3], y), t), Math.min(ir[1] + p.poffy, b) - y) : (y = p.pdir == 4 ? Math.max(y, t) : Math.max(Math.min(b - sr[3], y), t), b - y);
if (nNN6) ms -= 19;
ss = ss > ms ? ms : 0
} else y = Math.max(Math.min(b - sr[3], y), t);
return [x, y, ss];
function stbuf(s) {
if (s && stBIMG) {
var i = new Image();
st_ims[st_ims.length] = i;
i.src = s;
return s;
function stabs(s) {
var t = s.toLowerCase();
return t.indexOf(":") == 1 && t.charCodeAt() >= "a" && t.charCodeAt() <= "z" || !t.indexOf("http:") || !t.indexOf("https:") || !t.indexOf("file:") || !t.indexOf("ftp:") || !t.indexOf("/") || !t.indexOf("javascript:") || !t.indexOf("mailto:") || !t.indexOf("about:") || !t.indexOf("gopher:") || !t.indexOf("news:") || !t.indexOf("telnet:") || !t.indexOf("wais:");
function stgsrc(s, f) {
var m = st_ms[st_cm];
return s ? stabs(s) ? s : m.mweb + s : f ? m.mbnk : s;
function showFloatMenuAt(n, x, y) {
if (nDM) {
var m = stmenu(n);
if (m && typeof(m.ready) != "undefined" && m.mtyp == 2 && && ![0].issh) {
ststxy(m, [x, y]);
function hideMenu(n) {
var m = stmenu(n);
sthdall(m, 1);
function stmenu(n) {
for (var j = st_ms.length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (st_ms[j].mnam == n) return st_ms[j];
return 0;
function stgirc(i) {
var m = stgme(i),
w = m.sfrm;
if (stgpar(i).par || w == window) return stgrc(i);
m = w.stmenu(m.mnam);
var rc = w.stgrc([0].is[i.iti]);
if (window.parent == w) {
var x = rc[0],
y = rc[1];
} else {
var x = rc[0] - w.stgcl(),
y = rc[1] - w.stgct();
i.sub.pdir = 4 - m.mcfd;
switch (m.mcfd) {
case 0:
y -= w.stgch();
case 1:
y += stgch();
case 2:
x -= w.stgcw();
case 3:
x += stgcw();
return [x + stgcl() + m.mcfx, y + stgct() + m.mcfy, rc[2], rc[3]];
function stisit(ip) {
return typeof(ip.iti) != "undefined";
function stgtgt(i) {
var t = i.itgt;
if (t == "_self") return window;
else if (t == "_parent") return parent;
else if (t == "_top") return top;
for (var co = window; co != co.parent; co = co.parent)
if (typeof(co.parent.frames[t]) != "undefined") return co.parent.frames[t]; return 0;
function stgfrm(m) {
if (!m.mcff) return window;
if (m.mhdd < 1000) m.mhdd = 1000;
var a = m.mcff.split("."),
w = "parent";
for (var j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) {
w += "." + a[j];
if (typeof(eval(w)) == "undefined") return 0;
return eval("parent." + m.mcff);
function stgspc(p, d) {
var m = stgme(p),
w = m.sfrm;
return p.par && !p.par.ppi && w != window && stdmld(w) && w.stmenu(m.mnam).mcfd == d ? stCFSP : stSCSP;
function stsetld() {
if (nDM) {
if (typeof(onload) != "undefined" && onload != st_onload && onload) stusrld[stusrld.length] = onload;
onload = st_onload;
function stdmld(w) {
return typeof(w.st_load) != "undefined" && w.st_load;
function stissc(p) {
return st_ascr && p.ppi && stgme(p).mscm[p.pver];
function stm_sc(n, a) {
if (st_ascr) st_ms[st_cm].mscm[n] = {
sbgc: [a[0], a[1]],
sbgi: [stbuf(stgsrc(a[2], 0)), stbuf(stgsrc(a[3], 0))],
sbgr: [stREP[a[4]], stREP[a[5]]],
sbds: stBDS[a[6]],
sbdw: a[7],
sbdc: [a[8], a[9]],
simg: [
[stbuf(stgsrc(a[10], 0)), stbuf(stgsrc(a[11], 0))],
[stbuf(stgsrc(a[15], 0)), stbuf(stgsrc(a[16], 0))]
simw: [a[12], a[17]],
simh: [a[13], a[18]],
simb: [a[14], a[19]]
function stsctx(p, d) {
with(p) with(stgme(p).mscm[p.pver]) return (d ? "</table></div></td>" + (pver ? "</tr>" : "") : "") + (pver ? "<tr style='display:none'><td" : "<td height=100% style='display:none'") + " class=st_tbcss style='padding:" + pspc + "px'><table onmouseover='stscev(st_ms[" + mei + "].ps[" + ppi + "]," + d + ",1)' onmouseout='stscev(st_ms[" + mei + "].ps[" + ppi + "]," + d + ",0)' id=" + ids + (d ? "SN" : "SP") + " height=100% width=100% class=st_tbcss cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='cursor:default;border-style:" + sbds + ";border-width:" + sbdw + "px;border-color:" + sbdc[0] + ";background-color:" + sbgc[0] + (sbgi[0] ? ";background-image:url(" + sbgi[0] + ")" : "") + ";background-repeat:" + sbgr[0] + ";'><td nowrap height=100% class=st_tdcss style='padding:" + ppad + "px;' align=center><img src='" + simg[d][0] + "' align=absmiddle border=" + simb[d] + (simw[d] >= 0 ? " width=" + simw[d] : "") + (simh[d] >= 0 ? " height=" + simh[d] : "") + "></td></table></td>" + (d ? (pver ? "</tr>" : "") : (pver ? "</tr><tr>" : "") + "<td class=st_tbcss><div id=" + ids + "SC class=st_divcss style='width:;height:;overflow:hidden;'><table class=st_tbcss cellpadding=0 cellspacing=" + pspc + " border=0>");
function stscev(p, d, v) {
p.scpx = d ? v ? 4 : 0 : v ? -4 : 0;
with(stgme(p).mscm[p.pver]) {
var o = stgobj(p.ids + (d ? "SN" : "SP")).style;
if (sbdc[0] != sbdc[1]) o.borderColor = sbdc[v];
if (sbgc[0] != sbgc[1]) o.backgroundColor = sbgc[v];
if (sbgi[0] != sbgi[1]) o.backgroundImage = sbgi[v] ? "url(" + sbgi[v] + ")" : "none";
o.backgroundRepeat = sbgr[v];
if (!p.scid) p.scid = setTimeout("stscit(st_ms[" + p.mei + "].ps[" + p.ppi + "]);", 10);
function stscit(p) {
var d = p.scpx;
p.scid = 0;
with(stgme(p).mscm[p.pver]) if (d) {
var sp = stgobj(p.ids + "SP"),
sn = stgobj(p.ids + "SN"),
sc = stgobj(p.ids + "SC"),
st = p.pver ? sc.scrollTop : sc.scrollLeft,
mx = p.pver ? sc.scrollHeight - sc.offsetHeight : sc.scrollWidth - sc.offsetWidth;
if (st == 0 && d < 0 || st == mx && d > 0) return;
if (st == (d > 0 ? 0 : mx))(d > 0 ? sp : sn).rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0].src = simg[d > 0 ? 0 : 1][1];
st += d;
if (d > 0 ? (st >= mx) : (st <= 0)) {
(d > 0 ? sn : sp).rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0].src = simg[d > 0 ? 1 : 0][0];
st = d > 0 ? mx : 0;
} else p.scid = setTimeout("stscit(st_ms[" + p.mei + "].ps[" + p.ppi + "]);", 10);
p.pver ? (sc.scrollTop = st) : (sc.scrollLeft = st);
function stgsc(x, y, p) {
var sc = stgobj(p.ids + "SC"),
ms = p.pver ? stgct() + stgch() - y - stgspc(p, 1) : stgcl() + stgcw() - x - stgspc(p, 3);
return (p.pver ? sc.scrollHeight : sc.scrollWidth) + 2 * p.ipbw > ms ? ms : 0;
function stssc(s, p) {
if (s >= 0) {
if (typeof(p.scid) == "undefined") p.scid = 0, p.scsu = 0, p.scsd = 1;
var l = stglay(p),
sp = stgobj(p.ids + "SP"),
sn = stgobj(p.ids + "SN"),
sc = stgobj(p.ids + "SC");
(p.pver ? sp.parentNode : sp) = (p.pver ? sn.parentNode : sn) = s ? '' : 'none'; = s ? "hidden" : "";
if (s) s = Math.max(s - (p.pver ? sp.offsetHeight + sn.offsetHeight : sp.offsetWidth + sn.offsetWidth) - 2 * p.ipbw - 2 * p.psds - 4 * p.pspc, 1);
if ((p.pver ? : == (s ? s + 'px' : '')) return;
p.pver ? ( = s ? s + 'px' : '') : ( = s ? s + 'px' : '');
with(stgme(p).mscm[p.pver]) if (s) {
sp.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0].src = simg[0][(p.pver ? sc.scrollTop : sc.scrollLeft) ? 1 : 0];
sn.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0].src = simg[1][(p.pver ? sc.scrollTop != sc.scrollHeight - sc.offsetHeight : sc.scrollLeft != sc.scrollWidth - sc.offsetWidth) ? 1 : 0];
function stwels(c, p) {
var m = stgme(p);
if (!st_load || nNN4 || nOP || p.isst) return;
if (m.mhds && !nIEM) stwtag("SELECT", c, p);
if (m.mhdo && (nIE4 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Safari") >= 0)) {
stwtag("OBJECT", c, p);
if (nIE4) stwtag("APPLET", c, p);
if (m.mhdi && (nIEM || nIEW && nVER < 5.5)) stwtag("IFRAME", c, p);
function stwtag(tg, c, p) {
var es = nIE ? document.all.tags(tg) : document.getElementsByTagName(tg);
for (var j = 0; j < es.length; ++j) {
var f = 0,
e = es.item(j);
for (var t = e.offsetParent; t; t = t.offsetParent)
if ( &&"Stm") >= 0) f = 1;
if (f) continue;
else if (stwover(e, p)) {
if (e.visLevel) e.visLevel += c;
else e.visLevel = c;
if (e.visLevel == -1) {
if (typeof(e.visSave) == "undefined") e.visSave =; = "hidden";
if (typeof(mywehd) != 'undefined' && mywehd(e)) return;
} else if (!e.visLevel) {
if (typeof(mywesh) != 'undefined' && mywesh(e)) return; = e.visSave;
function stwover(e, p) {
var l = 0,
t = 0,
w = e.offsetWidth,
h = e.offsetHeight;
w ? (e._wd = w) : (w = e._wd);
h ? (e._ht = h) : (h = e._ht);
while (e) l += e.offsetLeft, t += e.offsetTop, e = e.offsetParent;
return l < p.rc[2] + p.rc[0] && l + w > p.rc[0] && t < p.rc[3] + p.rc[1] && t + h > p.rc[1];
function sthili(m, i) {
with(m) if (i.ityp != 6 && stcurl(i, midn & 0x02000000)) {
if (midn & 0x01000000) i.iurl = "";
do {
if (midn & 2) i.itxc[0] = i.itxc[1];
if (midn & 4) {
i.itxf[0] = i.itxf[1];
i.itxd[0] = i.itxd[1];
if (midn & 8) i.ibgc[0] = i.ibgc[1];
if (midn & 16) {
i.ibgi[0] = i.ibgi[1];
i.ibgr[0] = i.ibgr[1];
if (midn & 32) i.ibdc[0] = i.ibdc[1];
if (midn & 64) i.iicn[0] = i.iicn[1];
if (midn & 128) i.iimg[0] = i.iimg[1];
if (midn & 256) i.iarr[0] = i.iarr[1];
i = stgpar(i).par;
} while (i && (midn & 0x04000000));
function stcurl(i, c) {
var t = stgtgt(i);
var u = t ? t.location.href : "",
h = i.iurl;
if (!c) {
u = u.toLowerCase();
h = h.toLowerCase();
if (u && h) {
if (!h.indexOf("file:////")) h = h.replace(/[\/]{4,}/, "//");
else if (h.charAt(0) == "/") {
var re = /(file:\/{2,}[^\/]+\/|http:\/\/[^\/]+\/|https:\/\/[^\/]+\/)/;
var s = RegExp.$1,
n, r;
r = s && !u.indexOf(s) ? s.substr(0, s.length - 1) : "";
h = r ? r + h : "";
} else if (!stabs(h)) {
h = u.substr(0, u.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + h;
var re = new RegExp("/\\./");
while (h.indexOf("/./") > 0) h = h.replace(re, "/");
re = new RegExp("[^/]*/\\.\\./");
while (h.indexOf("/../") > 0) h = h.replace(re, "");
return u && h && (u == h || u == h + "/" || stILNK && u == h.substr(0, Math.max(0, h.indexOf("?"))) || stILOC && h == u.substr(0, Math.max(0, u.indexOf("?"))));
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