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Created August 1, 2021 20:10
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Recreating boot disk of a live instance from last snapshot on Google Cloud Platform
# stop instance
gcloud compute instances stop YOURINSTANCE --zone=YOURZONE
# remove boot disk from instance
gcloud compute instances detach-disk YOURINSTANCE --zone=YOURZONE --disk YOURDISK
# delete old boot disk
gcloud compute disks delete YOURDISK --zone=YOURZONE
# find last snapshot
gcloud compute snapshots list --sort-by=~creationTimestamp --limit=1
# create disk from last snapshot
gcloud beta compute disks create YOURDISK --type=pd-balanced --size=100GB --zone=YOURZONE --source-YOURSNAPSHOT
# attach new disk to instance
gcloud compute instances attach-disk YOURINSTANCE --zone=YOURZONE --disk YOURDISK --boot
# start instance
gcloud compute instances start YOURINSTANCE --zone=YOURZONE
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