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Created April 30, 2019 11:55
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A simple Binary Search Tree in F#.
module BinarySearchTree
// Recursive tree type.
// Generic constraint to prevent creation of
// a tree where it doesn't make sense.
type Tree<'a when 'a : comparison> =
| Node of 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>
| Empty
/// Create an empty tree.
let createEmptyTree = Empty
/// Create a tree with a single value.
let createTree value = Node (value, Empty, Empty)
/// Insert a value into the given tree.
let rec insert tree value =
match tree with
| Empty -> Node (value, Empty, Empty)
| Node (node, lhs, rhs) when value < node ->
Node (node, insert lhs value, rhs)
| Node (node, lhs, rhs) when value > node ->
Node (node, lhs, insert rhs value)
| _ -> tree
/// Does the tree contain the value?
let rec contains tree value =
match tree with
| Empty -> false
| Node (node, lhs, rhs) ->
if node = value then true
else if value < node then contains lhs value
else contains rhs value
/// Convert a list to a binary search tree.
let toBST list =
let mutable tree = createEmptyTree
let rec insertFirstElement list =
match list with
| head :: tail ->
tree <- insert tree head
insertFirstElement tail
| [] -> ()
insertFirstElement list
/// Get the largest value in the given tree.
let rec largest tree =
match tree with
| Empty -> None
| Node (node, _, rhs) ->
match rhs with
| Empty -> Some node
| _ -> largest rhs
/// Get the smallest value in the given tree.
let rec smallest tree =
match tree with
| Empty -> None
| Node (node, lhs, _) ->
match lhs with
| Empty -> Some node
| _ -> smallest lhs
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